

I open the year with a two week unit on school orientation and friendship.  Every year the students are fascinated with the adventure of riding a school bus without their parents, so our first songs, poems, and "little books" capture this interest.

We always sing and read the book of this old favorite song.
Many children already know it so it makes them feel
comfortable and able to join in on the first day. We also learn new poems. You can practice saying these with your child.

School bus,
School bus,
Yellow as can be.
School bus,
School bus,
Come and take me.

A blue bus,
A purple bus,
An orange bus too.
Do you like to ride the bus?
Yes, we do!


Your child will be learning:
- the rules for the school, the bus, and the classroom
- who the workers are at the school and how they help you
- how to ask for help
- how to take turns and share with others
- to say, " I can do it if I try."


To help your child be successful in school:

- give your child a healthy breakfast and send a good snack
- put your child to bed early
- bring your child to school on time 
- have your child complete all homework and return it on Friday
- empty your child's folder and review completed class work
- read and discuss books with your child daily
- watch your child's letter formation to prevent incorrect habits
- praise your child for effort and accomplishments





Content & layout © Ronan Fulton 2004
All rights reserved.


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