This site copyrighted as of 2002
All works contained within are the property and creation of Kara Klautzer
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About Kara
Well, I can't really imagine what you are doing in here.  I'm such a drab boring person, really I am.  My name is Kara (Duh!) and this is my site (Duh Again).  I have a much more insane website, but I don't think I'll post the link on here as it might mar my reputation on this site.  I am 21 years old and live in Parkville.  It is one of the cities that make up Kansas City, 
Missouri.  As you might tell from this page, I love butterflies.. and the
front page also alludes that I like flowers.  Actually, I love roses.  I was
given a rose bush as a child by a friendly neighbor and have loved them
ever since.

For any who are dying to know, I am desperatly single and hating it.  My former fiance is now dating a transgendered male who wears a bunny suit....  and I think
I've got issues.  Oh well.  I'll get over it, I hope.  Boy oh boy, I sound so depressive here.  In reality you've got to add that sarcastic biting humour to this page to sound more like me.  Any of my friends who'd read this would be rolling on the floor laughing (I hope) with the inside jokes and knowing exactly how I'm meaning this all to sound.  Yes, I am insane.  No, I have no cure... but who wants one :D
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