4(ii) New Design Proposals
by David Jukes-Hughes RIBA MRAIC
Low-rise Offices
Office Concepts, 2000
Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
High-rise Offices
The Weevil Tower Proposal, Hong Kong, 2006: "First amoung Weevils"
Note: Photo for Weevil Tower, by Tsang Yau-san, published in 'Insight Guide, Hong Kong,' 1990. APA Publications (HK) Ltd.
Earth Tower Concepts, 2000
Weevil tower to have wind turbine similar to Wind Tower Concept 6
Images: 1, 2, 3.
Other Designs, 2000
Wind Tower Concepts, 2000
Images: 1, 2, 3
Images: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Urban Design
City of Victoria, Hong Kong, 2006
Note: A level playing field photo by Frank Fischbeck, published in 'Insight Guide, Hong Kong,' 1990 APA Publications (HK) Ltd by kind permission..
A temporary sculpture for Victoria Park.(updated)
A level playing field.  (New Sketch)
Another  proposal for Kai Tak Airport. (28.7.06)
(If it's not fit for rice, it's not fit for human habitation.)

An off-shore Wind Farm. (Subject to reality.)
A proposal to locate HK Supreme Court, Exco and Legco.
A new statue in Statue Square
A new statue in Shenzhen

A Victoria Cross Section
Other possible projects to investigate: mobile desalination plants (by ship), wave power plant in Tai Tam bay, and solar power panels on all existing and future HK skyscapers.
Image 1 for "Another proposal for Kai Tak Airport" from www.pacificvillage.org
See also Kai Tak papers for other options on Page 1.
Parliamentary Building Concept for the City of Nanjing, 2006
Inspired by James Stirling and another Scotsman
Structural Concepts, 2000-2006 Note: A river side site to be investigated on site at a future date.
Images:  1, 2, 3,
Project to investigate the application of some of King Solomon's wisdom to understanding, and perhaps solving, the problems of unification in Korea, Japan, China, Cyprus, Ceylon, Kashmir, the Holy Land, and other regions. (1 Kings, 3:5 )
Project to solve the problem of the Yakusuni Knot. A knotty problem.
Agit-Prop Olympic Triptych, 2006.  A Flying Scotsman, The Betsy, A Sam Pan
Mausoleum, 2006 (mock up using demountable tin sheet and Bamboo)
(A final design)
Ballet on the Barge, 2006
The Bamboo Theatre, 2006. Image 1, 2, 3,
A final design, subject to popular demand
An olympic debate: "Ce n'est pas le pied et la bouche'' (after Magritte.) 2006
Option for a Houses of Parliament in Beijing, China by June 2008. A suggestion for a site location, subject to local mores, customs and mythologies. (Image from www.drben.net)
An olympic ceremony for Hong Kong
Concepts for Sculpture
Monument to Reunification, Victoria Park, Hong Kong (after Tatlin.) ('Old Tat by the old Queen Vic.')
A late competition entry (A liberal interpretation) 2006

(updated sketch: A more conservative interpretatation /  subject to labour costs)
A possible project to move Chairman Mao to Hong Kong & Victoria to Beijing. A sculptural exchange.
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