Hide N' Seek

****Kagome's POV****

I had to get away. I know that it was not fair nor proper, to do that but, being this close to him was exhilarating in a way I did not like at all. He smelled of Pine, Fresh Air and his scent held a tiny trace of horses. All in all, it left my head spinning and my mind in a daze. I did the same thing any other panicked and corner animal would do; I ran. I realized that with his demonic powers he'd be on me faster than a demon on a innocent virgin girl. Wait a second, thats me. I furiosly shook my head trying to rid the ironic yet disturbing thoughts that invaded my brain, I had no time to lose so I broke into an all out sprint. I was flipping around corners and dodging people faster than a speeding bullet, well that was until I ran into something sturdier than a brick wall, and also the person in my thoughts, that I did not wish to see ever again. "Damnit!" I cursed under my breath. How did I manage to get myself into these things?

****Sesshou's POV****

When I heard her curse, I had to smile. I thought proper, rich girls were not allowed to swear. The gasp that I heard behind me that could only be my dearest brother Inuyasha, made it so this scene was more than amusing. I could of never of planned this meeting any better. I let out a low chuckle that caused him to inhale sharply.

****Inuyasha's POV****

I was just innocently making my way to mett my wife-to-be Kikyo when I saw Sesshoumaru flirting or shall I dare to say harassing a women that could only be Kikyo's older sister Kagome. What The Fuck!!!! Never before has my brother ever shown any interest in a girl before, though I could see why he chose her, she was beautiful and I could only hope that Kikyo was half as pretty as her, but here he was trying to seduce her!!! The funniest thing being the word, "tried." This Kagome girl looked lke she wanted to be anywhere else except near him. If I thought this was weird, the bastard let out a sound that could almost be distinguished as a laugh! A laugh???!!! Sesshoumar Laughing???!!!! Those two words in the same sentence??!! This has got to be a dream!!!

****Kagome's POV****

During this whole..... ahhh "Brotherly Exchange" ( the two resembled each other so I just put two-and-two together) I took it as my opportune moment of escape. As soon as I was sure that I was indeed, not being followed, I chanted a short, ancient, concealing spell that covered my scent and tried to think of a place to hide that Prince Sesshoumaru would not look for me in. The Dojo! AH HA! I switched my direction and on a hard run headed to the dojo. He would never in a million years think that I could wield a sword! He didn't have a clue how wrong he was...

****Sesshou's POV****

It's been over two hours since I saw the sassy bitch and there was no sign or clue as to where she would be. I had to admit, she was good ------- - she even hid her scent. She couldn't be too far and the only place I hadn't checked yet was the dojo, but only a person with great skills and a lot of power could get in there and I have never in my life, met a woman even half as strong as to be able to pass through the magical barrier protecting it. Oh well....... it was worth a try and if she wasn't there, i could still challenge womever was carrying that strong magic that was slowly leaking its way out. I found myself slightly wary, as I quietly slipped past the barrier and down the hall towards the sword training grounds.

****Kagome's POV****

As soon as I heard and felt someone enter, I realized that in my quest to get even stronger, I had undone the concealing spell. I was busted. I tried to crouch behind the katana shelf anyways hoping I would be ghiven a chance to slip out when he wasn't aware. I felt a pretty decent surge of power and instantly knew that Prince Sesshoumaru had entered the room. If he wanted to talk he'd have to come find me.

****Sesshou's POV****

I sniffed the air. It smelled like vanilla and mocha, with a tint of spring. It was HER scent. Which means SHE must be here. She was caught. I smirked. "Princess, come out, come out wherever you are."

****Kagome's POV****

Argh! I really wanted to wipe that annoying yeat very alluring grin off his perfectly structured face!! Did I just think that!!?? Bad Kagome!! Mental Slap! What was up with him? Here he is grinning like a mad man, when his well-known eputation states clearly, that he never shows any interest in women, he hates humans, and he is completely emotionless. So just one question, where is Sesshoumaru and what have you done with him???? Hahahahahahahahahaha.... I think I've finally cracked. Why me? Why does he start being a sex-crazed, hormone-driven demon when I show up? Well I guess its back to teh crawing board, since he won't be avoiding me anytime soon.

****Sesshou's POV****

I could feel that I was getting closer to her, for a was very well aware of the angry vibes being directed at me. I wanted her to come to me so I called out. " I have a proposition for you that might be in your best interests if you come out."

****Kagome's POV****

It's a trap, I know it is but, somehow I felt myself raise and walk towards him in an alomst trance-like way. Two words kept repeating themselves in my head. Stay Calm. "What is this Proposition you speak of ?"

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