Name: Arkai
Nickname: Lightning Lizard
Surname: Hawkwing
Title: Lord
Age: 19
Birthdate: June 7
Hometown: Tokugai
Habitat: Forest
Guild: Elemental Heroes
Sign: Gemini
Magical Sign: Thief
Element: Lightning & Air
Gemstone: Opal
Season: Fall
Planet: Mercury
Gender: Male
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Green
Height: 5' 08"
Weight: 165 lbs
Mother: Sykilari
Father: Yoniru
Siblings: Keifu
Spouse: Efla
Kids: Tuor
Friends: Keisun , Borge, Drake, Leon & Flesmus
Pets: Seisen the Lightning Wolf
Race: Half Elven Lizard Man
Class: Satori Lord-Knight Level 1000
Weapon: Royal Elven Blade & Thunder Striker
Weapon Type: Broad sword. The hero's weapon.
Armor: Leather
Special Power: Lightning
Fight Type: Fight. Slow and powerful, and extremely effective.
Skills: Forage & Poison Making
Magic Type: Elementalism & Evocation
Magic Component: Words
Mana: Green Forest & Blue Island
Fairy: Gossamer Reedfrost
Mythology: Lizardman & Dragon. Powerful, mysterious, and all-around impressive.
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Any with sugar in it! Fruits with sugar
Hobbies: Crafting,Travelling & Studying rare creatures.
Personality: Brash, firm, stubborn, loyal, calm, confident.
Best Trait: I like the fact that I'm happy with who I am, despite my faults.
Dream: To know all there is to know about the world!
Music: Eh. I don't care. I don't like or dislike.
Theme Song: Spike Rosered
Arkai Hawkwing (Lightning Lizard)
Titles Earned:

Classes Owned:


Carrier of the Yellow Star (Lightning)
Emergency Medical technician

Games Played:
The Sims 2
Champions of Norrath
Soul Calibur 3
Silk Road
Diablo 2
The Movies
Story: A half elven lizard, living in the forest town of Tokugai, Arkai grew up wanting to know all about the outside world. When he was old enough he set out on his adventure to find rare creatures. He came upon a water cavern and was attacked by a dark angel. Leon and Drake found him and helped out. Arkai travelled with them to destroy Bloody Mary. He found his buddy Borge in the Bloody Fortress while traveling. They made there escape to a haunted castle, where Arkai experienced the corruption of Drake! Arkai was sent to this dream place and met Siren, a mermaid. Together they defeated O.X. in the dream and made it back to the castle, but Siren was not there. Moon Dust attacked and his best buddy Borge charged and sadly, he was killed. Arkai was furious and continued forward to destroy any evil in the name of Borge. Eventually he made it to Mirror World, Drake and Arkai found Leon and Maria in Mirror World where it was collapsing. They escaped and then there adventure continued, through the desert, they met Toshigo and Harpie and Aliza. After helping Aliza in the desert, they came to a port town of Kaitaun, he found Zhodre and his haunted ship. The ship crashed at the deserts, now he was back in the desert town of Sabatoshi, Harpie gave them a ride over to the Daisy Tree where they found Daisy and finally headed to Mirror World to destroy Bloody Mary. They were the 4 elemental heroes, Arkai is air. Arkai and Daisy were destroyed with Mirror World. Years later, a shaman came and found Arkai in a dream, Arkai managed to escape because he was in Dream World at one point, so the shaman of dreams, Ogamoku can revive his soul, dreams will never die. So, he met Flesmus and travelled with her through her adventure to find the 7 stars of light. The Star of Light Heroes found Code Master and destroyed his darkness.
           After the adventure, he met Efla, a human ninja and had one child, Tuor. They lived in Tokugai and were very happy. Years had passed as Tuor got older, then Arkai met Flessmoore, daughter of Flesmus and he created an airship and joined her along with Ren and Katelyn to do some treasure hunting. Arkai piloted the airship as they traveled around Terra searching for treasure and the wonders of Terra. Near the end of their adventure, Arkai saw something down in Faei, it was a dark energy and Arkai was sucked right into it and crashed into Faei, killing him instantly... Many others lives were lost as well.
Music Playing: Spike Rosered
"Let it thunder, booya!!"
Rogue Combat Skills:
Thunder Stab
Quick Evasion
Lightning Knives
Bolting Sprint
Spark Rush

Electric Fury
Druid Balance Spells:
Lightning Spikes
Nature Storm
Static Bolts
Entangling Grass
Thunderous Winds

Storm Rage
Shaman Elemental Spells:
Call of Tokugai
Mastery of Lightning
Storm Fury
Thunder Focus
Totem of the Winds

Hurricane Eye
Electric Fury *Arkai channels all of his lightning energy into his daggers and his hair even goes up into sparks, turning gold. His speed goes insane and all you can see in electric sparks fly around his enemy, as they get shocked and stabbed many times over and over until they die!*

Storm Rage *Arkai calls the power of the storms above him through his hands and lightning surrounds him. He lowers his hands now and bolts of lighting circle him as he walks towards his enemy, throwing bolts of lightning at them. The lightning acts as a shield around him so any enemies attack him, they will get a massive shock! He can call out a storm at any time and strike down enemies in his waking path of destructive storm. Arkai rocks with this storm and lightning stuff, no water creature dare to mess with him now.*

Hurricane Eye *Arkai summons four totems around him and the winds pickup speed. He is the eye of the hurricane and summons massive winds towards the enemy, as Arkai is stable around the shield of wind from the totems, but the totems are vulnerable to attack, if anyone of them is destroyed, the hurricane is stopped.*
Efla - Good Influence
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