Episode 17:
This is Alex's
offical introduction in the series.  We've never heard his name or what it is exactly he does in the C Project until then.
Later, he's observing a couple of potential C-genomes when Kagami gets a phone call that Aki, now possesed completely, has captured Aya.  Alex is ordered to retrieve Aya before she changes into Ceres and administer a
memory implant, similar to what was done to Tooya, so that they could control her.  Alex is not happy.
With his newly-constructed machine in the back of a truck, he explains to Kagami that it may not work because Aya has two minds within her.  True to his thoughts, Aya, with the help of Ceres, attempts to break free of the process.  Kagami orders Alex to continue despite his fears that she may very well distroy herself.  At one point he even screams for her to stop struggling.  ("Yamero, deshi!")
Then Tooya arrives to rescue his beloved.  Alex collapses to the ground in defeat.  In the
manga, Kagami and crew show up to stop Tooya, and Alex acts the hostage to ensure that Aya gets away safely.  He actually puts on a pretty good show saying they can't kill the hostage because he still has video games to play and anime to watch.
However, he's
touched that Tooya came all this way to rescue Aya so he releases her and tells Tooya to go.  Aya is comatose because of her struggling and the memory implant was half complete.  He asks for Tooya to apologize to Aya on his behalf once she awakens.  He reveals that he only wanted to help Kagami with this because he wants the results to benefit mankind.
Episode 18:
Brief cameo.  He seen
observing the captured C-genomes recreating the hagoromo.  This shows that either Kagami didn't know how Aya escaped or thought that Alex was too valuable to punish.
Episode 20:
At the start of this episode, we're presented with a sequence of shots that show someone driving recklessly along a seaside road, persued closely by several non-descript cars.  The driver is revealed to be Alex and there is a bodybag in the back seat.  After taking a turn too late, he rolls down a steep hill and crashes the car.  Unharmed, he drags the bodybag to a cliff and tosses it into the sea.  Within moments, he is surrounded by his persuerers who all point their guns at him.  He silently stands and faces them.
What's going on?
Near the end of the episode, we find out that the corpse was Tooya's and Alex had somehow overheard that his associates were ordered to dissect his remains. 
Appalled, Alex stole the body and made his escape.  He tearfully aplogizes to Tooya before dumping him into the sea, wishing that he could have helped him and Aya remain together but instead could only now bring him to the ocean where he was happiest.  Awww... ;_;
Episode 21:
Aki has suffered severe trauma from the shock of killing Tooya.
Alex is attempting to control the Mikage ancestor who has grown extremely violent.  Aki is placed inside his machine and poor Alex is forced to keep him heavily sedated.  He ponders if this'll have the same effect it did on Aya, the possiblility of distroying himself.  All he really wants to know is if what he is doing really will help mankind, and somehow he knows that the real Aki holds his answers that will bring back the drive he once had for his job.
Then, when Aki's scars disappeared, he releases him, thinking that Aki has returned.  However, the ancestor has fooled him and proceeds to go on a rampage, killing everyone in sight with his bare hands before Alex's
shocked eyes.
Later, Kagami enters the lab to find the place littered with bloody corpses and blood streaking the walls.  And in the corner is Alex, unharmed and without a single drop of blood on him, crying.  He repeats that he doesn't want to do this to which Kagami replies that they have to be devils to accomplish what they want.
In anger, Alex turns to him and yells out,
"I am not a devil nor am I God!  I'm a human being!  Aren't you a human being too, Kagami?"
These very same words haunt Kagami when Gladys is killed later in the episode by Aki.
Episode 22:
He's seen at the begining, sitting in on a meeting with the fianceers of C Project.
Then he's present when Kagami goes to see the
completed hagoromo that the C-genomes have been working on during the length of the series.
Later, after Shuro's power has been released and all but distroys the building, the newly escaped Ceres finds a hiding Alex.  She starts to
attack him but he insists that he's a friend who had just escaped as well.  She asks where's her hagoromo but he doens't know the exact location.  However, he does lead her to Kagami's luxuary cruise ship where the hagoromo, fertilized celestial eggs, and the possessed Aki are, setting the scene for the final battle.
Continue, deshi-->
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