Every TV/TG/CD dreams to dress in wedding dress and look beautiful. She wants to look perfect. But mind it, no woman is perfect and complete without the association of a lover, admirer or in one word we can say a man. A man. yes is something special for any bride on her honeymoon night. He is the one who shall be making her dreams come true. He is the person who shall be beautifying her beauty. May be he is who..she is dressing up.

So any bride will be the happiest person on the world when she is with her man,lover,admirer, husband on her wedding night..on her honeymoon night. You must have read most on man..woman relations but very few have written on sex of Cd/TV/TS/TG with their men. As any woman has her problems in sex with her man so any Cd has. She is also a woman from soul and heart. While any woman can discuss the matter with elder women, her friends or a doctor but how shall any TV/TG discuss this with any other. Thus I have tried to explain or I say I have tried to share my information for my other Cd sisters.

There are some common and most convenient sex postures we will discuss first. These will not only make you feel comfortable but also give you the pleasure you deserve the most. But before that we shall take a look on certain other important things like how to make yourself ready for sex and how to have ultimate pleasure in giving blow job to your husband.


Time or When should you have sex? When you have sex is a decision you will start to make only after you've gotten through the initial "all the time!" stage. Eventually, though, any person will develop a habit of making love with a certain pattern. Acquiring that pattern is the start of boredom; breaking that pattern can be the road to a new discovery. If you and your partner are prone to making love only at night, try it for breakfast instead. Run home during lunch for a quickie. No time is more significant to lovemaking than any other, except that the time be good for both you and your partner.

Location or Where should we have sex? In bed, to start with. Seriously, there is no "better" place to make love than a bed. It's designed to hold people lying down; it's even designed for them to be a little rambunctious.However, like time of day, location can become boring with repetition. Moving your sex life into a different room can be as much of a change as night and day. For starters, try the living room; most have a couch. Spread a blanket on the floor, start a fire in the fireplace if you have one, feed each other small, intimate snacks like grapes and champagne, and enjoy. A quickie on the kitchen floor (so popular since Indecent Proposal) can be fun as well.

Others or What about the shower?The shower, as well as the swimming pool, have their disadvantages.For one thing, lubricant doesn't last very long in environments of such overwhelming volumes of water. For another, usually the only position available is standing, with all of the attendant problems of differences in height. Another common problem is that the floor of most bathtubs is very slippery, especially if you spill lubricant on it! However, it's frequently the only place other than the bedroom where both of you are likely to be comfortable and naked, especially in winter. Don't let all the "problems" listed here stop you from trying out what could become one of your favorite places to make love.

And outdoors? Having sex outdoors has its own challenges and rewards. Many people feel that sex outdoors is closer to nature; others feel it is more illicit, "in full view of the whole sky." If you're going to have sex outdoors in any position other than standing, plan ahead of time to bring a blanket. Avoid using bug spray and sun block until afterwards-- both tastes awful. On the other hand, sunburns on your genitals can be excruciating; take care.

Caveat lover...Having sex in strange places is a turn-on for many. How strange a place you want to make love is a matter of some concern of course, since outside of the privacy of your own home, having sex in full view is likely to arouse the interest of the local constabulary. Getting arrested for public indecency is likely to catch the attention of your employer as well. Plan any such dalliances in advance and scope out your intended rendezvous point for possible problems, interruptions, and routes of escape if necessary. And whatever you do, put your used condoms and wrappers in the trash can; stopping litter isn't just good citizenship, here's it's a matter of sheer good taste.

In last I can say that any place, any time and any posture is just perfect as long as both of you enjoy. In my opinion if you leave all these things on your husband and you just relax in his warm arms . Let him make all the decisions and you just try to give him the full pleasure. Mind it if you honor him this way then he will not let you down. You will get every inch of his pleasure in return with interest. You just worry about satisfying him and in return you will get what you can never think in your imagination. Believe me!


What follows is not a set of rules. Rules about sex are impossible-- what should matter is that what you do makes you feel good. And "feeling good" should last past the sex itself-- you should not feel anxious afterwards about catching some horrible disease, so planning ahead about safe sex is part of the idea.

Timings for sex: When you have sex doesn't really matter. What should matter instead is that you and your partner have sex when you are both comfortable. Some people prefer to make love at the break of dawn, some in the afternoon sun, some in the darkness of night. More important than time of day is the time you have to spend. Give yourself a lot of time to have sex the first time. A weekend is ideal, but at least the whole day, including sleep time.

What to eat or drink before sex :Avoid eating a heavy meal, since that'll just makes you sleepy. Eat light, don't drink too much alcohol, if any at all. It may help you shed inhibitions, but it may also make his erection much more difficult to achieve and you want to spend more time in the bedroom than the bathroom anyway, right?

Location for sex :Where you have sex is probably a more important decision. Finding a place where you both can be private for up to forty-eight hours can be difficult at that age where most people are planning on losing their virginity. But it's worth it. Cars are no longer big enough to have sex in,and the outdoors has less privacy, bugs, sand, and pine needles.A bed is probably the best thing to make love in, still. Hopefully you'll have a room to yourself, with all the amenities that a bedroom affords, including heat, comfort, space, and the bathroom. Take a shower together! If you're about to have sex, you've probably had your hands all over each other before now. Get to know each other's bodies. Take your time. That's what lovemaking is about.

Things to keep for Sex : Bring what you need to make you comfortable. Lubricants condoms, some tissues, some antiseptic lotion or cream, old paper , mouth freshener maybe your favorite pillow or a bathrobe. And of course your make up kit, some nice gowns, nighties , bra and panties with nice sleeper. Don't forget to keep some snacks and water. Also your hair pins, some safety pins, body freshener etc.

To do first :You can't expect him to know what makes you feel good. You'll have to tell him or show him, and that may mean taking some of the initiative,taking his hands and placing them where they make you feel good. Go slow. If it's his first time, he may well be totally nervous about what you're about to do, and his penis may not respond at first. Patience, gentleness, and understanding are required to bring it back to life, and that may be hard for you to achieve, but that's why we told you to give yourselves lots of time.You have probably heard horror stories about how much losing your virginity hurts. For a few of us, it does, but with the right touch and the right partner, you should be able to take his penis into your body without pain. Have him take his time, use a lubricant, and press his fingers into you, opening you up slowly. Tell him when it feels good and when it hurts.

Position to use : Many of us TGs prefer to have sex the first time being on top, where we can control the first entry. Others want to be on the bottom and give their lovers that control. Choose what's best for you. Just remember to tell him to go slow, take your time, and if you feel the need, use a commercial lubricant like KY Jelly


Any TV/TG bride can feel pleasure in having her husband's penis in her mouth or from behind. For many people, anal sex is the ultimate taboo. Buttfucking makes it sound crude and dirty, sodomy sounds technical.

Anal sex : Many of brides may feel that Anal sex may hurt or first insertion may pain. Believe me Anal sex should not hurt. If it hurts, you're doing it wrong. With enough lubricant and enough patience, it's entirely possible to enjoy anal sex as a safe and fulfilling part of your sex life. However, some people may never like it, and if your lover is one of those people, respect their limits. Don't force the idea upon them. The pleasure of anal sex is derived from many things. Doing something "nasty" appeals to many people, especially about sex. Doing something different to spice up a sex life that has become something of a bore can be part of it. And the physical sensations available during anal sex are uniquely different from anything else. The rectum is lined with nerve endings, some of which signal the brain to 'reward' you with good feelings when stimulated. For men, the prostate gland can be a source of powerful pleasure. And for a thrusting penis, the ring of the anus can be a new and strong sensation to enjoy.

The most important pieces of advice anyone can give on anal sex are: lubricants, condoms, and patience. The most commonly available lubricant is KY-Jelly, a greaseless, odorless substance available at most drug stores. Do not buy anything that is oil-based. Make sure the lubricant you buy is rated "condom compatible." Nothing else will do. Oil- based lubricants such as Vaseline or baby oil will destroy a condom long before you're done having sex. Even if you're sure that both you and your partner are disease- free, you should still use a condom. It will also help you clean up afterwards.

If you are worried that anal sex will be messy then note that Anal sex should not be messy. Most first-timers fear that it will be, but most people can tell when they have to go. A condom will help with cleanup, of course.

Preparing yourself for Anal Sex: Patience is the third and final thing you need to make anal sex possible. Initial penetration is always the most difficult part of anal sex-- the anus is a tight ring of flesh at the opening of the rectum.It is partially under voluntary control, andpartially reflexive to stimulation. You haveto relax, and your man has to go slow to coax it into opening enough to receive his penis. Tell him to Start with a well-lubricated finger or a slim (smaller than his penis) dildo. The dildo is more realistic, but fingers can flex and feel what they're doing inside your ass. Slide one finger in slowly, letting you adjust to it. Take his finger all the way out, then push it back in again. Give your anus time to get used to this kind of activity. Then slide a second finger in. Consider how big his penis is and realize that two fingers is probably enough.

Ideal position for anal sex : For actual intercourse, picking a position can be important. Many

Of us want to be on top, to regulate how fast penetration occurs. Other likes to lie on their stomachs, or crouch doggy-style, or to be penetrated while lying on their sides. Choose what's best before you starts always, control yourself. Take your time and use lots of lubricant. People who like anal sex say that "too much lube is almost enough." Tell him- if you tell he may start to hurt, back him off. Eventually, a time will come during your lovemaking where your anus will relax enough to allow the head of his cock to 'pop' into you. If you arecompletely relaxed, that pop should feel completely painless. Now just because he is inside you are no reason for him to start pounding away like mad. Let your body adjust. Take your time. Eventually you will both be ready for more.


This is also known as Fellatio. Fellatio, giving head, giving a blowjob. Many men love this kind of stimulation, and many people, both tv/tg and men, like giving it. Fellatio is the act of applying your lips to your man's penis with the purpose of giving him pleasure. There are few tips to fellatio that can be given other than practice. The lips and the tongue are the major sources of stimulation, and it is with the lips and tongue that you should apply the attention to make him feel good. Both you and your man respond well to pressure and rhythm. A steady, strong stroke will be enough to get the reaction you're looking for.

Smell or taste good :If the smell isn't something you enjoy, then tell him to go take a shower! While this is something you're doing primarily for his pleasure, that doesn't mean you have to suffer if he's lacking in hygiene! And if you're worried about germs, your mouth has millions more germs than a clean penis.

Deep throating :Deep throating is the act of taking the penis down past your gag reflex. In reality, this particular sexual adventure is very overrated. The best way to give fellatio is still with the lips and tongue, taking only as muchas you can without gagging. However, for those that want to know, the basic lesson is still practice. Take the penis as far as you can without choking, and then close your eyes and concentrate, taking each quarter inch, telling yourself that you won't choke, that you can take it out at any time, and slowly swallow it down. Then rise off of it just as slowly.

Special spots on the penis :Every penis is different, and each has its sensitive spots and its preferred ways of being handled. Listen to your lover. The sounds he makes and the feel of his body tensing are your best clues that you're going this right.

Use of hands : Feel free to grasp with your hands whatever of the penis you can't fit into your mouth. Many men like as much stimulation as possible, and the feel of a wet mouth and a saliva-slicked hand are enough to send them to the brink of orgasm very quickly.

Position :For fellatio, this even makes sense-- most penises curve upwards, towards the head, and in the position that curve matches the curve of the throat is the best. Try the position, or kneel by his body, but at least in the beginning do one thing at a time.

Want to swallow.:This brings us to a sensitive issue: swallowing ejaculate. For many men, this is important to them-- they like to feel that by swallowing their semen, you complete this act of lovemaking and accept a part of themselves into your body. But many people don't like the taste of semen and can't bring themselves. Talk about this beforehand-- let him know if you can't handle it, and that it's not personal.

How to seminal fluids taste better: Macrobiotic nutritionists have actually done research on this question, and the answer is in: you are what you eat. Common sense dictates that if he taste good, you will want to eat him more often, so improving his body's taste and smell should be important to you. In general, nutritionists say that alkaline-based foods such as meats and fish produce a butter, fish taste. Dairy products, which contain a high bacterial putrefaction level create the foulest tasting fluids by far. (Dissent: almost everyone I know says that there is one worse than a high-dairy content-- asparagus. You can't miss the taste of asparagus-laced semen.) Acidic fruits, such as sweets, fruits, and alcohol give bodily fluids a pleasant, sugary flavor. Chemically processed liquors will cause an extremely acidic taste, however, so if you're going to drink alcohol, drink high-quality, naturally fermented beers (Rolling Rock or Kirin) or sake.

Contents of semen : The question of semen content arises especially among persons who regularly swallow semen, as in fellatio, and who are concerned about calorie intake and nutritional substances. The average ejaculate contains aboutonia, ascorbic acid, blood-group antigens, calcium, chlorine,cholesterol, choline, citric acid, creatine, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),fructose, glutathione, hyaluronidase, inositol, lactic acid, magnesium,nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, purine, pyrimidine, pyruvic acid, sodium, sorbitol, spermidine, spermine, urea, uric acid, vitamin B12, and zinc. The caloric content of an average ejaculate is estimated to be approximately 15 calories.

There is only one true way to do fellatio, and that's with enthusiasm. You have to love what you're doing to him, either because you love him or you love sucking cock. Loving both is best! Faked orgasms have nothing on lackluster fellatio.


HUSBAND ON TOP : Most commonly known as "missionary position": In which your man on top, and you are on the bottom. You are lying on your stomach. This is how where we were when most of us lost our virginity. Now of course it's "old-fashioned," but actually, there's nothing wrong with this position. This affords excellent support for thrusting, close intimate contact between lovers, and is an ideal position for having maximum pleasure. You may lie with your legs spread wide and to the sides or may cross-them witheach other or that of your lover . In either position, the man can reach your cheeks, face, lips and breasts from above. You too can hold his hands, can kiss or lick them or just rest your soft cheeks on them. You can feel his weight and he will be in full control. However you will be on his pity in this position but you certainly can feel him all over your body parts.

YOU SITTING ON A CHAIR : A variation on the above position is for you to sit in a chair or on the edge of a low bed, thus allowing the man to kneel on the floor for thrusting. This way it can reduce the weight he places upon you, and allows for both partners to reach their genitals. But you may feel this position less intimate.

BRIDE ON TOP : Experts says that this position is highly recommended for "how to lose your virginity". It allows you fully control the speed at which sex occurs. There are several different positions classified in this group. The most common is that you straddle his hips, taking his penis inside you and then lies atop him, either with your legs bent or stretched out. You may also choose to just sit straight up atop him, sliding up and down; this position is both visually stimulating for the man and allows him to play with your breasts freely.

SITTING : This position is for sex in slow motion; the angles are all wrong for any sort of vigorous thrusting. The man sits in a chair or cross-legged on the floor while you sit astride him, faces away. This position is good for caressing and intimacy. Some people recommend rockingchairs for this position.

STANDING : For your "quickies" and illicit sex in alleyways, standing is actually one of the more complicated positions to achieve. Insertion can be difficult; standing, the ass hole is not tilted forward for easy access. If you are shorter than your manthis position may require a short footstool or convenient staircase step to make it possible. At any rate, someone may want a friendly wall to hold both of you up during this act.

SIDE BY SIDE : These positions all mirror the "on top" positions, except that the partners now lie on their sides on the bed. They can be achieved at an angle or from behind. This can be slow, relaxing; one can almost fall asleep comfortably like this. In this position, it is known as "spooning." (The term applies mostly to the act of sleeping in that position, not necessarily the act of sex.)

DOGGIE STYLE : Although several positions already described can also be covered under this term, most people use this term to describe the position in which you kneels on your hands and knees while the man enters you from behind. Some people strongly dislike this position because of the lack of intimacy and the suggestion of male "dominance"; others like it for the freedom and strength that can be employed during the act of intercourse.



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