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Everything and the Moon
Once upon a time, a pair of star-crossed lovers were torn apart...
Can a mischievous boy reunite them?

It was indisputably love at first sight, but Victoria Lynodon was merely the teenaged daughter of a vicar... while Robert Kemble was the dashing young earl of Macclesfield. Surely what their meddlesome fathers insisted must have been true---that he was a reckless seducer determined to destroy her innocence... and she was a shameless fortune hunter. So it most certainly was for the best when their plans to elope went hopelessly awry.

Even after a seven-year separation, Victoria -- now a governess--still leaves Robert breathless. But how could he ever again trust the raven-haired deceiver who had shattered his soul? And Victoria could never give her heart a second time to the cad who so callously trampled on it the first. But a passion fated will not be denied, and vows of love yearn to be kept...even when one promises the moon.
you can find the first chapter of each of her books at her site on: www.juliaquinn.com
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