Shri J. Krishnamurti (1895 -1986) was a world-renowned seer and thinker of this century. His teachings have inspired both the young and old people throughout the world. He stressed the need of a deep change in the self-centered nature of mind through observation of our thought-process, thus liberating the mind from the personal sorrow which has been the fate of every human being.

Krishnaji’s presence is still with us in the form of written and recorded teachings which have opened the doors of human mind to the regions beyond its own world of limited creations.



A Few  Words  by J. Krishnamurti


  "Will worry resolve the problem ? -or does the answer to the problem come when the mind is quiet? But for most people, quiet mind is rather a fearsome thing; they are afraid to be quiet, for heaven knows what they may discover within themselves. A mind that is afraid to discover must ever be on the defensive, and restlessness in its defense.

Through constant strain, through habit and the influence of circumstances, the conscious layers of the mind have become agitated and restless. Modern existence encourages this superficial activity and distraction which is another form of self-defense. Defense is resistance, which prevents understanding.



    Belief is one thing, reality another. One leads to bondage and other is possible only in freedom. The two have no relationship. Belief can never lead to reality. Belief is the result of conditioning or outcome of fear, or the result of an outer or inner authority which gives comfort. The believing mind is not an enquiring mind, and so it remains within the limits of the formula or the principle. What is important is not what you believe but why you have beliefs at all.They are result of fear or of the habit of accepting. It is the basic fear which prevents you being involved in what actually is. To see, belief is not necessary, but absence of belief is necessary.

-- The Only Revolution, P.163-165




  If you observe, you will see how various influences are moulding you, how you are not helped to think but are told what to think. Ultimately if you do not revolt against the process, you become like an automatic machine, functioning without creativity, without much original thought.

You leave the school and go out into the world filled with information, but you have lost the vitality to inquire, the vitality to revolt against the traditional stupidity of society.

- To the students, from 'Life Ahead', P. 50




Without knowing yourself, without knowing your own way of thinking and why you think certain things, without knowing the background of your conditioning, how can you think truly about anything? Without knowing what you are, there is no basis of right thought.

        ----- ( First And Last Freedom, P.44 )



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