Thanksgiving Bedtime Stories


Thanksgiving Bedtime Stories

Help your child learn about the meaning of Thanksgiving by reading together.  Making books and reading a part of your holiday traditions will help develop a lifelong reading habit. Here are a few suggestions for books that I enjoy reading to children.

Books With Humor
Mrs. Tittle's Turkey Farm  ( Lois Grambling)
'Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving ( Dav Pilkey) ( my favorite)
The Pilgrims Are Marching ( Carol Greene)
Setting the turkeys Free ( W. Nikola-Lisa)

Books to Encourage Thankfulness
Count your Blessings ( Donna Cooner)
Thanks for Thanksgiving ( Julie Markes)
Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks ( Margaret Sutherland)

Books to Teach History to Young Children
Thanksgiving Day ( Anne Rockwell)
The First Thanksgiving ( Garnet Jackson)


Take a trip to the library or bookstore because there are so many other good books for this holiday ( or any day). Keep the books out in your home where children can access them.  I always put monthly books on the piano in our house so my children would see them displayed and be enticed to look at them. This made it easy for my husband to grab one to read to them at bedtime too.

Remember, sometimes the best things a family can do together are the simple things - like reading good books together!

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