::Katsushi Takemura::

Real Name: Masao Kimura
Weight: 229 lbs
Height: 5'10"
Date Of Birth: 8/21/1972
Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan
Debut: July 22nd, 1997
Status: Freelance
Signature Moves:
M9 (fireman carry to side facebuster, see p9/11)
Moonsault Press (see pic 4)
Death Valley Bomb
Half-arm Suplex Hold (see p8)
Release Half-arm Suplex (single triangle armlock over-head suplex)
German Suplex Hold
La Magistral Cradle
Tope Suicida
Abisegiri (foward rolling kick)
Corner Abisegiri (sometimes off a chair)
Apron Abisegiri
Flying Cross-chop
Titles Won:
UWA Trios Tag Titles (1) (w/ Gedo & Jado)
Tournaments Won:
Notable Facts:

  • Originally studied photography in college, but after thinking about what he wanted to do, he destined to be a pro-wrestler.
  • Enjoyed watching New Japan & the 2nd UWF as a youngster.
  • Wrestled for about 4 years before joining New Japan on 3/3/2001, wrestling in BattlArts (debuted there), Wrestle Dream Factory, MUGA, and CMLL in Mexico.
  • When he came back from his excursion to the CMLL promotion in June 2002, he showed a lot of charisma and skill with his new look and style of wrestling. Unlike before when he stood out less.
  • After his comeback on the Summer Fight Series 2002 tour, he returned to Mexico to gain more new techniques and experience.
  • Was a Member of La Legion Japonesa in CMLL.
  • Proclaimed the MVP of the CMLL Grand Prix 5/9/2003 by the fans.
  • Returned to his home after a second and long excursion in the CMLL promotion in Mexico on 8/24/2003, interfering in Jado & Gedo's tag match missile dropkicking Goto.
  • On 8/28/2003, he told where he would be in the junior division by forming a break-off heel trio with Jado & Gedo. Calling themselves the Junior Toukon Sanjyu-shi (Three Fighting Spirit Warriors), they caused havoc, tearing off the masks of Liger, Samurai, Tiger Mask, and bloodying people with a 5 inch nail.
  • Joined Jushin Liger's Control Terrorism Unit heel group when Liger suddenly turned on Kanemoto in a tag match from 7/4/2004.
  • Started teaming regularly with CTU leader Jushin Thunder Liger in July 2004, the two being a very strong forace.
  • Picked up his first championship with CTU members Jado & Gedo on Toryumon X Final show on 9/9/2004. That title being the UWA Trios Tag Title won in a decision match vs. Taiji Ishimori, Shu Sato, & Kei Sato.
  • Showed he was truly moving up the card on 9/22/2004 when he beat junior veteran barrier, El Samurai.
  • On the Battle Final 2004 tour in November-December, Takemura was eventually kicked out of CTU because he was making mistakes and showing weakness in difference to the other CTU members. Takemura was beat down or yelled at for doing so, and was kicked out, joining the regular junior army in late December. Reuniting with old tag partner Wataru Inoue from his Summer 2002 return, as well.
  • Appealed to Osamu Nishimura's cause to go back to his civil and MUGA ways in late January 2005, and alligned with his MUGA senior.
  • Since his return from Mexico he went from generic wrestler to charismatic and multi-styled, and is surely to be a huge player in the future junior heavyweight world. Takemura mixes lucha libre, aggressive brawling, and traditional style to round out a very deep move arsenal.
  • Left New Japan in January 2006 to become a freelancer, working in ZERO-ONE MAX and All Japan Pro-Wrestling.
    Stand Out Matches:
    Katsushi Takemura, Tarzan Boy, & Masada vs. Dr. Wagner Jr., Negro Casas, & Shocker (CMLL 5/10/02)
    Katsushi Takemura & Masada vs. Shocker & Mascara Magica (CMLL 5/31/02)
    Katsushi Takemura & Wataru Inoue vs. Jushin Thunder Liger & Masayuki Naruse (NJPW 6/20/02)
    Katsushi Takemura vs. Masayuki Naruse (NJPW 7/4/02)
    Katsushi Takemura & Gedo vs. Jushin Thunder Liger & Koji Kanemoto (NJPW 10/18/03)
    Katsushi Takemura & American Dragon vs. Jushin Thunder Liger & El Samurai (NJPW 11/24/03)
    Katsushi Takemura vs. American Dragon (NJPW 12/8/03)
    Katsushi Takemura vs. Koji Kanemoto (NJPW 2/28/04)

    Katsushi Takemura
    Katsushi Takemura 2
    Katsushi Takemura 3
    Katsushi Takemura 4
    Katsushi Takemura 5
    Katsushi Takemura 6
    Katsushi Takemura 7
    Katsushi Takemura 8
    Katsushi Takemura 9
    Katsushi Takemura 10
    Katsushi Takemura 11
    Junior Toukon Sanjyu-shi
    La Legion Japonesa
    Katsushi Takemura, Jushin Thunder Liger, & TAKA Michinoku
    Katsushi Takemura, NOSAWA, & TAKA Michinoku

    (Credit to: SportsNavi images 6-NOSAWA/TAKA.)



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