Having a strip based on a popular comedian of the day was always a tradition in Look-in, and they went through a few.  The longest lasting of these was Benny Hill.

Already hugely successful through his TV series which unusually wasn't shown on a regular basis, but in hour long specials that appeared every now and again.

The show was primarily sketch based, with Benny adopting an array of disguises, in a similar fashion to Dick Emery.  One of the most memorable parts of the show was the sketches which involved Benny chasing after women, and usually failing and having the tables turned on him in some way, these sketches were filmed without dialogue, in a very 'Silent Movie' type way, allowing the visual gags to speak for themselves, along with crazy music, the most famous of which, called 'Yakety Sax' (you know the one...!!!) is now synonymous with Benny.

Benny had an array of stalwarts, who he used to full effect in the sketches, Henry McGee who was the perfect straight man, usually cast as an interviewer, interviewing may of Benny's oddball creations,  Nicholas Parsons also did similar sketches.  Bob Todd and Jack Wright who used to be in a lot of the 'silent' sketches, and Bella Emberg, the token 'ugly woman' who Benny used to end up with at the end of a sketch, she went on to great success doing the same job for Russ Abbot.

Benny had a regular dance troupe called 'Hill's Angels' who also played the chased girls in the sketches.

The strip took full advantage of the fact that Benny did a lot of different characters on his show, each strip was a short self contained story about a member of Benny's family, all of them looking strikingly like Benny of course!

The artists on the strip did a great job, and it was really enjoyable at first, but like one or two other strips, it outstayed it's welcome and became a bit tiring and samey, but it must have been doing well in the regular readers poll Look-in did.



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