赤い衝撃 Akai Shogeki
Time Every Friday 9pm
Theme song Yamaguchi Momoe "Akai Shogeki" "Hashire Kaze to Tomo ni"
Momoe casted as Ooyama Tomoko, a promising sprinter, who was doted by her rich father.
One night, she was shot by mistake by a policeman, who was trying to arrest a runaway. As a result, her legs were paralysed. The policeman felt very guilty and tried to cheer her up. In the process, they fell in love. However, he found out later that he was actually a illegitimate son of the rich man, and hence was Tomoko's half-brother. They were both heartbroken. Tomoko's mother noticing it, decided to reveal the secret of her birth. It turned out that Tomoko wasn't the rich man's bio-daughter, rather she was the child of her mother and her ex-lover...

01. 青春をつらぬく銃声一発!!
02. かたき同士の家族
03. 走れない娘の前に死が....
04. 恋人よ足を返して下さい
05. 母の告白
06. 今夜限りお別れします
07. 母の離婚
08. 誰もとめられぬ僕たちの家出
09. 助けて!  火が私を燃やす!
10. 親が反対しても結婚します!
11. 阿蘇に煙る父母の秘密
12. それは言えない! 幻の父
13. 私の父は誰ですか?
14. かたきの娘は嫁にできない!
15. 死を前にした愛の美しさ
16. 父の蒸発
17. 母の殺人
18. 結婚するなら母は死にます
19. さよなら 私は海へ消えます
20. 涙の恋 サンゴ礁の海に散る
21. 幻のお父さん 私の命を助けて下さい!
22. 私のすべてを捧げます
23. 涙いっぱいの贈りもの
24. お願い 私を一人にしないで!
25. 私の出生の秘密が今....
26. 娘は悲しい...父二人の争い!
27. 母と娘のさすらいの旅
28. 流せ熱い涙 心ゆくまで
29. 愛よ走れ!

Video box set (10 videos) released on 17 Dec 1999 (Official Pony Canyon Momoe HP)

DVDs released on 21 Feb 2001 ( Official Pony Canyon Momoe HP)

If you have any infomation on Momoe, please email me.
Comments and suggestions?EmailEmail me (click on the hamster)