

I confess, I love to go shopping. I enjoy the atmosphere in the shopping malls and think that looking for just the right thing to buy is rather like a treasure hunt. If only I had a chest of gold to use for making purchases!  In the last few years I also began shopping on line and have been pleased with the results. Here are a few places where I have had good shopping experiences.   ( I am not affiliated with any of them and I am not selling anything.)


Gooseberry Patch - nice country things for the home,
                                                beautiful calendars & cookbooks

Terry's Village
holiday decorations

  Susan Branch - She makes beautiful cookbooks & calendars.    Also look for free recipes, etc. here.    

good water shoes ,good price, came fast

I have also had all good experiences with

I have had very satisfying results purchasing graphics for my website.
 All the graphic artists gave me quick and friendly service. 
You will find their logos at the bottom of my pages.




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Content & layoutİ Ronan Fulton 2003
All rights reserved


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