TV Signal Booster
Regency db-213

I.D.E.A. of Indianapolis Indiana was a small electronics-design firm formed right after WWII. The db-213 was the first product they offered under their own Regency brand name. It was designed in 1948, and though fairly successful was quickly supplanted by the db-400. The simple gray hammertone steel cabinet with the silver front was a clean and attractive style.

The circuit consists of two identical 6J6-based amplifiers, in a neutralized push-pull configuration, one each for the high and low channel groups. The high and low bands are tuned with separate knobs, which move powdered-iron cores in and out of coils in the grid and plate circuits (permeability tuning). A switch selects the circuit needed, and turns the unit on or off. The ubiquitous selenium rectifier makes the plate voltage, through a small transformer which also lights the tube filaments.

Updated January 30, 2007

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