Vol. XXXIX  No. 10




Pastoral Leadership Today: Servant – Leadership

Archbishop Vincent M. Concessao, Archbishop of Delhi

(Printed in Revisioning Catholic Priesthood, Ed. by – E. John Kulandai)


The New Testament gives great importance to a servant’s attitude. Jesus was no doubt their master and yet He tells His disciples: I am among you as one who serves (Lk. 22: 27). On the night before He died at the last supper He washes the feet of his disciples. It was one of the humblest of actions at the time, done normally by slaves but in no way does it diminish the authority of Jesus. He clearly tells them the purpose of what he did. “Do you understand what I have done for you? You call me “Teacher” and “Lord” and rightly so, for that is what I am.” Then he adds: “Now that I your teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done and you will be blessed if you do it” (Jn. 13: 12-17).


An important characteristic of servant-leadership is setting the example and thereby bringing about the desired behaviour. St. Paul subscribed to his view. He writes to the Corinthians “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor. 11;1). He knew that the most effective way to teach a behaviour was to teach it by example. A servant leader creates a spirit of ownership, involvement and commitment among his followers. They work because they want to.


“Servant Leadership”, writes Fr. Anthony D’Souza in his book “Leaders for Today Hope for Tomorrow” empowers people through example, guidance, caring, understanding, sensitivity, trust, appreciation, encouragement, reinforcement and shared vision. Servant leadership is much more than a mere leadership style or behaviour that we can learn to act out. It begins with the mind and heart with our attitude”.


By word and example, Jesus modeled servant leadership and commanded his followers to do likewise.

-         “The one who leads must be like the one who serves” (Lk. 22:26-28)

-         “The son of man has come not to be served but to serve” (Mt. 20: 28)

-         “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever  wants to be first must be your slave” (Mt. 20: 26-28)


Jesus’ disciples must have been caught by surprise when they heard him characterize leaders as servants. Of the leaders they had known only Jesus Himself was a humble servant. As the core of His leadership, He was teaching His disciples a set of values, attitudes, and behaviours that are the essence of servant leadership, like service, attentiveness to the needs of others and personal humility. These were the natural consequences of the way Jesus perceived people. He served them because of their intrinsic value as human beings created by God for his glory. He recognized in them the sons and daughters of His heavenly father and His own brothers and sisters. He appreciated their potential for good no matter what their past had been and they were instantly transformed. Matthew, Zachaeus, the Samarian women and later on Paul are just some examples.


The task of the servant-leader is to model by his contact with his coworkers or followers the standards of service and the quality of treatment and attention they want the people they serve to have. If the frontline workers are to be service heroes, then the leaders must be service models. There is direct relationship between how a leader serves and treats his fellow workers and how they in turn will serve and treat others.


This is servant-leadership by example. Everything you do is an example for your fellow workers. Your service is the most appealing example and the most motivating factor that your coworkers will follow.


But service is an attitude and a behaviour. It quality will make a difference. It is not just lip-service or occasional appreciation or a written policy statement. It is a way of functioning with a servant attitude. It starts with you at the top. If the buck stops there, service also must start there. It must be noted that service implies not only your willingness to serve others but also your willingness to acknowledge and appreciate the service others give you. They are likely to be then highly energized and empowered. Even experts in the business world know that “serving others is the most glorious and rewarding of all leadership tasks”.


Servant leadership implies listening, empathy, healing, persuasion, commitment to service, commitment to the growth of people and building community. It is a long – term transformational approach to life and work, a way of being with great potential to create positive change. It must not be confused with lack of courage and weakness or inability to think independently. Rather a servant- leader is first “a servant of the living God” who willingly sacrifices himself for others.


Dr. Paul J. Meye, one of the outstanding corporate leaders who spoke of “developing a servant heart” says in his recent publication “ Bridging the Leadership Gap”. Highly effective leaders succeed in large measures because they consistently think of themselves as servants. They wish to serve other people because they love other people. Values-directed leaders find that having a servant’s heart produces unusually benefits… benefits that manifest themselves after years or decades of working with the same team, in the same business, striving within the same organization.


It is said that leaders who possess a servant’s heart:

-         Find that they are continually excited by what they do;

-         Are always full of enthusiasm about the results their team members achieve;

-         Look forward to each new day with great anticipation;

-         Are always striving to build an active organization;

-         Are always surrounded by positive, productive team members;


If you look back and reflect on your own experience you will notice that the leaders you gratefully remember are those who empowered you rather than sought power over you, freed you to develop your own God-given potentialities rather than wanted to control you, served you in terms of meeting your genuine needs and contributing to your growth rather than desiring to be served in terms of being recognized and honoured.


Effective leaders, therefore, are those who focus on:

  1. Empowering their people by giving them clear responsibilities, communicating the significance of the job to be done, providing the opportunity for personal growth and skill development, recognizing the value and importance of each member of the team;
  2. Freeing their people by utilizing their talents, ideas insights and creative problem-solving skills; and
  3. Serving their people by helping to contribute to their growth and development called “people-oriented quiet power”.


When leaders empower, free and serve their collaborators, the collaborators in turn will give them power, control and recognition.


Jesus was a man for others. All that has been said so far is nothing more than the application of His teaching on leadership. The Church is the body of Christ and temple of the Holy Spirit. It is made of different organs, endowed with various gifts meant to build up the body and serve the needs of the people. If only we become servant-leaders what an abundance of resources we can release for the building up of a new society.


Hindi Medium School Meeting :

On September 12, Hindi Medium School meeting was held at Bishop’s House, Golmuri. A good number of Headmasters, Headmistresses and Secretaries of the Schools were present for the meeting. Fr. C. R. Prabhu Education Director, Fr. Augustine E. S.J. Associate Education Director and Fr. Ernest Kerketta of JHACMEI chaired the meeting. It began with a short prayer. The present statuses of the schools were presented. Fr. Ernest shared about the government policies with regard to opening permission, recognition, minority declaration and the government aid. He cautioned about the managerial mistakes that is often made by the schools like appointment of teachers, their payment, etc. The presence of Fr. Ernest and Fr. Augustine helped the Headmasters, Headmistresses and Secretaries to clarify many doubts. At the end following suggestions were given –

1.      Every Headmaster, Headmistress and Secretary goes though the guideline prepared for the school.

2.      The school needs to have a proper documentation of all official papers, e.g. land papers, opening permission and recognition certificates, appointment letters, etc.

3.      The school should have regular staff and managing committee meeting, at least three meetings a year. The minutes of these meetings to be kept properly.

4.      The school management should take precaution in appointing new teachers.

5.      The school registers especially of the appointment of staff and their payment to be maintained correctly.

6.      Every school needs to submit its school diary and report annually to the Diocesan Education Board.

7.      To promote faith-formation in the school, all schools will be following one syllabus. Fr. Fabian Bhuinyan, S.J. will coordinate this.

(Fr. C.R. Prabhu)


Dhowatand, St. John Mary Vianney Church :

It is a Mission Centre located in a remote village. 30th August was a day of great joy for them. On this day, 24 children received the sacrament of Confirmation and 5 of them received First Holy Communion from Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. The children were well prepared. The Eucharistic celebration began with traditional washing of hands and a synchronized entrance dance. The Eucharist was celebrated in two languages- Santali and Hindi. After Eucharist there was a small felicitation programme by the parishioners. At the end all of them shared a small tea party. We thank Fr. Edward Kongari, Bro. Manoj Kujur, Catechist Ruplal, Augustine and Chatiram for their hard work.

Fr. Edward Kongari is busy in motivating people. He has built a good relationship with the people. The Catholics and the people of other faith love him. The construction of the school building is in progress. Fr. Edward is monitoring the construction. Inspite of ill health and weakness, he is very much committed to the mission he is entrusted. His commitment and hard work is a true sign of a great missionary. We sincerely thank Fr. Edward for what he is and is doing for the Diocese and the people of God. May God bless him now and forever!

(Bro. Manoj Kujur)


Omra, St. Mary’s Church :

23rd August was a special day for 90 children of St. Mary’s Church, Omra, who received the sacrament of Holy Communion and Confirmation. 35 of them received First Holy Communion and 45 of them were confirmed during the Eucharistic Celebration presided by Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. The children were prepared well to receive the sacraments and the entire celebration was beautifully prepared by Fr. Ajay, Fr. Junas Bhengra and Sisters of Holy Cross. On 30th August, the mothers of St. Mary’s Church, Omra celebrated the Feast of St. Monica in a memorable way. Fr. Ajay Tiru, the Parish Priest of Omra had arranged a three day retreat for Mothers. It began on 27th August and was concluded on 30th August with Holy Mass. During this programme, Fr. Ajay and Fr. Junas Bhengra spoke about the responsibilities and duties mothers towards family, society and the Church at large. A good number of mothers were present for St. Monica feast and its preparation. We congratulate all of them for their dedication and commitment. We also thank them for carrying out the Mission of Christ in a place so difficult to reach. May God bless them and their effort.

                                                                                                                        (Fr. Ajay Tiru)



St. Monica Feast Day was a memorable day for all the Mahila Sangh members of Sacred Heart Parish, Adra. It was a Feast Day with a DIFFERENCE ! The women and the altar servers went to Jisu Marsal Ashram, Hathikundar. It is a Mission Centre located in a remote village. We spent the day with the poor hostel children. The day began with Holy Eucharist. It was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Horo, the Priest In-Charge of Hatikundar Mission. It was followed by a short entertainment programme put up by the hostel children. The children impressed every one with their performance. Then all of them shared a sumptuous meal. After lunch the Mahila Sangh (women) conducted few games for the children and distributed small gifts and prizes. It was a great moment for them as it brought immense joy and satisfaction. They thank Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Horo for his generosity and hospitality and the teachers and staff of St. Xavier's for all their assistance. They also thank Rev. Fr. Jerome and Rev. Fr. Sahaya Thason who are always very supportive. Without their support they would not have had this noble and profound experience. Congratulation to Fr. Jerome, Fr. Sahaya and the Mahila Sangh members !

(Sonya Francis)


Mahubhandar: St. Anthony’s Church :

On 30th August, the mothers of St. Anthony’s Church celebrated the feast of St. Monica as mother’s day. They had a full day programme. Fr. Sanjay Kujur, C.Ss.R had come with a youth group to be part of this celebration. It began with a prayerful procession. Fr. Sanjay conducted sessions on “The Role of Mothers in Family” and “Women’s Contribution to the Local Church”. The youth contributed to the programme by making these sessions more participatory by their singing and role plays. This was concluded with the Holy Eucharist celebrated by Fr. Sanjay. It was for the first time that a big number of women were present for the feast of St. Monica. The assistance of parish council and the parish youth in this programme was praise worthy. We congratulate Fr. Vijay Panna, CMF Parish Priest for organizing this beautiful programme. He is also trying to repair the roof of the Church with local contribution. He is working hard to build the Church community at Mahubhandar. We thank him for his sincere effort.

                                                                                                (Fr. Vijay Panna, CMF)


Siadih, Mother Teresa Parish :

On the occasion of Independence Day, a hockey tournament was organized by the Faithful of Mother Teresa Parish. It was a three day tournament. It began on 14th August. Fr. Michael Jojo inaugurated the tournament with a prayer. 70 teams from different parts of Saraikela – Kharswan and West Singhbhum districts had come to take part in the tournament. The prizes were 14 khasis (he-goats) and 2 bandas (pig). Fr. Paneer S., Fr. Paul Mathew, Fr. James Surin and others had come to watch the match on 15th August. It was a great encouragement for the teams. The Catholic Sabha (men faithful) and the youth monitored the entire tournament. This tournament creates a bond among faithful. It also helps to reach out to the other groups of people and build a healthy relationship. We congratulate the members of Catholic Sabha and the youth for organizing this event successfully.           On 23rd August, Fr. Johny P.D. celebrated his birthday. During Eucharist special prayers were offered for Fr. Johny. After Mass the hostel Children and the parishioners wished him with garland and bouquets singing a birthday song. In the evening many Priests and Religious had come to wish him. We thank Fr. Michael and Fr. Johny for all that they are doing for the people of Siadih. May they always experience God’s and the support of the people around them !

                                                                                                            (Fr. Michael Jojo)


Telco, Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe :

Fr. Benedict Minz, Parish Priest of the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe is busy visiting the families of the parish. At his arrival, the faithful expressed their desire that he visits every family and blesses them. He immediately responded to their request. As a result the faithful are very appreciative of him. On 8th August the parishioners celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Velankanni. Prior to the feast, they had a day of feeding the poor. The parishioners contributed generously. We congratulate Fr. Benedict and the parish council for successfully organizing the feast of Our Lady of Velankanni.

                                                                                                            (Fr. Benedict Minz)


Kumardhubi, Holy Family Church :

On 8th September, the parishioners of the Holy Family parish celebrated the feast of Our Lady of Velankanni in a profound way. The celebration began with a Marian procession. The faithful walked in procession through different streets praying rosary and singing hymns in honour of Mother Mary. It was prayerful and devotional. They prayed for the well being of whole humanity. As the procession was passing through the streets, many people come out of their houses and stood devoutly beside the road till it crossed them. It looked like they were praying with us. They were no volunteers to guide the traffic but still no hindrance was felt. The bikers, truckers and others waited patiently for the procession to pass by. It appeared as if they were confirming to the devotion of Mother Mary. After procession, we had Eucharistic celebration. Fr. Sanjay Kujur, C.Ss.R celebrated the Holy Eucharist with Fr. Paulus Bodra, Fr. Edward Saldanha and Fr. Shantinandan, S.J. Congratulation to Fr. Paulus Bodra and Fr. Edward and SCJM sisters for their hard work and beautiful arrangements.

                                                                                                            (Fr. Paulus Bodra)


Chakradharpur, Christ the king Church :

Fr. Bipin Pani, Fr. Anupdev Kandeyang and Fr. Eugene Ekka are putting lots of effort to build a vibrant Christian community at Chakradharpur. They are organizing different pastoral and spiritual activities. Two months back, they had a medical camp for the poor patients. The most remarkable is the observance of “Year for Priests”. To mark the “Year for Priests” every family has been given a priest’s name. The family is requested to pray daily for the assigned priest in a special way. The parishioners are doing it faithfully. They have also translated “the Prayer for Priests” in Ho. This is circulated and used in village chapels. We thank Fr. Bipin Pani, Fr. Anupdev Kandeyang and Fr. Eugene Ekka for all that they are doing to build the Kingdom of God on earth.

                                                                                                            (Fr. Eugene Ekka)


Maluka, St. Paul’s Church :

On 30th August, the mothers of St. Paul’s parish celebrated the feast of St. Monica. It was a day of renewal for them. The women had come to the parish on Saturday afternoon. On Saturday evening they had a talk on confession. This was an opportunity to be reconciled to God through the sacrament of confession. The following day, special prayers were offered for mothers at Holy Eucharist. After Eucharistic celebration, the children wished all of them a very happy feast with songs and flowers. They also had a Bible verse searching completion. Different groups were given different sets of Biblical citations (like – Lk. 4:18) and the group had to find those verses in the Bible. It was very interesting. At the end, they shared a festive meal. The most remarkable aspect of this day was that all Priests and Sisters were involved in the programme. We congratulate all of them for the successful organization of St. Monica Day.

                                                                                                            (Fr. Junas Purty)


Bistupur, St. Mary’s English School :

On 23rd August the +2 students and the teachers of St. Mary’s English School, Bistupur had gone to Siadih for a village experience. They were accompanied by Fr. Vernon D’Souza, Vice Principal. In the visiting group there were 60 students and 7 teachers. The students had a good time with Siadih hostel children. They students shared their joy with singing songs and dance. They also had a football match with the hostellers. The hostellers played a superb passing game and won with 1-0 score. At the end all of them shared a delicious lunch and came back to Jamshedpur. It was a good exposure for the students of St. Mary’s School as it helps them to understand different realties of human life. We congratulate Fr. Gerry Martin and Fr. Vernon for organizing this exposure programme.

                                                                                                            (Fr. Vernon D’Souza)


Kumardhubi, Loyola School :

Our school patron is St Ignatius of Loyola and the aim of the school is to imbibe in every child good values and the belief in the Almighty. So the school environment is made very pious by installing two statues- one of Mother Mary and the other of Jesus, the Sacred Heart in the garden area. They are life size statues very beautifully made. Students were extremely busy in the last two weeks of August, preparing for Teachers’ Day. Under the careful guidance of Sr. Jossy our Vice Principal children from LKG to XII performed on stage on the 4th & 5th of September and the teachers were spell bound. To make the Teachers’ Day memorable and more relevant there was a prayer service beside cultural programme that included drama, dance, orchestra, songs, humour and lots more. During prayer service, the students thanked God and offered special prayer for their dear teachers. Loyola stands proud of the students who participated in the Inter School Quiz Competition – Bible, Science & Environment, which was held on 12th September at DeNobili School Chandrapura. The students for the EVS Quiz bagged the FIRST PRIZE among eleven schools.

The Staff and the students wished Fr. Edward Principal A Happy Birthday. May God bless him and keep him healthy. It is his tolerance, inspiration & encouragement that are helping the students to excel in their talents.

(Rita Sen)

Golmuri, St. Joseph’s Community College (SJCC) :

St. Joseph’s Community College (SJCC) organized a formal inaugural ceremony on 1st September 2009 and also celebrated SJWC’s Convocation Day. One the same day SJCC began 127th session of Conversational English course and launched the Website of the institution. St. Joseph’s Community College was inaugurated by Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. and the ceremony was honoured by Dr. Xavier Alphonse, Mr. B. L. Raina, Bishop. Joe Rodricks, Bishop. Pascal Topno, Fr. Jacob, Fr. Amatus Kujur, Fr. Mike Thanraj, Fr. Prabhu, Fr. David, Mrs.Suman Mahoto and many Directors of Community Colleges. On 2nd September SJCC organized a One-Day Workshop on “Community Colleges in India” for all Directors and Directress of Community Colleges from Bihar, Jharkhand & Orissa. The participants were welcomed by Fr. Michael Raj (Director), Staff and Students. The workshop was conducted by Fr. Xavier Alphonse and Fr. Jacob from ICRDCE, Chennai. On19th September, SJCC students were taken to Mercy Hospital, Jamshedpur for an exposure. Now, many well wishers have come forward to support St. Joseph’s Community College for its noble cause                                                                                                                                                                                                        (Vanitha)


Sundernagar: Jamshedpur Deanery Mahila Sangh Annual Meet :

The Annual Meet of Jamshedpur Deanery Mahila Sangh was held on 19th and 20th September at Catholic Charities Sundernagar. The theme of the annual meet was “Word of God in Our Life”. The number of participants was 100. Fr. C.R. Prabhu and Fr. Tobias Kujur were present for the inaugural ceremony. In the evening they had a cultural programme. Bishop Felix Toppo, S.J. celebrated Holy Eucharist for them on Sunday morning. The animator of this programme was Fr. Sanjay Kujur, C.Ss.R. He spoke about the relevance of Word of God in the family and the society at large. Fr. Ajay Tiru made a surprise visit. He enlightened them with the seven steps of BCC. Sr. Kripa, SSH, Sr. Beronica, OSU and Sr. Christina, SJT were also present and contributed to the annual meet. We congratulate Mrs. Emelda and team for organizing the Annual Meet. We also thank Fr. Halan Bodra, Director, Catholic Charities, Sundernagar for providing a good accommodation for the meet.



The Parish Feast of Our Lady of Nativity was celebrated on 8th September in the presence of a large number of parishioners. Fr. Allan Gonsalves, msfs was the main celebrant. The faithful were happy to have the former Parish priest, Fr. Cyriac for the feast. Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows (the Patroness of MSFS) was celebrated on 15th September. The Regional Dy. Director of Education inspected St. Francis De Sales School, Seraikela. The children of SFS School performed well in the fancy dress competition last month. SFS School will be completing its ten years of service to the students of Seraikela in 2009-10. A big thanks to MSFS Fathers and ASMI Sisters for their service and commitment!

( Fr. Shiju Mangalath, msfs)


Beatitudes of a Priest

  1. Happy is the Priest who can visit a few families of parishioners every week, for then he is able to walk the common earth and breathe the fresh air of the morning and notice how the poor live.
  2. Happy is the Priest who can laugh at himself especially when he commits blunders and his ego is ‘punctured’ (God does not demand success, only fidelity).
  3. Happy is the Priest who knows he is human, yet divine.
  4. Happy is the Priest who learns to accept the pain of loneliness (for it enhances dependency on God and brings closeness to Him), and realizes that friendships are difficult to build.
  5. Happy is the Priest who has the joy of sowing seeds of ventures using all his creative powers.
  6. Happy is the Priest who searches for those who are alienated from the Church and from Him.
  7. Happy is the Priest who knows how to utilize to the fullest extent the wonderful gifts the Holy Spirit has given to the people of God for the growth of the Church.
  8. Happy is the Priest who aims at the perfect, yet is able to forgive and forget the weakness of his companions and his flock.

           + Salvadore Lobo, in Spare a While.


What a Great Priest you are !

Alter Christus… the Priest, another Christ. In his love and wisdom, God did not leave us alone on this earth but gave us the priest. During my pilgrimage here on earth, the priest has accompanied me, helping me to navigate and stay on the path that will lead me to my eternal home. He has come in many forms, ages, races, and manners; and he has always been there, in the happy times, in the sad times, and in the ordinary times. He has been my friend, counselor, confessor, and consoler. He is Augustinian, Dominican, Benedictine, and secular.


When I was first born, he was there to bring me to a precious and nobler birth through the sacrament of baptism. I have seen him baptizing my children and grandchildren as infants, and my husband as an adult. What joy for me to see my family being freed from their sins, entering the Church and being made sharers in her mission!


When I was a child, the priest was there to reconcile me to God. I received my first Sacrament of Penance as an innocent 7 year old…. little did I know of sin. But as time passed and I offended the Lord, it was the priest who showed me God’s great mercy and encouraged me in the knowledge that my sins were forgiven.  How vividly I remember my First Holy Communion Day, wearing my beautiful white dress and veil and missing my front tooth. The priest was there again, to give me the life-giving food that is Christ come down from Heaven. I did not think I could ever be happier than I was on that day. Although I little understood the depths of this mystery at the time, through the years the continual reception of the most Holy Eucharist, made available to me through the priest, has shaped my life and my very being.


As a nine year old I remember wearing a red gown and receiving the light slap on the face from the Bishop that was a customary Confirmation symbol at the time. I was told I was now a Soldier of Christ, and I proclaimed with great certainty that I would be willing to die for the Lord! However, as I progressed through my early adult years I was anything but a Soldier. Though the priest is often scorned and condemned for defending the divine and enduring things of God, it was his example that brought me back to my senses.


As a young bride, my husband and I exchanged our vows witnessed by the priest; there he was with us as we made the public decision to cooperate with God in the founding of our family. The multitude of joys throughout our years together clearly demonstrates God’s presence in our marriage. The birth of our children, seeing them grow into loving adults with children of their own, and spending simple time together in the lovely quietness of family life are all gifts beyond compare.


The priest was with me again on one sad September day, as he gave my husband the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. My husband was dying and I had to let him go. What a comfort it is to know that my husband was reconsecrated before he presented himself to the Divine and Merciful Judge. Through my conversations with the priest I was able to have peace in making the decision to turn off artificial life support. It brings me solace today to reflect on the sound wisdom of the Church made known to me though those conversations.


As I look back over these years, I realize how integrally and essentially related to my life the priest is. His humility, sacrifice, and holiness have been and continue to be model and inspiration.

(Paula Brock, San Diego, California)


For sale

1. Bible Diaries both in Hindi and English are available in the Bishop House, the price of a Bible Diary is Rs. 90 /-.

2. Please submit all the Special Collections to the Diocesan Finance Department at the earliest - Diocesan Treasurer.


Religious Articles, altar clothes and Mass Vestments and Spiritual Books are available for sale with PDDM Sisters. You can contact – Sr. Superior, PDDM Liturgical Centre, C/o St. Mary’s English School (Junior Block), Bistupur, Jamshedpur, Mob. 09162725630.


The Principals and Secretaries of all English Medium SchoolS

The meeting of Principals and Secretaries of all English Medium Schools in the Diocese of Jamshedpur is being organized on Saturday 10th October 2009 at Bishop’s House, Jamshedpur at 9.00 am. Various issues including uniform Faith Formation Curriculum, events to bring students of our schools together, scope of collaboration among our schools, skill update for our teachers, interfaith dialogue/harmony in our schools will be discussed. Please come prepared to give some basic information including some data on each school and also share the problems and challenges that you face. It may be good if you could put these down on a sheet of paper and give it to me during the meeting. Please bring along the Activity Report of 2008-2009 and submit it to the Director of schools.


All Diocesan PRIESTS:  Annual convention of Bijhan Diocesan Priests Convention will be held at Jharna, C/o ATC Namkum, Ranchi on 13-16 October, 2009. All the Diocesan Priests are requested to Participate in this programme.


Diocesan Perspective PLANNING: The final phase of Diocesan Perspective planning will be held on 28 – 29 September, 2009 at Catholic Charities, Sundernagar. Since entire diocese was involved for parish and deanery level meetings and planning sessions, the participation in the final phase is restricted to a selected 50 persons from the diocese. Fr. Christudas and Fr. Savari S.J. will be the resource persons.

     -   Fr. C. R. Prabhu, Vicar General


Contribution for the Diocesan News Letter:

I sincerely thank all those who have contributed for the Diocesan News Letter. It is really inspiring. We have benefited from your activities. Please continue to give information of your good works that others may be inspired by them. Your suggestions and corrections are always welcome for better communication.

- Fr. Sanjay Kujur, C.Ss.R.

 [email protected],

 Mob: 9470164455

Bishop’s Programme – October, 2009








7.00 a.m.






Mass, Talks, Pratiksha




7.00 a.m.






Visitation of Seminarians





Indian Mission Congress





Memorial Services, Mass, Martyr Fr. A.T. Thomas S.J.










Liturgical Meeting




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