Jit Sin High School Kadet Remaja Sekolah

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 " Quotable Quote "

The beautiful things about  learning is that no-one can take away form you.
- B. B. King

Real communication happens when people feel safe.
- Ken Blanchard

Beauty isn't worth thinking about; what's important is your mind. You don't want a fifty-dollar haircut on a fifty-cent head.
- Garrison Keillor

First Aid


In Australia, ambulance crews carry sophisticated equipment which can be used to resuscitate casualties in cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, ambulances are sometimes not always immediately available, so some industries and large public event coordinators provide a similar, less sophisticated, but effective emergency service. At certain venues and industrial workplaces, automatic electronic devices called Automated External Defibrillators are used to provide essential immediate treatment to any casualty in cardiac arrest.

Automated External Defibrillation is the emergency procedure where specially trained first aiders apply an electronic device to the chest of a cardiac arrest casualty, and the device automatically delivers a controlled electric shock to the casualty's heart.

In most instances of sudden cardiac arrest, the casualty's heart has ceased to function normally and is fibrillating or `quivering' uselessly. While this is happening, the heart is not pumping, so no oxygenated blood is reaching the brain.

Application of an AED to the casualty's chest delivers controlled shocks to the heart, causing the fibrillation to cease and allows the heart to either start functioning spontaneously, or provides a basis for effective CPR and medication to restart the heart.

As discussed previously, defibrillation is an important link in the Chain of Survival, and statistically, a casualty's chances of successful resuscitation are improved dramatically by the first aid use of AEDs.

First aiders should be aware that defibrillators, whether AEDs or the more sophisticated types, only revert certain cardiac conditions, and there are cardiac arrest casualties who will not respond to electric shocks.


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