Where Monsters Roam and Dinosaurs Rule the Earth
In theory, I should have grown up by now, but to be absolutely honest, I am just not the kind.  The most interesting and fully engaged people I have ever met are basically big kids, and I am proud to number myself among them.  Kaiju-kaijin, which takes its name from a Japanese amalgam meaning "mysterious beast-mysterious person" is a page devoted to dinosaur and monster/kaiju model building and the dozen or so satillite topics that orbit it. 
Kaiju / Monster Kits
May News
More New Guests at Wonderfest

There are several last minute guests and some of Harryhausen's rules for signing autographs at the "
Hot News" site.

-Tom Savini Added to Wonderfest

Tom Savini, known for his special effects in films like
Dawn of the Dead and Creepshow is now on the bill at Wonderfest.  Of course, the headliner is Ray Harryhausen and for dino fans, there's William Stout and Mike Fredericks.

-- Garage Kits in Moderation

Alexadre Zart has asked me to be the "garage Kit" forum moderator at
www.mundohobby.com.   I hope to gather some folks through flyers at Wonderfest and make the forum fun.  For now, I have an idea to have a "Which Kit Would You Want?" question.

--Kaiyodo to Discontinues Model Production

I got this from the X-O Facto website, but according to them (and they would know) after May, Kaiyodo has no more plans to make model kits.   All business decisions have to do with money, so my guess is that now that toys and figures are so popular and accurate, and people are less likely to want to build anything, that affected Kaiyodo's decision.  Too bad, too.  The make great kaiju.

Kaiju  Links

Info, Sellers, Models & Makers
Dinosaur Kits
Dinosaur Links

Info, Sellers, Models & Makers
Which Kit?
There have been a lot of creative godzilla interpretations lately.  Take a look at
these kits and once you've decided which you'd want if you could have one for free, chime in at the garage kit forum of www.mundohobby.com.
The Rating System
If you want to learn a little more about why I spend my time doing such a crazy thing click here.  If you want to join an active discussion on the subject, I am the moderator of the "garage kit" forum at www.mundohobby.com. If you just want to check out the models, articles, crackpot theories, and other items, just click a link.
Modeling Sites

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