Crash and Burn


Chapter Six: The Angel's Key


Shredder paced back and forth within his private dojo. He had been practicing, sans armor, but his mind refused to concentrate. His defeat weighed heavily upon him. He had been told, after he had woken up, that a single girl, obviously allied with those accursed turtles had infiltrated his base. She freed the turtles and they had all escaped unharmed, and several of his men were dead.

Shredder added yet another enemy to his list that night, and hadn't even let his men recuperate before sending teams out to search for the turtles and the girl. Two weeks of searching had turned up nothing, but he had a feeling that it was only a matter of time.


"So, what've you been up to these last two weeks?"

Raphael shrugged and continued staring up at his ceiling. He was lying on his bed and Kali was on the floor, sitting up against the side of the bed, her head leaning back on the mattress.

Kali looked around. She'd never been in Raph's room before, but it looked pretty much how she expected it to, a reflection of his personality. The walls had posters of rock bands and pretty girls on motorcycles. The rest of the room was cluttered, but she had a feeling that he knew where everything was.

"So what about you?" Raph asked, breaking the silence. "Where'd you get that... thing, anyway?"

It was Kali's turn to shrug now. "It's called The Angel's Key. It's not important where I got it."

"Important enough to abandon your life for two weeks. And not to mention risking your life even being around it, if I understood correctly."

"Don't take it personally, Raph." She turned around to face Raph. "I did it to help you guys."

"I could've gone with you," Raph pouted.

Kali shook her head. "No, you couldn't have. Which is why I didn't tell you I was going, you would have insisted on coming. And you would have followed if I had said no. Don't look at me that way, I know you would have. And you would have died."

"Hmph!" Raph crossed his arms over his chest.

Kali stood up. "Hey, but I'm back now, safe and sound, so what do you say we go out and do some catching up?"

"I thought that's what we were doing here?" Raph looked over just in time to see his coat flying towards him. He pulled the fabric away from his face and saw Kali twirling his hat around her finger.

"Come on."

"Isn't it still snowing?" Raph asked, taking his hat from her.

"Not when I came down."

"Okay. I gotta get out of here anyway."

Raph and Kali bumped into Leo on his way to his room. Leo felt his beak darken and wondered if they had heard his and Mike's conversation.

"We're going out," Raph said, pushing Leo out of his way as he walked into the living room.

Kali noticed Leo's uncomfortable expression. "Is everything okay, Leo?"

"Yes!" Leo answered quickly. He stopped and cleared his throat. "Everything's fine. I'm going to bed now. Have fun."

Raphael turned and watched his brother walk to his room like he was in a forced trance. "Okay... hey, Mike, did you notice anything weird about Leo?"

Mike stretched out on the couch to watch the rest of his movie. "Nah, he's acting the way he always does."

Raph shrugged and continued on his way out. Kali patted Mike on the shoulder as she passed by.

"So, Raph, what do you want to see?"


"God, that movie sucked," Raphael complained as they walked out of the theater.

"Well, at least the popcorn was good," Kali said, finishing off her soda before tossing it into a nearby trash can.


"We've spotted the girl. She's with someone, maybe one of the Turtles."

"Good, now, don't let them out of your sight. Report back when you've completed your mission."


A bad feeling passed over Raphael as they climbed the stairs to Kali's apartment. He felt like someone was watching them, and he had a good idea who that someone was.

"Hey, you wanna come in? I'm sure we can find a better movie than the one we just saw."

Raph was snapped out of his trance. "Huh? Oh, no thanks. I gotta get going."

Kali looked at him strangely. Going? Where did he have to go? "Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see ya." Raph didn't really want to leave, but he knew the Foot was following him, and he didn't want Kali in harms way. Just as she was turning into her apartment he grabbed her arm and turned her around. He kissed her quickly and hurried back down the stairs, not even waiting for Kali's reaction.

Kali pressed her fingers against her lips as she entered her apartment. Well, there was another step forward in their relationship.

She was so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't notice the shadowy figure in her apartment.


Raphael was less than a block away before he realized his mistake. He became confused after he left Kali's building and the feeling he was being watched faded away. It was then that it hit him, they weren't after him, they were after Kali. He didn't know how they knew it was her, or even how he knew for sure, but he did, and he raced back to the apartment.

He burst through the door, which she had left unlocked, of course. He felt himself get angry as he surveyed the damage. Her side tables were tipped over, books and papers were scattered over the floor, and Kali was no where to be seen. He searched the apartment, making sure she wasn't just hiding, although he knew she'd never do that, she'd fight back. There was no blood, they must have knocked her out quickly.

He checked the fire escape, roof, and surrounding area, but there was no sign of Kali or the Foot. Raph narrowed his eyes, formulating a plan as he ran back to the lair.


Leo silently poured himself a cup of tea. After that dream, he almost wished they had something stronger in the house. He glanced over at Mike in the living room, asleep on the couch, TV still on. Leo walked over and turned it off, setting his teacup on the TV as he got a blanket for Mike. He looked so innocent lying there.

Leo was standing back up when Raphael came running through the room. If he had been holding his teacup he would have dropped it. "Raph, what's the rush?"

He could tell that his brother was panicked and hurried after him.

Raph shoved open the door to Leo's room. Immaculate as ever, everything in its place, including... Ah ha!

Raphael grabbed the box up. He had a malicious glint in his eyes as he opened it up. "What the?"

He pulled out a rod, about the length of his hand, silver, with inscriptions carved all over the surface. "This can't be it."

"Raph, what are you doing?"

He turned around to see Leo. "He's got her, Leo, and I'm gonna get her back."

Everything clicked together in Leo's brain and he understood immediately. "Not alone you aren't. I'm coming with you."

Raph pushed past his brother. "Fine, rally the troops if you want, but I ain't waiting for you."

Leo tried to stop Raph, but he was gone in the blink of an eye. Leo took a second to gear up before heading after Raph. He would have woken Mike and Don, but there wasn't time. He spotted the small silver box Raph had dropped. He picked it up and took it with him, just in case they needed it.


Raphael barely acknowledged Leo's presence when his brother caught up to him. They found the Foot headquarters but it looked deserted.

"Looks like they bugged out," Leo said sadly.

Raph narrowed his eyes. "No." His voice held strong determination, and a hint of desperation. This was their only lead, they didn't know where else to look. Raph leapt onto the roof of the Foot building before Leo could stop him.

Leo half expected a hundred Foot soldiers to ambush Raphael, but nothing happened. He joined Raphael and they made their way inside. They couldn't find a sign of anyone, so either there really was no one here, they didn't expect anyone, or they were setting a trap. Leo dismissed the second choice immediately; the Foot had to be expecting them. He prepared for a trap, because even if the Foot had moved out, they would have left behind some "surprises" for any intruders.

"So glad you could make it."

Raphael turned towards the deep, eerie voice being filtered through a metal facemask. Shredder stood half hidden in the shadows, and Raphael could barely make out the soldiers moving behind him.

Raphael stepped forward, holding out the silver rod. "Give Kali back, Tin-face."

Shredder nearly laughed. Did that foolish turtle really think that tiny thing could stop him? But he started feeling light headed as the rod in Raphael's hand began to glow. "What are you doing?" he gasped as he sank to his knees.

Raph grinned in triumph. "So much for the mighty Shredder! Now, where's Kali, or do I have to beat it out of you?"

Raphael heard a muffled scream as a soldier stepped forward with Kali, knife at her throat. "Whatever you're doing," the soldier said. "Stop it."

"Let her go," Raph sneered, stepping closer. That was when Kali looked up at him. She spotted the rod and her eyes went wide. Raphael could see the fear in her eyes, then looked back to the rod. It absorbs the energy from demons and soul-sellers, making them powerless... The closer you get, the more it'll drain, and the weaker he'll get...

Raphael pulled his hand back. Why didn't he think about that before? This stupid thing would effect Kali too. Damnit! What was he going to do now?

Shredder stood up. "Well, it seems your plan has a few holes. Give yourself up and we'll let the girl go."

Raph gripped the rod tight, pulling his sai out with the other hand. "Yeah, like I'm going to believe that."

"Then maybe you'll believe this, turtle. If you do not give yourself up, I will kill her."

Raph tried to think fast. What was he going to do? He had to get Kali away from Shredder, damn she looked in bad shape, but he couldn't get near her with this stupid thing. Maybe Leo...

He blinked as he realized that Leo wasn't with him. Shredder had been referring to Raphael alone, he didn't know Leo was here. That gave them an edge, but he still couldn't get any closer to Shredder as long as he was near Kali.

Shredder moved towards Kali. He grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the soldier. Raphael growled. It looked like Kali had been drugged somehow, which would explain why these soldiers' internal organs weren't decorating the walls. She could barely hold her head up as Shredder pressed his hand blades against her neck. Usually, it wouldn't bother her, but this close to the Angel's Key there was no telling how it would effect her healing ability.

"Such a pretty thing," Shredder commented. He smiled as he watched Raphael get angrier. That's it, get angry, lose your focus. "It would be such a waste. Perhaps I won't kill her." He brought his other hand up to her cheek, but she couldn't pull away or she'd slice her neck on the blades.

"Shredder!" Raphael yelled.

Shredder looked towards the turtle. He saw fury flash in Raphael's eyes. "What is she to you anyway?"

Raphael leapt. Shredder moved at the last second, pulling Kali with him. He held her in front of him to keep Raphael at bay. He could feel his power being drained by whatever that stupid thing was, but he could also tell that it was hurting the girl as well, she started to become dead weight in his arms.

Kali tried to yell something at Raphael but it didn't make it through the gag. Raphael tried to keep his eye on his goal, ignoring the pained look in Kali's eyes.

Raphael started to back up, and Shredder was starting to feel triumphant when something struck him in the back. He let go of Kali and she fell forward. Raphael rushed towards her, but spotted the Key in his hand and threw it away. He picked Kali up and pulled back.

Shredder reached behind him and pulled out a shuriken. Leo stepped from the shadows and joined his brother. "We'll be leaving now."

"No!" Shredder yelled, lunging forward, drawing his sword.

Leo met the blade with his own, pushing Shredder back long enough to yell to Raph. "Get out of here!"

Raph wanted to stay and help his brother, but he knew the he had to get Kali out of here. He turned only to have his path blocked by a masked soldier. In his right hand was a dagger, and in the left, The Angel's Key.

"I don't know what this thing is," the soldier hissed. "But I do know what it does to Master Shredder. And to her." He stepped forward and Kali shuddered in Raph's arms. Raph set Kali down against the wall and removed her gag, keeping one eye on the soldier.


"Shh, it'll be okay, I promise."

"Do what you have to do," she told him. Raphael nodded and drew both his sai to fight.

The soldier fought furiously. Raphael wouldn't have had any trouble if he didn't have to worry about getting close to Kali. He glanced towards her every chance he got. She didn't look any better than before, worse in fact. She wasn't kidding when she said this thing wasn't good for a demon's health.

Raphael got a good hit in to the guy's face and he fell, dropping the rod. It rolled straight for Kali, who had passed out. She couldn't even tell it was coming.

Raphael dove and caught the rod just two inches from her face. He let out a relieved sigh and got away from her. Raphael didn't want to risk the rod getting into enemy hands again, but he couldn't get near Kali with it. That same old dilemma. Why did she give them this stupid thing if she knew it could kill her?

He turned and saw Leo holding his own against Shredder. But Shredder's demonic powers gave him an edge, and Raph knew his brother couldn't win this time. He looked down at the rod in his hand and an idea struck him. He yelled out to the two combatants, "Catch!"

Leo stared in shock as Raph threw the rod towards them. He moved to catch it, but Shredder knocked him over.

Raphael grinned as the rod landed in Shredder's palm. His finger's curled around it and he let out a maniacal laugh before silver-white arcs of energy coursed through his body. The two Turtles and even Shredder's own soldiers just stood there as the light show continued. Then, as soon as it had started, it stopped. Shredder fell to the ground, skin seared black. Leo could see where parts of his metal costume had melted to his skin.

The room was silent as Leo picked up the Angel's Key and placed it in its box.

"Attack!" And the Foot moved in as a black swarm.


Mike tried to ignore the feeling of someone shaking him. He wanted to go back into his dream, and he didn't want to have to deal with whatever was going on out there in the waking world.

"Mike, come on, Leo's gone!"

That got his attention. He sat up so quickly that his head spun. "Leo? Where'd he go? He was going to bed."

"Maybe, but he got up at some time." He showed Mike Leo's teacup. "I found it on the TV, still full, and cold. The box is gone too."

Mike tried to get up, but was having trouble with the blanket. Blanket? He didn't have a blanket when he went to sleep. "He wouldn't..."

"Raph hasn't come back yet either," Don told him.

"So what else is new? Probably getting busy with Kali." He threw the blanket on the floor. "Why are you still standing there, let's go get him!"

"We don't know where he is, Mike."

"The hell we don't!"

"Mike-" Don started to reason with his seemingly younger brother when they heard the front door open. "That's probably Raph, we'll ask-"

Don was interrupted again, this time by himself when he saw Raph enter the room with Kali cradled in his arms. Leo followed behind him, and both of them looked like they'd been fighting.

"What happened?" Mike asked, approaching Raphael and Kali. Raph just ignored him and set Kali on the couch. Mike turned to Leo, who practically collapsed into a chair. He grabbed the first aid kit from Don and got to work on Leo's injuries.

Don knelt beside Raph. "What happened to her, Raph?"

Raph's eyes looked empty as he looked down at Kali's unconscious form. She looked thin and ashen, like she was sick. There weren't any injuries that Don could see.

"The rod," Leo gasped. "She was exposed to it. Shredder..." He took a deep breath.

"Don't talk Leo," Mike told him. "You can tell us after you've regained your strength."


Raph didn't look up at Splinter, or even towards the furry hand on his shoulder. "Can you help her?"

Splinter thought for a moment. "I don't know."


Chapter Seven

Crash and Burn index

Author's note: Okay, just to let you know, there's a special companion story to this chapter on my Mature Readers Only page. It's a few scenes I didn't want to put in the chapter because I didn't want to raise the rating, it has content that would put some people off, and I didn't want it to distract people from the main plot. So, if you don't like/approve of slash don't go looking for it.

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