My husband & I live in an eastend suburb of Ottawa in a comfortable house with an average size garden. Every year we grow flowers in the front yard and keep a vegetable garden in the backyard with much success.
We both enjoy working outdoors in our garden during the growing season. Not only is our garden our pride & joy, it also produces plenty of very fresh and healthful foods for our family & friends to enjoy!
Friends & neighbours often ask us why we take such great interest in gardening. In order to answer this question we need to start from the beginning & tell you a little bit about our background.


Both my husband and I were born and bred in Sabah, East Malaysia, at the northern tip of Borneo Island. On this tropical island of paradise where it is summer all year round, lushful rain forests, beautiful exotic flowers and bountiful crops of delicious fruits & vegetables thrive in the hot & humid weather.

More About Our Hometown in Malaysia

My husband grew up in Tenom where the land is well known for its fertile soil and favourable growing conditions. His family owned a big farm with rubber & cocoa plantations; a fruit orchard of durians, avocados, papayas and bananas etc...

Growing up in the outskirts of Jesselton town, I could remember most every family in our neighbourhood kept a vegetable garden in their backyard. Everyday my mom would send my sisters & I to pick fresh vegetables for our meals. There was never any shortage of fruits in our backyard. Mouth-watering mangoes, bananas, papayas, promagranates, guavas etc...still bring back fond memories of our childhood growing up in Sabah.

When we felt like a nice afternoon snack, we would go to the garden to dig up some tapioca (cassava) roots and mom would make us fresh tapioca cake to enjoy!
Vegetables & fruits always taste so much more delicious and sweet when freshly picked, especially when they are organically grown.

Now, allow us to share our gardening experiences with you as we continuously learn how to achieve that special green thumb!

Here's a little poem I once read:
Gardening is the art that uses flowers and plants as paint,
And the soil and sky as canvas.




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