This Updates page will include notes on when the site is actually updated and also archived L.I.P. Service Bulletin articles if they're important. To be honest, don't be surprised if L.I.P.S. goes a month or so at a time without being updated - I'm a busy little pony! Trust, however, that if I ever stop updating I will make sure that fact is clear on the site.

Click here and join my mailing list for site updates.

November 8, 2001
I guess being sick for three days has its advantages... I got to update! Not a complete one, but I cleared out my bookmarks. I'll get through all of my e-mails next... Following sections were updated and checked for dead links: adopt, causes, chit-chat, free pics, market, ID & info, index. I also updated the nav bar and the Index page. Please prepare yourself for the loss of the non-frames version soon...

August 29, 2001
Over FIVE HOURS went into this update... so be impressed! Doesn't the new nav look grand? Works much better too. And check out the new site tour!

August 25, 2001
Boy, I'm on a roll... the updates just keep comin'! I am through all of my email now and only 12 of them I haven't fully dealt with yet (yay me!). Why didn't you all tell me the ID & Info section was so HORRIBLY out of date? It's fixed now (especially all the Dream Valley links... O_o). I added another site to Chit-Chat and another Site to See.

August 24, 2001
Alright, I made it through SOME email... I checked all the links in the following sections: Chit-Chat, Restore, Causes, Market and Sites to See. All those links are now totally updated and correct - some sites were deleted 'cuz I got a dead link... Anyway, those sections also have one or more new sites listed. I may add more in the next few days, so keep checking back!

August 23, 2001
I added a new section about LIPS Chat Parties with all the basic information. I also deleted the Events section since no one was using it. The Message Board format has changed to a question/answer sort of thing instead of just discussion.

July 17, 2001
I needed to clear out my bookmarks, so I added several new selections in the Web Rings section and a drawing tutorial in the Tutorial subsection of Free Pics. More stuff's hanging out in my email... be patient!

July 16, 2001
Another seemingly small update, but important nonetheless. Homestead will soon be charging for their services, so I moved all of my form elements from Homestead to Geocities. You shouldn't notice a difference really.

April 23, 2001
It may seem small, but the name change of the Home Sweet Home "Musings" section to "The L.I.P. Service Bulletin" reflects my commitment to keeping you up-to-date on relevant pony community news.

April 19, 2001
Some interesting stuff: Kingsley's Board has moved, so I updated the links. Dava's Customizing 101 is now in the Transform section, AND the Events page is all new and cool. Please visit it!

April 13, 2001
Ooooh... Friday the 13th! Yes... that means update! Well, I updated Sites to See and added a new subsection - Friends! There will be more updates soon, but this was a pretty big one - I went through 77 emails! O_o

March 16, 2001
Not a lot of time tonight... but I did finally get the site Index up. I swear I'll do a major section-content update soon!!! I also stuck up my site awards in the About L.I.P.S. section. New FAQ too... about that counter on the nav bar.

February 22, 2001
I added some new pictures of me from "back in the day" in my Scrapbook's Photos section. New pictures of my mom and then one of Danny and I in the Thanks section.

February 20, 2001
Check out my MOC ponies in my Scrapbook Photos section. I also updated the entry regarding my favorite actress in the More About Me part of my Scrapbook. A new Cause is up - International Pony Day, and try out this site I found where you can search for the voices of animated characters in ID & Info.

February 15, 2001
I added some neat memories I just thought of in my Scrapbook. The Nav frame is now even better - I thought I'd like the top-nav thing, but having it on the left just feels more natural. I also moved the site to Geocites and hopefully we can stay there for a while!

January 12, 2001
I updated the Nav frame to work a little better. I also added the "memories" section of my Scrapbook. There were a few other things, but those were the major ones!

January 8, 2001
Everything is new, of course! There are new volumes, however, that weren't a part of the old L.I.P.S., such as Fan Fic and Events. Unique Features was replaced with I.D. and Info (since that's what was unique about most of them!).

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