Professor of the Institute of dynamics of systems and theories of management of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science. Contact information: working place: ИДСТУ СО РАН. Ул. Лермонтова, 134. Irkutsk 664000. RUSSIA. Tel.: (3952) 511-779. E-mail: [email protected]; Home address: мкр. Юбилейный, д.58, кв.25. г. Иркутск 664049. Россия.


The new approach to the description of the deformation polarization, based on model of elastic deformation of electronic environments of atoms and molecules is offered. The given approach essentially differs from the dielectric description accepted now, based on model of lorents spheres of medium continuous. The material equations of polarization for different classes of substances, including molecular, covalent, ionic and proton which theories as parameter contain energy and-or coordination number are received.

Scientific interests: theoretical and fundamental metrology, physics of polarizational phenomenas, structural and constructional materials, intermolecular interactions, problems of structured vagary of the self-organizing systems, problems ecological and naturally-scientific education.

Education: Irkutsk State Univercity, electronics.

Publications: more than 200 articles, 30 patents.

The main results are showed in monogaraphs:

Потапов А.А., Мецик МС. Диэлектрическая поляризация. Изд-во Иркут. гос. ун-та. 1986.
Потапов А.А. Диэлектрический метод исследования вещества. Изд-во Иркут. гос. ун-та
. 1990.
Потапов А.А. Молекулярная диэлькометрия. Новосибирск: изд-во Наука
. 1994.
Потапов А.А. Ориентационная поляризация: поиск оптимальных моделей. Новосибирск: изд-во Наука
. 2000.
Экологическое образование. Материалы международного семинара (ответственный редактор и составитель – Потапов АА.). Иркутск
. 1999.
Now "THE DEFORMATIONAL POLARIZATION" monograph are prepared for publising in 2004.

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