[ December 2, 2005 ]
"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. ~ Rabindranath Tagore". And that's where I stand today.

Today, now being at Pune I don't feel the same charisma. The charm that I had before coming to Pune is no more breathing. All seems so monotonous. Life has stopped giving me anymore surprises. I have already spent almost six months here. I have toured many places with my family and friend. I have been to many places near and around Pune. But somewhere I feel something to be missing. Do I miss my family, my parents? Do I miss my friends? Do I miss Avisere? I don't' know actually. I have got a wonderful team to work with. I have a good flat mate to stay with. I have a nice company to work for. And most important I have a good job to do. But I do miss something now. Don't know! Maybe this is the age we all miss something ;) I don't know. Really I don't know what I miss. But, Yes I miss it. I miss something. Pune seems not to be very affable to me. It hasn't accepted me and I haven't known it either. I haven't given it anything and neither has it to me. Today I am happy but not contented, sad but not disheartened. I don't know whether this is life. Is this what I wanted? Is this the thing for which I have been here at Pune? I don't know. Life seems to have stopped for me. I used to have so many dreams. Have I stopped dreaming of future and remember saccharine days and work. Now I just live in present and remember - 1