TV Signal Booster
Anchor 101-100

The model 101-100 "Granger" was the top of the line Anchor TV booster. It is a "two stage" booster -- essentially two of the 101-75 circuits in series. The two 6AK5s gave considerable extra gain at a decent noise figure. Anchor advertising literature touts its gain and popularity. Despite its relatively high price, it was evidently a good seller, since 101-100s show up fairly often 50 years later.

The dashboard styling is a little smoother and more rounded than the 101-75, but the operation of the tuning and twin channel dials is the same. Internally, the layout is a bit more crowded to handle the extra vacuum tube and tuning coils. Getting the several tuning coils to track over the wide frequency range must have been a time-consuming process, but since the 101-100 had gain to burn, perhaps it wasn't too important!

Updated October 22, 2003

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