赤い迷路 Akai Meiro
Airing time Every Friday 9pm
Music 木下忠司

This is a suspense drama. The wife of a psychiatrist was murdered. Although the suspect admitted to the deed, something was amiss. The deeper the investigation, the more unexpected things were revelaed....
This drama was shown amidst heated discussion about Momoe's parentage.

01. 突然に
02. 容疑
03. さまよい
04. 姉弟
05. わが娘
06. 幻の父
07. 母の日記
08. 出会い
09. 激情
10. 父ふたり
11. ふたりの秘密
12. 恋祭り
13. 母より
14. 晴れ着
16. 父の決意
17. 家出
18. 兄さんと呼ぶ?
19. 心の亀裂
20. 愛と死
21. 約束
22. 春の十字架
23. 誤解
24. 呪い人形
25. 母の山脈
26. 出発の詩
If you have any infomation on Momoe, please email me.
Comments and suggestions?EmailEmail me (click on the hamster)