Geese Howard was born in the year 1953 in Germany, the elder child of Rudolph Howard.
Rudolph later married into the Krauser clan and became the 33rd clan master. Consequently, he disowned his earlier family ties.
His first wife ( Geese's mother ) later died of sorrow, thus enraging the young Geese.
At the age of 16, Geese made an assasination attempt on his father.
However, his 15 year old half-brother Wolfgang Krauser had already beaten him to that.

Wolfgang had killed Rudolf to prove that he is the strongest fighter, and also because Rudolf  favoured Geese rather than himself.
After that, Geese was badly beaten up and left to wallow in defeat, while Wolfgang claimed his lordship.

Geese then wandered in Europe. When he was about sixteen, he took up services under an influential mafia boss in Italy.
There he came to know a certain Gianni Nordi who was a master of oriental martial arts and took up apprenticeship under him.
Gianni was actually an associate of Mr Big, the boss of the one of the largest crime syndicates in the world, known as the Organization.
Geese, being the evil genius he is, later repaid Gianni by killing him and taking his place in the Organization.

In 1978, Geese planned to take over Southtown, a city in South America notorious for its lawlessness.
Geese had planned to make Southtown the headquarters for his empire.
Geese is ready for world domination.

In less than a year, Geese steadily built up the Organization to extend its economic and political influence all over Southtown.
With Geese Tower as his HQ,Geese renamed the Organization as "The Howard Connection".
Geese became the most powerful man in Southtown. Even the police has no power over him.

One day, Geese was informed that a man had come for a loan from Geese.
Geese discovered that the man is none other than Takuma Sakazaki, master of Kyokugen-ryu Karate.
( Geese had always been interested in the skills of Kyokugen-ryu. )

With some devious scheme in his mind, Geese agreed to lend Takuma money to pay off his gambling debts.
Geese then offered Takuma a job in his empire, in return of what Takuma owed him.
Reluctantly, Takuma agreed, but so as not to tarnish the reputation of Kyokugen-ryu Karate, he called himself "Mr Karate".


Several years ago, Takuma Sakazaki& his wife were involved in a traffic accident.
However, the body of Takuma was not found.
With their mother dead and father mysteriously disappeared,
Ryo, the elder child of the Sakazaki, took up the responsibility of taking care of his sister, Yuri.

Ryo, being the successor of the Kyokugen-ryu Dojo, made a living by taking part in street fights.
Some time later, Ryo received a letter from Takuma.
Takuma is still alive, and wants Ryo to take care of Yuri and the dojo.
Takuma also left the sibling in the care of long-time friend Albert Garcia, President of the Garcia Foundation.
Robert Garcia, the sole heir of the Garcia Foundation, is Ryo's best friend, Yuri's boyfriend and also a disciple of Takuma.
Since young, he has been training with Ryo and often helped Ryo in times of financial crisis.

Some time later, Takuma overheard Geese and Mr Big in some discussion.
By chance, Takuma discovered that Geese was involved in some illegal business.

Enraged that he was tricked into a life of crime, Takuma wanted to leave the organization, and had a heated arguement with Geese.
Geese then asked Takuma to go for a stroll, where he tried to persuade Takuma to continue working for him.
The arguement turned into a quarrel, and the quarrel developed into a fight.

Although Geese managed to block Mr Karate's previously invincible Haohshikoken, Geese knew that he was no match for Takuma.
Geese was then forced to flee due to the arrival of the police.

Geese later went overseas for training, and left everything in the hands of his assistant, Mr Big.

Having overheard the quarrel between Geese and Takuma in the office, Mr Big plotted to upsurp Southtown while Geese is away.
Mr Big then kidnapped Takuma's daughter, Yuri Sakazaki, and forced Takuma to work for him.



Ever since his bout with Takuma, Geese developed an intense interest in Oriental martial arts.
Geese came under the tutelage of Tung Fu Rue, master of Hakkyokuseiken. 

Geese later discovered that Hakkyoseiken is actually a skill recorded within the Sacred Scrolls.
The Sacred Scrolls are divided into three seperate scrolls.
One of the scrolls was in the possession of Tung, another was with Krauser, and the last unknown.

As Tung was getting old, he decided to impart all of his skills to a worthy successor.
Geese's main competitor was Jeff Bogard, his senior and perhaps the only person as talented as he is.
Tung felt that Geese was over-ambitious and full of hatred and vengeance, thus he decided to Jeff his successor.
Geese thus hated Jeff, and plotted to get rid of both Jeff Bogard.

When Ryo and Robert received news that Yuri had been kidnapped, they set off in search for her immediately.
Some time later, Ryo met King, a kickboxer who worked as a bouncer in La 'mour, a famous restaurant in Southtown .

They had a fight in which Ryo executed his Koohken and blasted King's shirt off.
To his suprise, "he" was actually a "she" !!!

King confessed that she was working for Mr Big so as to support her sick brother, Jan, who was hospitalized.

Impressed by Ryo's confidence in defeating Mr Big and his determination in rescuing Yuri, King fell in love with Ryo.
King also provided vital clues which led Ryo closer to the whereabouts of Yuri.

Ryo was led to a hangar, and met John Crawley, one of Mr Big's minions.

Being one of Mr Big's strongest fighters, John proved to be quite a tough opponent.
Nevertheless, he was no match for Ryo.
Defeated, John revealed the whereabouts of his boss, Mr Big.

Ryo and Robert thus charged into Geese's steel factory, hoping to find Yuri there.
There they met Mr Big, a powerful fighter who wielded two steel truncheons.
He was a tough opponent, but Ryo executed his Zanrekken which finally broke through Mr Big's defence.
Ryo then executed Kyokugen-ryu's most powerful technique - Haohshokoken, and defeated Mr Big.

Mr Big then directed Ryo to an abandoned Karate dojo, where they would find Yuri; and where a mysterious fighter awaits them.

When they got there, they found Yuri held hostage in the dojo.
A man in a Tengu mask then appeared and challenged Ryo. And this mysterious man introduced himself as Mr Karate !!
Being Ryo's father and teacher, Mr Karate knew Ryo's every move.

Mr Karate told Ryo that unless he can master the Haohshokoken, Ryo can never defeat him.
Ryo was enraged, and executed the Haohshokoken but it was intercepted by Mr Karate's Haohshikoken.
Almost immediately, he executed his Haohshikoken again, and sent Ryo crashing to the ground..

Although Ryo was no match for Mr Karate, his fighting spirit started to burn.
Ryo then returned to basics, using normal Karate techniques to fight him.
However, Ryo's movements became faster and faster, so fast that Mr Karate was almost unable to keep up with him.
Finally, Ryo executed the Ryukoranbu and defeated him.

Ryo was about to finish him off when Yuri stopped him and revealed that Mr Karate is actually their father.

Takuma then explained that after that accident with his wife, he spent his time drinking to drown his sorrows.
He also went into gambling, and lost a lot of money. Having no choice, he had to borrow money to pay off his debts.
The man that he borrowed money from is none other than Geese Howard.
Takuma then told them how he was manipulated by Mr Big, and then you know how the story goes ......

Finally, the Organization's plan to take over Southtown ended.
Mr Big went into hiding, and with him gone, Geese regained his position as the kingpin of Southtown.

Although his position as the master of Southtown was undisputed, Geese knew that the Kyokugen-ryu remained a threat to him.
Thus, Geese organized the first of his famous "King of Fighters" tournaments, which the Kyokugen-ryu was invited to participate.

In the tournament, Ryo was attacked by a ninja by the name of Eiji Kisaragi.
Eiji insisted that Kisaragi-ryu Ninjutsu is the most powerful martial art in the world, and not Kyokugen-ryu Karate.

In order to prove it to the world, Eiji challenged Ryo, who was also known as "The Invincible Dragon".
However, Ryo easily Eiji, who later swore eternal vengeance on Kyokugen-ryu Karate.

Naturally, the "Invincible Dragon" Ryo Sakazaki, made it through to the end.
Geese had expected this and has an ulterior motive - he wanted to learn Kyokugen-ryu Karate's Ryukoranbu.

But before this can take place, Mr Big took advantage of the situation and returned to continue his treachery.
Only then do we see how much Geese's skills have improved ; Mr Big was completely powerless before the man.
Geese evaded Mr Big's attacks with ease, using his aikido skills to humiliate Mr Big.
Finally, Geese executed his Buzzsaw, which sliced through Mr Big's truncheons, broke his sunglasses and then slashed across his face.
Mr Big finally understood that he is no match for Geese, and then fled in shame and defeat.

At last, Ryo met Geese, who accepted his challenge with confidence and enthusiam.
Having failed to master Ryukoranbu during his match with Takuma the other time, Geese was determined to master it this time.

As expected, Ryo was also no match for Geese, who was even more powerful than he had expected..

However, Geese underestimated Ryo, who finally executed the Ryukoranbu and defeated him.
( Geese's own version of the Ryukoranbu, Deadly Rave, was no match for the real thing ).

Just when Ryo was about to finish Geese off  with his Haohshokoken, the lights suddenly went off and Geese escaped.
Geese fled to Japan, where he swore to return to reclaim Southtown.

After Geese returned to Southtown, he still felt that he's still not invincible, and needed to spend more time in training.
Geese then trained himself in many skills under many masters.

One day, Geese challenged an wandering Kobujutsu master ( Blue Mary's grandfather ) to a duel.
Although Geese was defeated, he begged the master to take him as his disciple.
The Kobujutsu master saw great potential in Geese, and thus agreed.
After imparting everything he knew, the master decided to leave Southtown.
Once again, Geese challenged the master to a duel, and repaid the master's kindness by killing him using his very own skills.

After months of training, Geese's prowess improved tremendously.
The vast improvement was proven when Eiji Kisaragi was defeated with a single stroke.

In the year 1982, Geese challenged Jeff to a duel, in which he killed Jeff in front of the latter's adopted sons.
Geese then defeated Tung Fu Rue and stole the Sacred Scroll. 
After having mastered everything in the Scroll, Southtown once again came under the influence and manipulation of Geese Howard.

One day, Geese received a report that 20 workers in his steel factory were killed, all died from a fatal stab in the throat.
Geese personally went to investigate, and to his suprize, the killer was Billy Kane, a young boy armed only with an iron rod.

Billy Kane was born in England, and had lived in the slums together with his sister Lily.
The living conditions were so bad that they fled to Southtown.
Geese was impressed by Billy's skill with the stick, and thus took him in.
Billy, hoping to give his sister a better life, gladly accepted Geese's offer.
He was then trained in the art of Bojutsu.
Billy learned quickly and later became Geese's able righthand-man.





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