<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/kazuya_mishima7/userfiles:/user/Aeriss_Theme2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
You have just entered the word of "Final Fantasy VII" created by Kazuya Mishima on the 26th of January 2001.
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Final Fantasy VII Music
In 1997, Square Soft made us a gift. Not just any gift but the begining of a wonderful adventure. Final Fantasy Is considered as one of the best games ever made and this for many reasons: The game gives you a complete liberty of action, you get quickly attached to the different characters, the game it's self is very interesting and you never want to stop playing once you started. All this is backed up with superb music. After finishing Final Fantasy VII you can't help remembering all those good times you spent playing, all those hours trying to save the planet from destruction. Aerith's death will be carved in your memory forever. Final Fantasy VII is not just a simple game, it's an exciting adventure you'll live...

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Kazuya Mishima
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