Starseed vs Watchmen is being held in ?go 4v4a - Nelson+ Reaem> there we go C 1:Reaem> go 4v4a Reaem> cyas Welcome to the Premier League portion of SSCX Chaos/League SVS. Site: Nelson+> yup T bodyhunt> hi nelson pseudo> nelly newbie T Nelson+> hi Nelson+> hihi Reaem> hi C 1:Reaem> fucking christ C 1:Five o ford> slow C 1:Murder in the First> ? C 1:Reaem> they got the pro winners C 1:Five o ford> they'll need them! C 1:Reaem> lol yes C 1:UG> lol T life> cock fucking lover Reaem> LIFE Reaem> HI life> hi T Reaem> u love teh nelson cock life> do you have an online asteroid match right now Reaem> yes life> against who Reaem> watchmen life> get tom petty in here UG> men watchers Reaem> um Reaem> why Reaem> :/ life> he is on your team life> have tom petty in here life> he can warp to center life> and meet us at south gate Reaem> Five o ford> there is no powerball in 4v4:( Murder in > no he said there is no ball Murder in > no power included Reaem> are u sure life> you will need tom pettys sliding skills C 1:Tom Petty> pro game? Reaem> i thought he said powerball life> if you want to beat watchmen C 1:Tom Petty> need me? Murder in > what freq am i on C 1:Five o ford> always Liar> life i killed you remember Money vs Happy Mob is being held in ?go 4v4aml1 - El Refidente+ C 1:UG> yes life> liar doesnt know how to stop the slide C 1:Reaem> need u to come support your team :/ Liar> 1v4 life> yes i remember pseudo> afk smoke pseudo> nelly C 1:UG> i never knew tom petty was alive C 1:Reaem> what r u doing in pb anyways C 1:Five o ford> sing us a song C 1:UG> i thought he just sat on freq life> no it wasnt 1v4 C 1:Tom Petty> well i'll come, but i'll spec if that's ok? :) Nelson+> wtf since when did u smoke pseudo> i'll be on my porch Liar> 2v4 life> no Nelson+> wait C 1:Tom Petty> lies Nelson+> is it chronic? pseudo> like 5 mins C 1:Reaem> k Liar> 1v5? life> it was either 3v4 or 4v4 Reaem> hi nelson life> i was repelled into your shit Nelson+> hi Reaem> can we get some freqs Liar> i know it was funny Nelson+> ur on 100 C 1:Reaem> 100 C 1:Reaem> five mitf and ug in life> we need BurgerBot for this match Reaem> haha Reaem> wish i could C 1:Tom Petty> where r u UG> lol C 1:Murder in the First> 4v4a P Reaem> Reaem Five o ford Murder in the first and UG C 1:Tom Petty> i c T Tom Petty> win you bastards C 1:Murder in the First> wow this is kool, we have ppl on NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining. C 1:Reaem> yes C 1:Reaem> we will win T Five o for> i say we play agressive T Reaem> we need a 2 pt lead C 1:Sparklin> yah last week was quite the turnout T Five o for> or start slow then T Reaem> and then we run the clock T Reaem> ok? T Reaem> :P starters check out T Tom Petty> k bodyhunt> UG T Murder in > dont tell reaem that he'll die tell him to play defensive Nelson+> here we go UG> BODY UG> HUNT T Reaem> exacty $$ vs Happy Bob is being held in ?go 4v4c - El Refidente+ T Reaem> :P bodyhunt> ! UG> ! Starting in one minute. You may recycle as needed until then. vihta> pseudo afk NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. UG> will u play :( Nelson+> sigh Nelson+> still? T Five o for> lets turn on the lame! bodyhunt> dunno :( Liar> why is he afk T Five o for> mine rep and shit bodyhunt> it's up to coach The game was a TIE in 71582 minutes.. Final Score: 0-0 MVP: -NONE- ------Starseed------------------Ki--De--TK--LO--ID--PlayT--SubbedBy------------------------ Name: Five o ford 0 0 0 0 0 71582:04 Name: Reaem 0 0 0 0 0 71582:04 Name: Murder in the First 0 0 0 0 0 71582:04 Name: UG 0 0 0 0 0 71582:04 TEAM TOTALS 0 0 0 0 ------Watchmen------------------Ki--De--TK--LO--ID--PlayT--SubbedBy------------------------ Name: vihta 0 0 0 0 0 71582:04 Name: gato 0 0 0 0 0 71582:04 Name: pseudo 0 0 0 0 0 71582:04 Name: Liar 0 0 0 0 0 71582:04 TEAM TOTALS 0 0 0 0 Game Over!!! 71582:04 Arena is unlocked vihta> smoking UG> wtf gato> gg vihta> like he said Sparklin> gg P Parabola> you guys can win this P Parabola> $ UG> 71582 minutes P Reaem> yes UG> $ P Reaem> $ T Reaem> ok five T Reaem> but Starting in 10 seconds... T Murder in > dont waste ur reps 3 T Reaem> lame is good...mining and minerep is wasted:P T Five o for> mmm yea 2 Sparklin> 1440 minutes in a day 1 Nelson+> ignored GO!!! Nelson+> IGNORE Nelson+> HOES Nelson+> lol Starseed vs Watchmen UG> ? Ref: Nelson+ gato> NICE TRICK NELSON UG> ignore what Nelson+> the bot T Reaem> (200:0): ANTIWARP ON near O11. T Reaem> (200:0): ANTIWARP ON near O11. Nelson+> is being gay T Reaem> er T Reaem> dont think we're playing gato> I HAVE ATTACHMENT gato> pseudo is back Nelson+> OK THEN Reaem> just go Starting in one minute. You may recycle as needed until then. Reaem> sigh NOTICE: 1 minute remaining. T Five o for> um is there a weak one? Reaem> focker T Reaem> no T Reaem> lol Liar> what is going on Liar> didnt it say go T Reaem> we just gotta play good Nelson+> i said UG> he said ignore gato> nelson said ignore Nelson+> ignore gato> the gay bot T Reaem> and use teamwork and lameness Tom Petty> el gato, sientense Liar> i dont listen to blue Nelson+> but listen to it this time T Murder in > the weak one is the one that dies ez T Reaem> lol Sparklin> ./would you shut up jaaoko im tryin to listen to the grass grow, fuckin christ Sparklin> opos T UG> < weak one T Reaem> no I am T Five o for> :( Elemental Forces vs Tweaked is being held in ?go 4v4aml4 - Frowzy+ Starting in 10 seconds... T UG> sub me if i lag out T Reaem> k here we go 3 2 1 GO!!! Log file open: SSvsWM3 pseudo> lol elemental forces T Reaem> (200:0): ANTIWARP ON near N13. T Reaem> (200:0): ANTIWARP ON near N13. pseudo> gl Starseed vs Watchmen Ref: Nelson+ T Sparklin> ok i can sub, YEAAAAAHHH go getttttttttt thhhhhhh eeeeeeeeeee kiiiiiilllllllllzzzzzzzsssss T Sparklin> 10 min countdown started, win in 10... T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L14. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L14. T Five o for> lair 0 T UG> dont tk :P pseudo kb Five o ford Kill Time: 5:23 pseudo has 2 lives left Score: 1-0 Starseed T Reaem> $ T Sparklin> the watchmen are watching us carefully, they are planning and calculating our every move, a first kill for us means nothing! =) UG kb Liar Kill Time: 6:36 UG has 2 lives left Score: TIED 1-1 T Murder in > shit T UG> ok, i will remember to rep T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L16. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L16. T Sparklin> liar--0 reps Masterlord> 777444 T Sparklin> all rest have 2 T life> tom petty warp to center T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near J16. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near J16. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near J16. T Murder in > Yellow M14s ----- CORONA + LIME T Murder in > where T Five o for> viht -1 T Sparklin> get liar, he has 0 fuckin reps T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I13. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I13. T Reaem> stay together BALLISTICS vs Heaven is being held in ?go 4v4d - Demishadow+ life> MASTERLORD IN T Reaem> move out of there Ra> highlife life> hi gato kb Reaem Kill Time: 10:28 gato has 2 lives left Score: 2-1 Starseed life> reaem just bk broiled gatos ass T Sparklin> get more kiillllllllzzz T Sparklin> phuckas! UG kb vihta Kill Time: 11:09 UG has 1 life left Score: TIED 2-2 T UG> damnit Nelson+> go T UG> told u i was eziest reaem Five o ford kb pseudo Kill Time: 11:25 Five o ford has 2 lives left Score: 3-2 Watchmen UG changes ships Five o for> lol T Reaem> (203:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near H13. T Reaem> (203:0): 0 REPELS near H12 with 726. T Murder in > gasto -1 T Reaem> (203:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near H12. T Reaem> (203:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near H12. Reaem> ! T Reaem> (203:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near N14. T Reaem> (203:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near N14. T Reaem> (203:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near N14. T UG> lets get ouf of here Reaem kb pseudo Kill Time: 14:09 Reaem has 2 lives left P Prembot-5> You have 30 seconds to change ships. Reply privately with '!sc shipnumber or name' to change ships. Score: 4-2 Watchmen gato kb Reaem Kill Time: 14:10 gato has 1 life left Score: 4-3 Watchmen Reaem> iomfg gato> sigh Reaem> wtf T Murder in > stolen T Reaem> (200:0): LOST near L13. Need coords or safe attach. T Reaem> (200:0): LOST near L13. Need coords or safe attach. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L13. T Murder in > safe I14s T Murder in > safe I14s T Murder in > safe I14s T Murder in > get gato Nelson+> go gato has lagged out or specced 14:51 Masterlord subs gato (1 life) Reaem> omg lol Reaem> duh Kepi> a Murder in the First kb vihta Kill Time: 16:13 Murder in the First has 2 lives left Score: 5-3 Watchmen T Murder in > omg T Sparklin> come on get these muddas T Murder in > htf T Sparklin> arg dammit T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I16. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I16. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I16. T Sparklin> i told ra they would lose T Sparklin> now he'll laugh T Sparklin> liar STILL has 0 reps! T Sparklin> vihta 0 reps vihta kb Murder in the First Kill Time: 17:36 vihta has 2 lives left Score: 5-4 Watchmen T Sparklin> good T Sparklin> liar has 0 reps!! go for him Reaem kb Liar Kill Time: 17:51 Reaem has 1 life left P Prembot-5> You have 30 seconds to change ships. Reply privately with '!sc shipnumber or name' to change ships. Score: 6-4 Watchmen T Sparklin> 24 nrg!! T Sparklin> 100 nrg Reaem> i love how I am dying with tons of nrg left T Sparklin> 500 T Reaem> (200:0): ANTIWARP ON near K10. T Five o for> Regroup Grunts! I12 UG> is that possible Reaem> apparently T Sparklin> try and either get liar or masterlord (last life) T Sparklin> getting msaterlord mught secure the victory T Sparklin> master 1 rep Liar> reaem you were just too busy watching my balls flopping on your chin to notice your nrg bar Liar> $ Sparklin> $ Ra> sparklin approves Sparklin> no, i just like the $ Sparklin> i know he is ot gay Sparklin> not Liar> it was rape not consensual Sparklin> $ T Sparklin> master 1000 Liar kb Murder in the First Kill Time: 21:51 Liar has 2 lives left Score: 6-5 Watchmen T Sparklin> get master! T Five o for> yes T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I14. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I14. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near I14. T Sparklin> wow reaem pseudo kb Five o ford Kill Time: 22:39 pseudo has 1 life left Score: TIED 6-6 Five o ford kb pseudo Kill Time: 22:40 Five o ford has 1 life left Score: 7-6 Watchmen zoo> omg starseed almost winning Five o for> omg thanks pseudo> haha zoo> STARSEED WIN THIS T UG> sry vihta kb UG Kill Time: 22:49 vihta has 1 life left Score: TIED 7-7 T Five o for> :( zoo> hey sparklin the truth has been spilled you have a penis T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L16. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L16. T Reaem> 1 rep T Murder in > shit wasted rep cuz u already had T Sparklin> pseudi vihta and master lsat life T Sparklin> all 2 reps except master T Sparklin> v 1 rep T Sparklin> vihta 1 rep T Reaem> REP T Reaem> ty T Reaem> dont die T Reaem> pls zoo> liar that was a good thor Liar> thx T Five o for> get master T Sparklin> get vihta, master is fuckin the dog Five o for> .. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near K13. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near K13. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near K13. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L13. T Reaem> (200:0): DISENGAGE and REGROUP near L13. Reaem kb vihta Kill Time: 26:02 Reaem is OUT Score: 8-7 Watchmen Reaem> OMFG Nelson+> lol Reaem> OIMFG Masterlord> hahahahha vihta kb Five o ford Kill Time: 26:05 vihta is OUT Score: TIED 8-8 zoo> reaem fucking choke Nelson+> lol Nelson+> dbl Reaem> FUCKING BS Reaem> THAT BOMB SHOIULD NOT HAVE DETONATED SIGH Murder in the First kb pseudo Kill Time: 26:22 Murder in the First has 1 life left Score: 9-8 Watchmen C 1:Reaem> can still win C 1:Reaem> kill one of the 2 deaths C 1:Reaem> anyone but liar Five o for> dam Nelson+> lol Nelson+> omg Masterlord kb Murder in the First Kill Time: 28:46 Masterlord has 2 lives left Score: TIED 9-9 C 1:Reaem> hes out $ Nelson+> master out C 1:Reaem> gj Masterlord has lagged out or specced 28:58 zoo> STARSEED GONNA WIN C 1:Reaem> five and ug C 1:Reaem> play it safe C 1:Reaem> IF U RUIN THE CLOCK C 1:Reaem> RUN IT C 1:Reaem> U WIN zoo> reaem if you didnt choke C 1:Reaem> SORE IS OVER 6 zoo> youd have won by now Reaem> i didnt fucking choke that was bullshit C 1:UG> its tied C 1:Sparklin> its tied C 1:Sparklin> hehe Reaem> in .37 that would never have happened pseudo kb UG Kill Time: 29:45 pseudo is OUT Score: 10-9 Starseed UG> ez C 1:Reaem> o pseudo> haha C 1:Reaem> well we won now C 1:Reaem> $ zoo> wow starseed won pseudo> im typing homo UG> you suck too T UG> coords T Sparklin> L6 C 1:Tom Petty> why even chase him T Reaem> no suicide T Reaem> just let hime come to u and die T Sparklin> K8 T Tom Petty> let him come to you T Reaem> you already won Reaem> ?timew Reaem> ?time Time left: 14 minutes 24 seconds T UG> ok dont chase T UG> DONT CHASE T Sparklin> 0 reps T Reaem> u can sit pretty for 15 mins and u got it T UG> in fact, run around T UG> dont shoot T UG> DONT CHASE T Reaem> we got the win dont lose it now to stupidity T Reaem> $ T UG> dont chase T Sparklin> 1500 T Reaem> lol T Reaem> ur serious? T Sparklin> yes T UG> stand back T Sparklin> 1699 gg T Reaem> es laggin like a motherfucker T Reaem> prolly hacking:( T Tom Petty> is this team good? T Reaem> fuck yes T Reaem> they are T UG> DONT CHASE Nelson+> hurry up guys, secret is beating fun T Sparklin> 1699 Liar kb UG Kill Time: 31:51 Liar has 1 life left Score: 11-9 Starseed T Tom Petty> nice T Reaem> $ T Sparklin> 300 T Tom Petty> he's not running anymore when you're sitting back T Reaem> 300 T Tom Petty> he's red T Reaem> yeah T UG> dont waste nrg on him T Reaem> just sit back he will suicide T Reaem> if hes attacking u and ur low dont be afraid to pussy rocket or rep for no reason:P T Sparklin> haha T Murder in > i just rocketed him T Reaem> hes lagging T Reaem> so it doesnt matter T Reaem> if it wasnt liar T Reaem> id say get him T Tom Petty> he's outa reps T Reaem> but hes going to tank one of u T Reaem> :/ T Tom Petty> 0 repels T Five o for> yea Liar kb Five o ford Kill Time: 33:29 Liar is OUT Starseed defeats Watchmen in 33 minutes. Final Score: 12-9 MVP: Five o ford (4-2) ------Starseed------------------Ki--De--TK--LO--ID--PlayT--SubbedBy------------------------ Name: Five o ford 4 2 0 0 0 33:29 Name: Reaem 2 3 0 0 0 26:02 Name: Murder in the First 3 2 0 0 0 33:29 Name: UG 3 2 0 0 0 33:29 TEAM TOTALS 12 9 0 0 ------Watchmen------------------Ki--De--TK--LO--ID--PlayT--SubbedBy------------------------ Name: vihta 3 3 0 0 0 26:05 Name: gato 0 2 0 1 0 33:29 Name: pseudo 4 3 0 0 0 29:45 Name: Liar 2 3 0 0 0 33:29 Name: Masterlord 0 1 0 1 0 18:35 TEAM TOTALS 9 12 0 2 Game Over!!! 33:29 Arena is unlocked T Reaem> nice T Tom Petty> $ UG> nuts on your chin Ra> good game UG> faggot T Reaem> good fucking game $$$$$$$$ Five o for> gg Ra> thanks for reffing Nelson Reaem> gg Nelson+> np Liar> ug hope you make the playoffs :) Liar> gg Tom Petty> thx UG> liar, I care Liar> so do i care C 1:Reaem> WHOS UP C 1:Five o ford> wait wait whats this? C 1:Reaem> FOR A FIRST REAL WIN UG> you really care, sad C 1:Reaem> FUCKING PARTY C 1:Five o ford> hahaha C 1:Reaem> IN THE HOUSE C 1:Murder in the First> we won C 1:Murder in the First> gg C 1:Reaem> no bs either we won it fair C 1:Reaem> omg C 1:Reaem> i feel tears forming:( C 1:Tom Petty> this team is undefeated when i've showed up and been on the new connect with my new res, I see a direct correlation UG> watchmen lost to starseed C 1:Sparklin> heh UG> :\ C 1:Five o ford> agreed Reaem> that can be taken as shit talk in some places UG> why didnt u put arctos or bodyhunt in wtf Reaem> :( Liar> ug because your team doesnt matter Reaem> they were giving us a chance UG> why keep ez newbies like liar in Reaem> thx wm T Reaem> anyhow T Murder in > reaem died out again UG> I 0-2 first 5 minutes and theyre too stupid to target me :( T Reaem> i did better but i still need improvement:( Liar> if you didnt notice we had little team play T Reaem> i wish i had that last death video saved...masterlord was -500 nrg and i bombed him and it magically pbd UG> no, YOU had little teamplay T Murder in > i didnt realize vihta was out when u died reaem =( i suicided that life to try and get out psuedo and kicked my self when i say it was already 3-3 =( T Reaem> was such bs:( UG> you were always far from your team C 1:Sparklin> im schoolin them on their freq UG> thus the reason you survived for so long C 1:Reaem> lol Log file closed