Kai "Silver Flame" Filth (Nimura)
What I a am.. *this is cute*
REAL Name: Amanda Nicknames: Kai, Silver, Robin ( Silver Flame Butterfly ) B-date: nov, 25, 1982 Fav Rock bands: Dir en Grey, Malice Mizer, X Japan, Blam Honey, Hide with Spread Beaver, HIDE, Zilch, Lareine, New Sodmy, Silver Ash, Kidney Theives, Rob Zombie & White Zombie, Pierrot, Plastic Tree, Art Marju Duchain, Cradle of Filth, December Moon, Marilyn Manson, Anathema, Candlemass, Whiplash, HeadBand (Twiggy's new band), Nine Inch Nails, OZZY, Criminal (Robin's new band), Creed, and about 100 or so more. that arn't as important as the ones i listed above... Fav pop bands (if any): (korean) Shinhwa, Baby VOX, g.o.d (groove over dose) , h.o.t (high five of teenagers) (( so i got a thing for k pop.. leave me alone )) Fav misc bands: Enya, Dead Can Dance Fav peice of clothing: my Ba-tsu club tie (( Import from Japan! the same one Kyo wore in the I'll music video / Kyo of Dir en Grey )) Least fav peice of clothing: pink dresses Fav colors: Black (DUH), red, silver, purple, blue Strangest thing anyone said to you: Nice teeth (( strange... )) One word to describe yourself: -ME- Best Friend's name: isn't it obvouis? Saffron!! Pets: cats ((to many to name)), dogs ((Sheba Uni )), fish ((Wally the fancy goldfish)) Main Idol: Kyo of Dir en Grey (vocal) (( *PURR* kyo kyo kyo )) Other Idols: Kami(Malice Mizer-dead-)((*CRY*)), Hideto(X Japan-dead-)((*CRY*)), Toshiya(Bass for Dir en Grey), Twiggy Ramirez / Jeordie White (ex-bass for Marilyn Manson),Robin Graves / Robin Eaglestone (ex-bass for Cradle of Filth / vocal, ect of December Moon / current: Criminal), Dani Filth (vocal of Cradle of Filth), Marilyn Manson (vocal of Marilyn Manson), John 5 (live guiterist for Marilyn Manson), Paul (Guitar for Cradle of Filth), Mana (ex-guiterist for Malice Mizer-disbanded-) (( Cause he's soo pretty.. Mana, yes this is a BOY Religion: Wiccan Personal Symbol: Silver Butterfly Yahoo id(s) (( most are RP)): kai_silver_flame / nocturnal_pulse_robin_graves / mechanical_holywood_john5 / jeordie_twigramirez_white / robin_eaglestone_graves / AIM id(s) (( two are for LJ fake celeb rp)) : robineaglestone / divinetwiggy (( normaly on as this one)) / kanastarlight Spoken Langues: English , some Japanese Sung Langues:Japanese English Korean Anything else?: singer "silver flame" gothic electronica / industrial., learning how to spin turntables (death -goth -vampire/vampyre type).
my Robin Eaglestone site......
now some may ask.. why did u make it? I say why not.. ok.
my first deal was because he's pretty.. and it's so hard to find anything
on him. info.. pics.. ANYTHING.... he hides from the damn camrea.. i swear.
he's shyer then a mouse.. and i got annoyed with seeing sites all for dani,
dani dani dani dani dani dani.. now i have NOTHING agaisnt dani,..
it's just after about the 300 somthing image of him, he's still sexy, but.
not as sexy as u can guess go on.. i know u wanna say it,, come on.. go on.
do it! Robin! he's one of my fav bass players.. not the fav.. that spot
was won by Toshiya of Dir en Grey.. if u seen that man stare into a camrea
and play bass and wear those * dies* outfits.. u'd see my point.. he won
by looks alone. he can play sure but not as good as rob here... he has talent,
looks and staying power.. and he did come out with December Moon, damn he can
sing.. i know some people didn't like december moon and mocked his singing 
talent, * like cradle of filth*.... they where compareing him to dani, cause
at the time he worked with dani! I could rant on that subject, but i'll stop.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but somethimes beauty is hidden, like 
a reflection in a mirror in darkness. *grin* i'll leave you with that, to
figure out.. well then..

ja ne,

Kai   ( Silver Flame Butterfly)

"let my wings open up and my dreams fly into the night, into the fires of
mankind that will try to destory me, into those flames a pink and blue butterfly flew,
and out came the silver flameing winged soul......
my soul.. me...  - death is thy angel let me fly - " -untitled. kai nimura

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