When I was small my grandmother took me outside one night and told me to pick out a star. 

She explained that I would always know where I was by finding that star. 

I asked her if I could have more than one.  She laughed and said I could have as many as I liked. 

That night I picked out the three stars of the little dipper handle - and they have been mine ever since.

No matter where I have traveled in the world I have been able to find my way by locating those three stars. 

When I have been sad or felt alone I have gone outside and looked at those stars. 

I asked those stars 'Does anybody care about me?' and when I found love in my life I thanked them for listening.

This is the pathway to the stars.  When I pass on I will jump on those three stars on my way out.

One...two...three...and gone!

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