

Although not specifically pertaining to farmers, Dr. Chase could not pass the opportunity to describe this item on How to Increase the Laying of Eggs.

"A lady on the Kennebec river, in Maine has been in the habit of administering to her hens with their common food the following:

Cayenne pepper, pulverized, at the rate of 1 teaspoon each alternate day; this is enough for one dozen birds.

Last season, when I was with her, each morning she brought in from twelve to fourteen eggs, having but sixteen hens in all. She again and again experimented in the matter by omitting to feed with the Cayenne for two or three days. The consequence invariably was that the product of eggs fell off five or six per day. The same effect of using the Cayenne is produced in winter as in summer."

Maybe Cayenne pepper is a fertility drug or ??? In the case of the hens, perhaps it resulted in an increase in ovulation. And one could speculate that perhaps, there might be an increase in sperm production in males. Capsicum been used internally and as a topical irritant (or as the Medical folks say; a rubefacient and local stimulant). Some evidence exist for its beneficial use to treat arthritis.


Other "naturalceutics": R</>emedies, Love Potions and Charms

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