Crash and Burn


Chapter Six and a half: Frustration.

Warnings: This story contains SLASH: m/m sexual intimacy, and, depending on your definition, potential incest.


Leo, Mike, and Don sat watching a movie in the living room. Mike was sitting on the floor while Leo and Don sat on the couch behind him. About halfway through the movie, Don got up and stretched.

"Going to bed already?" Leo asked.

"Nah, I've got some things to do before I do though, and I better get to them before I get tired."

Mike looked over his shoulder. "But you'll miss the best part."

Don chuckled. "Mike, we've seen this movie three times. I'll see you guys in the morning."

"Night Don," Leo waved as his brother left the room.

As soon as Don was out of sight Mike picked himself up off the floor and sat down next Leo, curling his arm around Leo's.

Leo tensed up and moved away from Mike, looking around. "Mike! We talked about this," he hissed.

Mike smiled and moved closer. "No one's around. Don just went to work, Splinter already went to bed, and Raph and Kali are in his room 'talking'." He rested his head against Leo's shoulder. "So just relax and enjoy the movie."

Relax? Right, easy for you to say, you're comfortable with this. Leo shifted into a more comfortable position to watch the movie, keeping one eye on the door. The last thing he needed was for someone to come in and catch them like this.

"Dude, I said relax." Mike moved his hand to Leo's thigh. Leo jumped to his feet at Mike's touch. He looked down at Mike.

"I told you I did not want to get physical," Leo hissed, keeping his voice low in case anyone was near enough to eavesdrop.

Mike pouted. "But Leo..."

"Do not 'But Leo' me. And don't look at me that way!" Leo took a deep breath to regain his control. "This is not open for debate, Mikey."

Michaelangelo looked down at his hands in his lap. "I don't see why you're so upset. It's not like we haven't done it before."

Leo sighed softly. "It was different back then, Mike. We had no idea what we were doing. It didn't mean anything."

"Maybe to you it didn't."

Leo hated when Mike got like this, but he refused to back down. He wouldn't let Mike guilt trip him into anything. What Mike had said was true, but that was back when they were like fifteen and just starting to move into adulthood. They were curious, and a little embarrassed, by what was happening to them.

They experimented. On themselves, and on each other. Until Splinter sat them down and explained what was going on. He also lectured them about sex and responsibility, thoroughly embarrassing the four turtles. They were never quite sure whether Splinter knew about what they were doing, but they still stopped after that.

"Mike," Leo started slowly. "This is really awkward for me. You're my brother."

"We aren't really related," Mike reminded him.

"I still see you as my brother, Mike. I'm going to bed now, enjoy your movie."

Raph and Kali bumped into Leo on his way to his room. Leo felt his beak darken and wondered if they had heard his and Mike's conversation.

"We're going out," Raph said, pushing Leo out of his way as he walked into the living room.

Kali noticed Leo's uncomfortable expression. "Is everything okay, Leo?"

"Yes!" Leo answered quickly. He stopped and cleared his throat. "Everything's fine. I'm going to bed now. Have fun."

Raphael turned and watched his brother walk to his room like he was in a forced trance. "Okay... hey, Mike, did you notice anything weird about Leo?"

Mike stretched out on the couch to watch the rest of his movie. "Nah, he's acting the way he always does."


Leo was half asleep when he heard his bedroom door open. He hoped that whoever it was would think he was sleeping and leave him alone. When he heard the door close again he thought just that, that they had left.

He felt someone touch his hand and he lashed out on instinct, pinning the intruder to the bed.


Leo blinked in surprise. "Mike?"

It was hard to see in the dim light, but he could tell that Mike was smiling. "Wow, I didn't think you'd be this eager."

Leo let go of Mike and sat up. "What are you doing in here?" he whispered harshly.

"Do you really need to ask me that?" Mike replied coyly. He reached out to touch Leo's face, feeling the familiar sparks fly.


Mike kissed him quickly, interrupting any argument. Leo tried to fight the urge to melt against Mike's lips. This was wrong.

"Leo," Mike whispered against his lips. "How can I convince you how right this feels?"

"You... you can't," Leo answered weakly. Damn, he could feel himself weakening.

"Would you blame me for trying anyway?" Mike whispered, running his hands up Leo's thighs as they kissed again.

Leo grabbed Mike's hands and pulled them away from his body. "Mike, please."

"Ooh, begging already?"

"No," Leo told him in a dead serious voice.

He saw Mike's lower lip quiver. "Leo, please. Don't you remember what it was like?" He felt his will melting at the sight of Mike's big brown puppy dog eyes. "Don't you miss it?"

He did, he had to admit it. He pressed his lips against Mike's to keep him from crying. He hated to see Mike cry, it always tore his heart out.

Mike leaned forward, pushing him backwards, pressing his shoulders against the wall. Mike planted a trail of light kisses along his cheek and down his neck. He forgot all about resisting and gave in to the sensations he hadn't felt in years.

Leo unfolded his legs and let Mike cuddle up closer. By now he was having trouble remembering why he ever said no in the first place. He shivered as Mike traced the edges of his plastron with his tongue.

"This isn't so bad, now is it?" Mike asked as he trailed his hands down Leo's chest.

Leo just shook his head as Mike's fingers lightly stroked his tail. He realized that this was getting really intense really fast, but he really didn't care anymore.

"You tell me if I go too far, okay?"

Leo grunted. "Would you stop if I did?"

Mike chuckled as his kissed just below Leo's shell. "Hmmm... probably not."

Leo gripped the bed sheets as Mike circled his tongue around the head of his erection before taking him in his mouth. Damn...

Leo tossed his head back, smacking it against the wall, but the pain didn't even register. His complete focus was on what Mike was doing to him. Then it was suddenly over, leaving him unsatisfied as Mike pulled away. Leo grabbed for Mike but he dodged. "Damn it, Mike..."

"You want it?" Mike whispered in his ear. "Take it." Leo gritted his teeth. "You're the leader."

In the blink of an eye, Mike was face down on the bed, Leo's hands holding him down. This is what Michaelangelo wanted, he told himself. He loved Mike, and would do anything for him...

"God, Leo!"


Leo sat straight up in bed. His skin was slick with sweat and his heart pounded against his chest. His breathing slowed as he realized that it was only a dream. He flopped back into bed, but when he closed his eyes he saw Michaelangelo again.

"Damn." He threw his covers off and got out of bed. Maybe a cup of tea would help him relax and get his mind off this.


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