This is the original Cochran's homepage created in 1997

We are both Native Americans, I'm Cherokee and Ruby is Chickasaw. We attended the Sequoyah Indian Boarding School in Tahlequah Oklahoma. I attended for eleven years; 2nd grade thru the 12th grade and graduated in 1960. Ruby attended the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades and graduated in 1961.

We have lived in Texas since the early 1960's and have lived in Plano Texas for the past 37 years. We have one son, Roger.

We have been very active in the Sequoyah Alumni Foundation for the past 25 years and want to use this site to help keep in touch with old friends and school mates. To post pictures and items of interest to those who know us and also those who have an interest in Sequoyah High School in Tahlequah OK.

Here are a few items:          SORRY,  these are no longer available.


Stereo Photography My hobby is photography and I especially enjoy stereo photography; that's 3-D for those that are not familiar with the term stereo.  Most folks know what ViewMaster reels are; those 3-D pictures are stereo pairs.  There are other methods of viewing pictures in  3-D: anaglyph (red & blue glasses), parallel viewing and cross-eyed viewing.  Of course there are many other methods of presenting stereo pictures but these are the ones I will use.

       Each method has good and bad points; with anaglyphs you need special glasses and  the other 2 require a little practice to view the stereo pictures in 3-D without glasses.  Go to  and learn how to freeview stereo pairs. Please let me know how you do; I'll be posting others soon.

      I have a few anaglyph photos posted on the Sequoyah Alumni webboard.  See them in the "Share a Photo" conference. Instructions to get a free pair of anaglyph glasses are also posted there. 

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