Justin and Jon's page


.....This is our survey. We will be asking you very random questions, and please reply truthfully and to the best of your ability. If there's anything that you don't know the answer to (which we are sure you won't), select your best guess. Click on the link at the bottom of the page to view the results.

What is your name?

What is your Quest?

To seek the Holy Grail. ...... To fill out this survey.
To achieve world peace. .... To eat 50 hard boiled eggs in one hour without puking.

What is your favorite color?

Red ...... Green...No! Blue!
Yellow ...... Other

The answer to this question is:

A : B ..... B : C
C : A ..... D : D .....

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

1 ..... 5 ..... 674 ..... 1234

How many fingers do each of the ninja turtles have?

If I were to read your life story, would I...

Out of five stars, how would you rate this survey?

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