When it's Over

By Christy (Jesus)

*******Disclaimer******* I do not own any part of Inuyasha although i wish otherwise. To sue me would be really dumb considering I have no money. Thats right I don't even have the 3 dollars I had before :'(

When it's over, That's the time I fall in love again. And when it's over, That's the time you're in my heart again.

It was over. The battle with the dark-hearted, clever-witted half-demon Naraku was finally over. But, there was a mass of confusion. Isn't this supposed to be the time of peace and joy they had all been working towards? No, with all of us laying beaten and bloody on the battle field, all we could do was mourn helplessly for our losses. Inuyasha was Dead.

And when you go, go, go, go, I know it never ends, It never ends.

I was finished with crying. Sure I had loved the dim-witted hanyou with everything ounce of my soul, but those days were gone. I realized that I would have always been second best in his eyes, compared to Kikyo I am nothing. He and I both knew this and even with her gone we could of never been. So, he had become that older brother figure to me, the kind that did everything in their power to protect their little sister from harm and was that pillar of strength for me. He was still my truest friend, even sango didn't compare to the understanding and friendly love that he and I both shared. Staring at the fully completed shikon, I know now that he would want me to live my life to the fullest and stop the depressing moping and crying i have done for the last few days since his death.

All the things that I used to say All the words that got in the way All the things that I used to know Have gone out the window

I couldn't help but think of the happy, sad, cute and horrible things we had gone through. Though he had made my life both a living hell he had also made it the most wonderful adventure that had made me who I am today. Thank you, Inuyasha, for everything.

All the things that she used to bring All the songs that she used to sing All her favorite TV shows Have gone out the window I'm missing you I never knew how much she'd loved me I'm missing you I never knew how much you meant to me

I could almost hear his idiotic voice in my head. I lifted the thin strip of material clinging onto the doorway of Kaede's hut and ducked inside. At least no one else was killed. With Inuyasha gone, and another of my friends, I wouldn't have been able to take it. I took one last look at the sunrise before snuggling into a certain red hakama. That was the last thing he gave me before he died. I know you'll be there whenever i need a shoulder. Goodbye Inuyasha.

I need you And when you go, go, go, go I know It never ends Never ends

I woke up even earlier than usual this morning and went to bathe at the hotsprings knowing no one was awake and crept out of the hut. This was silly, there was no one there to stop me. Not since .... I couldn't help it. I burst into chest-racking sobs and I felt myself flop down onto my knees. Why you? Why did you have to go? I would of gone!!! You should of let me die!!! I know you meant to protect me but, it's all my fault your dead. If I hadn't been so damn weak!! I felt furious at myself, and wiped hastily at my tears. I remember your last words clearly as if you had just said them to me now.

*****Flash Back*****

"Ka...go...me" I couldn't help but feel hopeless as I held the dying half- demon in my arms. I knew I was crying hard, but nothing seemed to matter but him. "You.. You cry for me?" I nodded knowing that my voice would betray me. "I..I wonder... ho..w many times.. I've.. I've made you cry.... I'm sorry" No! I knew he was saying his goodbye, he couldn't leave us yet! He had to live! "Inuyasha don't say things like that. You're going to be fine" Even thought I knew in my heart that this was the end. He managed to smile at me. "Ka...go...me don't make this.... any harder" I swalled the knot that was forming in my throat and give him a quick nod. "I want you..... to.....find true love....sing.....dance....smile... do everything you can..... in your life.....promise me..... that when it's over.... you will be strong... be our strong... Kag...everyone... will...nee...d you.." "ssshhhh. don't strain yourself, quit talking like you are going to be leaving us, you are the strong one here, you always said so yourself that I was weak." I had managed to give him a weak smile. "Promise....me that you..'ll follow.... my ....ad.....vice" "Inuyasha" "Promise me!" "Inu...yasha... I promise" We had one last embrace before his body relaxed into it's eternity of sleep. I kissed him on the forward and vowed that somehow I would be strong for everyone and do exactly what I promised.

*****End of Flashback*****

All the things that I used to say All the words that got in the way All the things that I used to know Have gone out the window All the things that she used to bring All the songs that she used to sing All her favorite TV shows Have gone out the window

I could almost feel him frowning at me. I would not, could not, break my promise! I pulled what was left of my wits together and picked myself up. I will be strong, and I will not cry anymore. Inuyasha was a part of my life I could never forget, I didn't want to forget and I should be thankful that I was able to spend most of my teenage years in the presence of such a remarkable person. I knew that in my heart I would forever be missing him, but that was the past. This was now.

I'm missing you You never said you were pretending I'm missing you You'd feel the same just come back to me I need you And when you go, go, go, go I know It never ends It never ends

When I died, I would join him up in the skies and we could joke about all the stupid moments we had. Until then I had that promise to stay true to. I grabbed my extra set of clothes that I had dropped during my state of weakness and I stepped forward planning on starting out new, with all the things I had learned.... from him.

When it's over Can I still come over? And when it's over Is it really over ?
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