These are some profiles of the KKRPG development team, we call ourselves G-Force, and some other people that were either directly or indirectly involved in the development of KKRPG.

Daoust, Marc

Forum User Name: Mechagodzilla

Title: Game Concept & Design

E-mail: [email protected]

    I started developing this game my senior year of High School, and it's grown a lot since then. Now that I'm in college, away from my friends, I find that I don't play too many RPG's anymore. I tend to play them like there's no tomorrow whenever I do get back home. I play Mechagodzilla in our current campaign, even though we don't play that often.

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Brown, Trevor

Forum User Name: Full Armor ZZ Gundam

Title: Co-Developer & Monster Researcher

E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.geocities.com/uc_rpg/

    Trevor helped me develop this game quite a bit, and posts fairly often on the in the Forum. He's always got new ideas, and tends to specialize in generating specific campaigns. Being another college boy, he provides ideas when he can. Trevor commands the Big G himself in our game, Godzilla. He's also developed an RPG of his own, check out his site.

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Brown, Todd

Forum User Name: Dandoku

Title: Play Tester

    Todd is Trevor's younger brother, and one of my play testers. I wanted Todd to be a play tester because he's a totally different type of role player. He'll try different things that a typical RPG'er would never think of. Todd chose Anguirus as his monster in the last game we played.

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Punch, Donald

Forum User Name: fleshrender2002

E-Mail: [email protected]

Title: Play Tester

    What can I say about Don? Insane comes to mind. Don's the type of player who like to overpower his opponents, he'd say "If I kill it the first shot, then I don't need to defend myself." Unfortunately, he moved out west, and can't really play in the campaign, but he's still part of the team since he helped develop the game.

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McBride, Joe

Forum User Name: Zeratule of the Dark Templar

Title: Play Tester

   Probably the most eccentric player I've ever had in any RPG I've ever played. Joe is his own style of player, and this shows when he plays Gamera in our campaign. He's the one that I keep an eye on if I want to find any glitches in my game mechanics, because if there is a glitch then he'll exploit it.

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Monster Zero's Kaiju News


Title: Research Site

  I did a lot of research here, and read most of the movie reviews to find out more about some of the monsters. It's a great site, lots of info on the movies and general Kaiju News. Don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself.

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Rodan's Roost

Website: http://www.rodansroost.com/

Title: Research Site

    One of the best Kaiju sites on the Net. This site has the info I based my monster stats on, mainly things like height, weight, wingspan, attacks, fighting styles, etc. Definitely a recommended site for any self respecting Kaiju fan.

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Toho Kingdom

Website: http://www.tohokingdom.com/

Title: Research Site

    All I have to say is "Wow!" I had a really hard time finding pictures and stats for the G-Force Units, and even some monsters were hard to find, but this site has it all. Big thanks

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All Monsters & G-Force Units on this page are copyright Toho Ltd.
This RPG is Free, and under no circumstance shall profit be made by ANYONE through the distribution of this game.
Contact KKRPG - [email protected]
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