20th Century
Sakamoto Masayuki (left)
Birth Name: Same
Birthdate: July 24, 1971
Birth Place: Tokyo
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Blood Type: O

   The leader of V6, he seems to get scary at times because he has the important duty of keeping the group unified. Sakamoto has a great singing voice and fellow V6 members look up to him as a role-model, however, they often tease him of his age....

Nagano Hiroshi (right)
Birth Name: Same
Birthdate: October 9, 1972
Birth Place: Kanagawa
Height: 172 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Blood Type: A

   The "Motherly" presence in V6, he seems like a really nice guy. His family owns a bike shop and it's known that his family always cooks up a feast when fellow V6 members come to visit them.

Inohara Yoshihiko (middle)
Birth Name: Same
Birthdate: May 17, 1976
Birth Place: Tokyo
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 61 kg
Blood Type: A

   Well known for his friendly and nice personality. He probably has the best sense of humor in V6 and the most friends too. Also, Innochi is a great actor and he has a great singing voice...one of the best in the Johnnys Agency....
  Innochi usually gets teased about his skinny eyes. Innochi once said that he told Johnny that if he opened his eyes wide, they would become double-lided, however, when Johhny asked, "So, do you want to have plastic surgery?" Innochi cried in his bed all night due to shock.
Another tid-bit that proves Innochi's kindness is last year, when Okada-kun slammed into Nagano during a concert and lossed consciousness, Innochi was so worried that he was near tears. Luckily Okada made a quick recovery, and all was well.  :)

Tonisen songs that I recommend:
1. Precious Love (very R&Bish and nice!)
2. always (cathcy tune!)
3. Wishes ~I'll Be There~ (very cool!)

4. You'll Be In My Heart (actually by leader Marsa Sakamoto; great voice!)
5. Bird Cage (lyrics written by Tonisen, music composed by Innochi! great song!)

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