In The King Of Iron Fist Tournament 3, Heihachi failed in his attempt to capture Toshin.
Not willing to give up so easily, Heihachi sent the blood samples and skin tissue left by Toshin during the battles to the Mishima Laboratory for research.
Heihachi's motive was to create a new life form by fusing the genome of Toshin with his own.
However, the research had been unsuccessful.

After extensive experimentation, it was concluded that a certain gene was necessary to splice the gene of Toshin to a living organism.
The Demon gene.
Heihachi understood that he himself lacked that certain gene, but he knows of someone who does ...... Jin Kazama.
After Jin vanquished the mutated form of Toshin after The King Of Iron Fist Tournament 3,
he was shot and mortally wounded by Heihachi and the Tekken Force.
Just when he was about to die, Jin transformed into a demon - the new Toshin.
Jin then charged at Heihachi, grabbed hold of his face and smashed him through the walls of the Mayan Temple.
Severely injured, Heihachi could only watch Jin spread his pair of black wings before he took flight.
Afterwhich, Jin's whereabouts were unknown.

Heihachi sent his agent to locate Jin, but to no avail.
However, a discovery found during the search aroused Heihachi's interest.
It was 20 year-old photograph showing an image of a burnt corpse covered with laceration wounds.
A pair of deformed, wing-like protrutions on the corpse's back caught Heihachi's attention.
Heihachi was convinced that the photo was of Kazuya, his own son whom he threw into a volcano 20 years ago.
Heihachi thus diverted all his resources into locating the body of his son.

The search eventually led Heihachi to G-Corporation, a leading-edge bio-technology firm making unprecedent advances in the field of bio-genetics research.
Heihachi discovered that G-Corp had found extracted and analyzed the genetic data from the corpse, and was in the midst of creating a new life form using the data.
Heihachi also determined that Kazuya's remains and research data were secured at G-Corp's Nebraska and Nepal research laboratories, respectively.

Friday, 25 December - Christmas Day.
The Tekken Force raided G-Corp's maximum security research laboratory in Nepal.
The bottom floors of the building were obliterated, and the remaining data storage facility containing file servers was airlifted by a group of heavy-duty helicopters.

At the same time, a separate unit led by Heihachi invaded the underground research facility in Nebraska, where Kazuya's remains were preserved.
Heihachi monitored the situation in his helicopter, and was certain that this operation was bound to succeed.
Suddenly, the advance party of the Tekken Force was knocked to the ground as if they were beaten up by someone.

Heihachi rushed to the monitor to verify what had happened.
In the midst of the fallen Tekken Force was a shadowy figure. Heihachi was shocked to find that it was none other than ...... KAZUYA MISHIMA !!

" He's still alive ?! "

It turned out that Kazuya was resurrected in the laboratory of G-Corp.
In the attempt to unify his two selves into one, Kazuya offered himself to the research of the true nature of the Demon that resided within him.

Kazuya's theory is that if he is able to merge with the Demon, he would then be able to truly harness its powers.
He could thus take revenge on his father Heihachi Mishima.

An agent of the Tekken Force attacked Kazuya with a high roundhouse kick.
Kazuya blocked the kick, and counter-attacked with a punch to the mid-section.

Although his opponent staggered back in pain, it is obvious that Kazuya was quite furious that Heihachi has once again thwarted his plans.

After recovering from that punch, the same Tekken Force agent attacked again.
He faked a punch, then followed by a kick.
This time, Kazuya caught his leg, swung him round and threw him into the wall.

The next agent advanced towards Kazuya, attacking with an army knife.

He tried to stab Kazuya, but Kazuya parried his attack and countered with a blow to the ribs.

Another agent lunged at Kazuya, but Kazuya side-stepped and caught hold of his arm.
Kazuya then kicked him in the head, followed by a reverse-kick which sent him crashing through the glass panel.

Another Tekken Force agent, wielding two army knives, slashed at Kazuya.
Kazuya back-stepped, and was out of range.

When the agent lunged at him, Kazuya caught him in an arm-lock, and smashed his head into the wall.

A series of heavy footsteps caught the attention of Kazuya.

The heavily-armed reinforcements for the Tekken Force has arrived.
Kazuya, though powerful, was not stupid.
He understood that his enemy is Heihachi, and that it is not his fate to die here.
Kazuya thus made his escape.

Unknown to Kazuya, another group of agents had been waiting behind the door, ready to ambush Kazuya.
When Kazuya approached the door, one of the agents threw a hand grenade along the corridor.
There was a great explosion, and they assumed that they had sent Kazuya to his doom.

However, with his enhanced senses, Kazuya escaped death.
Although injured in the blast, Kazuya hunted down the Tekken Force one by one.
Finally, only one of the Tekken Force was left.
With Kazuya pointing a gun at him, the Tekken Force agent knelt on the ground, helpless and exhausted.

Kazuya noticed the video-camera on the agent's helmet zoom-in onto him, and knew that Heihachi is watching him.

" From you ...... I shall take everything back !! "

With that, Kazuya smashed the camera, along with the head of the agent.
After he had obliterated the Tekken Force, Kazuya vanished into the flames of the lab's wreckage.

Heihachi was infuriated by Kazuya's escape. However, he already has a plan in mind.
An evil smile crept upon his lips.

Some time later, the Mishima Zaibatsu announced the opening of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.
Other than the cash prize, the champion of the tournament will get to fight Heihachi.
If he is able to defeat Heihachi, he shall inherit the entire Mishima Zaibatsu.
Well aware that this is just a trap set by Heihachi to lure him out, Kazuya nevertheless enters the tournament.
It is his only chance to take revenge on his father, Heihachi Mishima.

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