DX Stories by Paul M. Dunphy, VE1DX

(Originally published in the West Coast DX Bulletin)


By Hugh Cassidy, WA6AUD

One of the Local QRPers was up the hill last week, this one deep in his own troubles. "It is my DXCC total," the QRPer explained, "I have hardly moved for months." We were properly sympathetic for well we know the chasm that awaits for the unwary DXer at the 300 country mark. "Oh! No," the QRPer interrupted, I have a long way to go to the 300 mark. I am stuck on one twenty-seven" Son of a Gun! We had to hear more on this one. How could a true-blue DXer get stuck at such a low total?

"Well," the QRPer said, "you know how it goes. I listen for all the lists and am always right in there to work the DX. I also check with all the daily DX Nets and the other gathering spots and I fear I have cleaned out all the DX there. Then I have looked around for other chances and picked up what I could. But after cleaning out all the nets and working all the lists, all I do now is listen. Maybe I've worked everything available." Something was not adding up and we had to ask more questions.

"What about the DX that Red Eyed Louie is reporting," we asked. "You haven't worked any of that, have you?" The QRPer was silent for a bit. Finally he spoke. "Look", he said, "I do real good on lists and nets. But how do you work DX that is just out there in the open and not on a list? I have never worked one of those." This was hard to believe, but these were unusual times. We thought for awhile and finally we figured we had an answer. "Just pretend you are calling someone taking a list," we advised and it was a real joy to see the QRPer's face. "I will, I will," he cried and raced off down the hill. And we had to think of the day that is coming when someone will make Honor Roll without ever going outside a list. We have even heard that there is a move afoot, and the ARRL may surprise us with it, to have a "LIST DXCC AWARD." Think of the excitement this will bring when word gets out on Straight Key Night!

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