Very nice article on Brandon Teel. I heard about it on ESPN Radio. Well-written and very heart 
warming. There is just not enough of that kind of sportsmanship any more. But I do know it is out there. 
It is nice to hear things like this, and find newspapers willing to write about and publish it. Thank you. 
You really made my day.
Ron Pierson
Bountiful, UT
Just read the story on the wrestling. Great story and I have tears in my eyes. More young people should 
experience that feeling. I’m sure they are out there...just need to be given a chance.
Sharon Buckner
Rhineland, MO
I just read the story of Brandon and Trevor. I wonder if you have an e-mail address or better yet a snail 
mail addresses where I could send both Brandon and Trevor cards and a thank you note.  
Thanks in advance.
Mike Kulkusky
Carrol Valley, PA
Mr. Sesker,
I want to thank you for the well-written story about Trevor Howe’s wrestling match. I was led to the 
article by a link that was posted on an internet message board that I visit, and I was uplifted by your 
story. Brandon Teel is a true sportsman. I thank you for giving attention to this subject and to a great 
story when it is far from normal.
Bryant Ferguson
Tulsa, OK
I loved Mr. Sesker’s story on the Lincoln East wrestler with Down’s. It’s making it’s way across the I live in Illinois.  I hope articles like this one are inspiring a new generation of kids that 
embrace those with disabilities, rather than exclude.
Jami Begole
Peoria, IL
Brandon Teel of Kearney, you are a saint. I hope the article in Tuesday’s World-Herald about 
Trevor Howe goes up in every wrestling room across the state. The heart you had on Saturday and 
the gift you gave Trevor is amazing. All of our young athletes in Nebraska need to read this article 
and put into perspective that winning isn’t everything. You may not have won the match, but what you 
had in your heart was much more than a win would have ever been. Thank you for being such a wonderful 
young man.
Joan Holt, Fremont, NE
I just wanted to thank you for publishing this wonderful story about wrestlers Trevor Howe and Brandon 
Teel. Not only has it received attention across the state, but the Dan Patrick radio show talked about this 
story formost of the afternoon and now it has received national attention. In these days where everyone is
concerned about salary, image, or who will be the next football coach at UNL, this story has made 
everyone stop and think about what sports and sportsmanship is all about. Excellent reporting and writing
by Craig Sesker.
Tom Kuzekla, Omaha
I wanted to thank you for the story on Trevor Howe and Brandon Teel. I first heard the story on the Dan 
Patrick show and then had the pleasure of reading it for myself online. I cannot remember a more 
heartwarming story that perfectly captures the unique value of youth athletics. I am not at all surprised that 
this took place in Lincoln. Having grown up in Oklahoma and being an OU alum, I have had the pleasure 
of witnessing the great sportsmanship and respect that Cornhusker fans regularly show, including standing 
ovations for the opposing team even after a home loss. My hat goes off to Brandon, the coaches, all of the 
teammates and especially Trevor. 
Thanks again for a great story. It truly made my day.
Sanjay Sikka, Chicago
I want to thank you for publishing the story on Trevor Howe and Brandon Teel. It really touched my heart 
and made me smile. I have a daughter who has Down syndrome and reading inspirational stories like this 
makes a mom proud. It brings hope to all of us parents who have children with disabilities. It really shows 
there are kids out there who care about a person inside and not on the outside. We all as parents just want 
the best for our children and for our children to fit in, but in the real world it doesn’t work that way Reading 
this story puts hope in me that our daughter will fit in and get treated like everyone else.
Heidi Hite, Council Bluffs
I would like to recognize the maturity and honor of the Brandon Teel-Trevor Howe wrestling match. It is 
nice to finally hear a “feel-good” story about sports. Especially after listening to the Joe Horns of the world.
Rachel Peters, Prince Edward Island, Canada
I recently read your article online “Wrestlers Share a Magical moment” by Craig Sesker.  I think that 
everyone involved should be commended for their actions. Trevor Howe is a hero for wrestling with Down 
Syndrome. His coach and teammates are heroes for truly making him a part of the team. The Kearney 
coaches and the refswere heroes for agreeing to allow Trevor to wrestle in a match. Last, but not least, Brandon 
Teel was a true hero for allowing Trevor to pin him. Brandon displayed what true sportsmanship is all about. 
In light of all the selfish displays in sports these days (Joe Horn, Keyshawn Johnson, Terrell Owens, etc.), 
its a heartwarming to see this truly unselfish and heroic display. 
Thanks for sharing this!
Jay Enyart
Belleville, IL
Dear Mr. Kenagy and Mr. Armstong,
I was pursuing wrestling results when I came upon the sports story written by Ken Hambleton of the 
Lincoln Journal Star about Trevor Howe & Brandon Teel.
In this age when we read about professional sports stars hiding cell phones in the goal post pads in 
order to lock into “15 minutes of fame”, it is absolutely refreshing to read about Mr. Teel’s unbelievably 
unselfish act of sportsmanship.  But credit also must go to you both, and to coaches Tom McCann and 
Dennis Miller for fostering an environment where athletics are placed into proper perspective and where 
heroes such as Mr. Teel can be realized.
I’ve been a member of the USA Wrestling Organization for a couple of years now and regularly read the 
newspaper that is put out by that organization. Routinely, the articles are about who has the best record, 
the best chances for international competition, etc. Mr. Teel reminds us all that on rare and wonderful 
occasions, the person can far overshadow the event and that what lies within can be far more important 
than the points on the scoreboard as the buzzer sounds.
With respect and admiration,
Paul Kern
Palm Desert, California
Dear Sir,
This note is in response to the article that was in the paper referring to a wrestling match between your
 students Brandon and Trevor. 
I was sent a copy of he article through an AOL group that I am involved with. As a woman that not only 
grew up with a sister who was severely developmentally delayed, I am also raising a child that requires 
special services as well. I would like to say Thank You to you, your staff, and the parents of Brandon. Your 
school’s staff and his parents should be commended. Between your school system and the parents, you have 
produced a student who is a wonderful person with lots of compassion and respect for others who are different 
from him. In a world where children can be very cruel to one another, it is a breath of fresh air to see such 
an act of selflessness. I just hope and pray that Brandon’s act will set examples for other students and young 
people alike.
Thank you,
Maria Arias
Spring Lakes, NC
Not sure if you listened to the Dan Patrick show today at noon, but he spent between 3-4 minutes talking 
about the KHS/Lincoln East wrestling story where Teel let the kid pin him. He mentioned that Rick Reilly 
from Sports Illustrated was considering doing a column on it. I don't have e-mails for any KHS 
coaches/teachers, but I’m guessing you do. If there's anybody you think would be interested in knowing 
it was on national radio, please let them know.
Todd Guttula-emailed through Doug Koster 
Thank you for sending that article. It was interesting, especially when, at church this morning, the 
minister told the congregation all about the article!!!  It's getting around.  My thought when I read it was 
sure, no big deal.  Don't all Midwesterners tend to do just what that young boy did?  Isn't that how we were 
raised?  It's just nice that a good news story finally is put out to the general public.
I've just finished reading an article in The Fresno Bee, our Fresno, California, local newspaper about 
your wrestling student Brandon Teel and his most unselfish act of allowing Lincoln East High student 
Trevor Howe to experience the joy of winning a wrestling match. Please pass along to Brandon my deepest 
admiration for his sense of fairness and compassion for another athlete. In my mind, Brandon is a true hero.  
And if his behavior is any indication of the values he learned from both his parents and his school, you
truly are to be congratulated as well on your part in helping shape this remarkable young man.
Bruce R. Whitworth
California State University, Fresno
Dear Mr. McCurdy,
My name is Tom Bertellotti and I am a parent of a seven-year-old son who has autism. I read the story 
about Trevor Howe after hearing about it on the Dan Patrick Show today.    I wanted to tell you how 
much the storymeant to meand my wife. I would really like to thank not only yourself and the other 
coaches who were involved with this but also Brandon Teel, who wrestled against him. His actions will 
stay with Trevor for the rest of his life.  As a parent of a child with special needs, we need more people who 
exemplify what you obviously teach. Please continue being a champion for people who can't be a champion
for themselves. The reward you will get back will be greater than anything you can give them.   
Thanks again.
Tom Bertellotti
Fishers, IN
What a legacy you are leaving at KHS. In a world where “win at all costs” prevails, thank you for going 
the extra mile for Trevor. God smiled that day. 
God Bless.
Nancy Lyon
Kearney, NE
Dear Brandon,
I read the article in the World Herald last week on Trevor and yourself. What a great thing to do. Just 
when you think sports are headed in the wrong direction with the win at all costs attitude you show up. 
You have restored my faith in people and sports again.
Every parent hopes they raise their children right. It’s obvious your parents have done a good job. 
They have to be proud of you.  With your attitude and kindness, I’m sure you’ll be very successful in 
whatever you decide to do in life.
My only regret is I wasn’t there to see your match with Trevor personally.
Good luck with the rest of your wrestling season & God Bless you,
P.J. Jacobsen
Cozad, NE
Dear Brandon,
I read the enclosed article in the Omaha World Herald this morning and felt compelled to drop you a 
line to congratulate you on your generosity and compassion. We don’t hear enough of the good things 
that young people like you are doing.
We have a young gentleman in our church that has Down Syndrome. While Adam was going through 
confirmation program at our church, one of the duties of the confirmants was to acolyte at our services. 
It was heartwarming to see Adam working hard at what for others were simple tasks. And the smile after 
he was done was more fulfilling for us watching that no one could imagine.
I can only imagine the feeling that Trevor is still experiencing because of your kindness. Your 
thoughtfulness for this young man was a tremendous gesture. You should be proud; and don’t let anyone 
say otherwise.
I wrestled in high school too. I know the work and dedication that it takes to become proficient at the 
skills necessary and when you walk out on the mat- it’s you and only you against the opponent. To help 
this young man the way you did is way beyond the norm, Brandon. How do they say....What a guy!
Now, since I am a dad-I need to add those kinds of comments too. Not sure what future holds or your 
aspirations might be--but keep doing what you’re doing and things will be fine for you.
Congrats again and keep up the good work,
Ralph Furst
Bellevue, Nebraska
Dear Brandon Teel,
I read the story in the World-Herald and heard it on ESPN national radio. I just wanted to say what 
a wonderful thing you did for the image of our State’s high school athletics. All should commend your 
unselfish act. Kearney High School is lucky to have such a great leader and individual as you on the team.
Good Luck to you and the team on the rest of the season,
Dale Mundil 
Oakland, NE
What you did for young Trevor Howe was spectacular. You have earned what many fail to ever attain- 
a sense of  accomplishment. God does indeed work in mysterious ways and you proved that without a doubt. 
I only wish they had a medal for generosity of spirit and kindness because you certainly deserve it.  I’m 
sure your parents are proud of you and love you very much. It shows in what you did for Trevor and in all 
fairness for yourself. Much luck and many good wishes for all you will do in your life.
Ed & Gay Gruttemeyer
Ralston, NE
You do not know me, but my daughter has attended school with Trevor for the past six years. In fact, Kelsey 
befriended Trevor in elementary school and has acted as his guardian angel. The terms “class” and 
“compassion” do not adequately reflect your generosity meant to Trevor, his family, his teammates or his 
friends. You are a hero and a gentleman in the finest sense.
What you did for Trevor increased his self-esteem and confidence not only in wrestling, but in life itself. 
You deserve a great deal of recognition for your selfless act. Your family, your coaches, the Kearney and 
Lincoln communities, and everyone that reads the article knows you are a true champion. I wish you the very
best in the remainder of the wrestling season.
Trent Nowka
Lincoln, NE
Don't know you at all, but in 35 years of watching all kinds of sports, I have never seen a kinder, more 
selfless act. You get my vote for athlete of the year and state of Nebraska.
Don Ross
Chadron, NE
I read the article in the Omaha World Herald concerning the wrestling match between your team and 
the Lincoln East team. Being the mother of five sons who all wrestled in high school I was moved by the 
actions of everyone involved in this great act of love and generosity. I salute you and especially Brandon 
Teel. I also salute his parents who obviously have instilled great values in this young man. This truly is 
what Christmas is all about. Please pass my sentiments to all- Wrestling truly is great sport and great 
lessons to be learned by all who participate.
Congratulations to you and your team and the best of luck to you!
Mrs. Ken Arlt
Columbus, NE
Dear Brandon,
I thought you would like to see the article from our local newspaper.  You have my congratulations on 
what you did for Trevor Howe. As well as what it said about you as a wrestler.
As you get older you will see that these acts of courage and kindness are really the only things that 
matter in our lives. 
Best of luck in all you do in life. I have the feeling that you will be a great success! You get my vote 
for the Sportsman of the Year!
Mark Scherner- Captain 1970 Tiffin Colnert High School Wrestling School
I was emailed the article that appeared in the World Herald on 12/17/03. As an ex-college wrestler 
and now football coach at Brown, I was impressed with what I read. I commend you and your staff for 
the class you showed. Please extend this note to the boys in your program. Especially Brandon Teel, 
what a great kid. I would be proud as a coach to have him in a program. Good luck the rest of the way.
Paul Frisone - Assistant Football Coach
Brown University
Providence, RI
I was Trevor’s first and second grade teacher. I wanted to send you a note, to let you know how great 
it was for you to sacrifice your match for Trevor.  My husband, an OLD wrestler, commented, “ Teel’s 
loss in that match maybe one of his greatest person gains.” I sure hope that holds true for you.  Trevor 
has always had a special gift for teaching others what is really important in life.  I told his mom when he
was little, “we learn more from Trevor about giving and unconditional love, than he ever learned 
anything from us.”  
Thanks for knowing what is important and for having such a big heart, Brandon!  May your holidays 
be blessed with joy and happiness!
Renee Lyons Stephnson
Rintle Elementary School
I want to add my applause to what you did with the Lincoln kid that took guts!! I know that you have 
“fire in your belly” or you wouldn't be wrestling for Coach McCann. Coach McCann and I go back quite 
a ways, and he is the same herd of fanatic that I was, I think.  You will remember this match always. 
It was one of the best!
Wes Sumpter
Hello Brandon,
My family attends St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. A few weeks ago, our 
Senior Pastor- Wayne Alloway was giving the sermon. He spoke of a remarkable wonderful thing you 
did for a Lincoln East student, he also read what the paper had to say. My family is proud of you! I’m sure 
yours is also. What a “heart” you have.
Wishing you a wonderful future....
Mark, Rhonda, Nicole & Ashley Manske
Lincoln, NE
Dear Brandon,
The article about your wrestling match with Trevor Howe from yesterday’s Omaha World-Herald found 
its way to one of our wrestling web sites here in Tennessee. As the proud father of a high school wrestler 
(also a senior) and the proud brother or a severely and profoundly retarded individual, I was moved to 
tears by you selfless (and kind) act of compassion. You are a hero in my book!! Should you ever find 
yourself in the Nashville area, please know you have a friend. I’d be privileged to offer you a meal or a 
bed for a night. 
Best wishes for the holidays,
Henry Ross
Brentwood, Tennessee
Dear Brandon,
I heard of your match against Lincoln East’s Trevor Howe during a morning radio show. There were 
bashing professional athletes and their “hotdog” antics, and ended with a story of your match. I don’t 
know if you faced any teasing, or ridicule from teammates.  Working with high school boys myself, I 
imagine there was at least some sort of ribbing. In the same manner I know often we (me included) 
make fun of others for so many a varied reason.  Be it in the past, present or future, I would like to 
believe at the right time.  You have proven your character is one of the highest levels.
I am an assistant high school baseball coach and we push our team every year to compete for a state 
championship, and usually are in the final four if not the final eight.  It is a great accomplishment as
a coach, to be able to help lead young men to such an event, and an experience that very few ever have, 
more or less to be able to present when they win (I have been a part of two state champs in the past 
4 years). I am sure you have state title aspirations, and rightly should.  This morning, as I heard of your 
match, I tried to think if I knew of any of our players that would act similarly. And to think if we coach 
in such a way that would allow and encourage them to display such character.  Honestly I don’t know 
the answer, I bet your coach did not either, be assured you have encouraged me to strive for that height.  
I also tried to put myself in your singlet, or actually try to project you 20, 30, 40 years ahead. After 
college, when you are established in your profession, possibly with your own son wrestling, you may be
able to brag about a high school state title.  But Brandon, for the rest of your life, you know you 
sacrificed yourself for a fellow man, for the better good. Few people ever get that chance, and fewer 
yet do the right thing.
Brandon, I wish you great success in your wrestling career and know you have a great coach to give 
you an environment in which to learn, grow, and incorporate life’s lessons into athletics.  Also, be sure to 
let your patents know, that you know, that they have done a terrific job to instill such values and develop 
and remarkable young man.
David Herig
To the Kearney High School Wrestling Team
Coaches Tom McCann & Dennis Miller
I am writing in regard to the moving experience that happened with Brandon Teel and Trevor Howe at 
our meet last week.  Since the meet, Kearney Public Schools has received unprecedented positive 
responses from the press, parents and the public from across the United States.  I am so proud of the 
entire KPS wrestling team and coaching staff for representing Kearney Public Schools with dignity 
and respect.
One letter we received states, “This act was outstanding by anyone, let alone a high school student.” 
It is sad that the press doesn’t cover the thousands of incredible stories that happen with our high 
school students each year. Like Brandon Teel and the KPS wrestling team, our Kearney High School 
students deserve long overdue respect and recognition form the general public.
Brandon Teel, Trevor Howe and the Wrestling Teams of KHS and Lincoln East have motivated so 
many people to appreciate life a little more, to accept our differences a little more, and to realize 
what true heroes are all about.
With best regards,
Kenneth E. Anderson, Superintendent
Dear Brandon,
My husband and I shed a few tears when we read about you and Trevor's story in the Omaha World 
Herald.  We thought it was so cool what you did with Trevor.  See, we were going to have a child with 
Downs syndrome and we were really worried how people would treat him as he got older.  When I hear 
about kids like you, I know he would have had some neat pals. Unfortunately, our son died from 
complications he suffered at birth.  Every time, however, that we see a Downs syndrome kid, we try 
to go out of our way to do something thoughtful like we would have wanted people to do for our son.  
So, when we read about what you did in your wrestling match with Trevor, we just wanted to give you 
a big hug!!!!
Keep being such a thoughtful person.  You will make a difference in a lot of people's lives.  You
already did for Trevor and for us.  Keep being such a great young man!!!
Lori and Chris Mathsen
As a parent of a child with Down syndrome, Daniel who is 5 years old, I would like to say Thank 
You to Coach Tom McCann, Assistant Coach Dennis Miller, and a special Thank You to Brandon 
Teel for the kindness, compassion, and thoughtfulness that was shown to Trevor Howe.
It was an act of kindness for Kearney to agree to the match with Trevor in the first place. But 
for Brandon to decide to extend that kindness and let Trevor pin him and win a match really showed 
a maturity and thoughtfulness beyond his years.
Some people might read this article and think that this match was a fake and wasn't a real wrestling 
match, but as Brandon stated- he could tell than Trevor was trying his hardest during the match, and 
wouldn't it be great to let Trevor have a win and have a success.  Outstanding by anyone, let alone a
high school student.
I hope that when my son is older and if he decides to participate in a team sport, that there is a Brandon 
Teel, a Coach Tom McCann, and an Assistant Coach Dennis Miller who see the potential, the ability, 
and have the kindness to allow Daniel the opportunity to wrestle like everyone else and to maybe, be a 
winner for a match.
Mary Mc Hale
Omaha, NE
My name is Sam Canova and I live in Omaha,  I can only imagine how busy
you are with the Holiday break fast approaching but I felt compelled to
send you a e-mail in reference to this mornings article in the Omaha
World Herald about your wrestling program at Kearney High.
Just a quick background on myself, I work for Hyatt Hotels & Resorts as
the Associate Director of Sales, I'm a 31 year old father of one (Anna
Rose).  My wife Kerri and I were blessed to have this wonderful person
brought into our lives March 20, 2001.  We were also blessed to have our
child come into this world completely healthy.
Each morning I grab the paper off the driveway and come to work, take a
few minutes and read the sports section first thing, looking to see if
we have any news on a new Head Coach, who is in first place in their
division in the NFL and so on.
However this morning when I opened up the sports section on the front
page was a wonderful article in regards to your Coach and his team at
Kearney High School.
First and foremost I want to commend you and your entire staff on your
abilities to influence our young adults each day.  Unless you’re an
educator I don't think that most people understand how difficult of a
job it is however I can see that not only have you and your staff done a
wonderful job but also the parents of one of your students, Brandon
People like the Teels only reconfirm the values of the fine state of
Nebraska and make me proud to call them my neighbors.
Not knowing Brandon but only reading this article makes me feel good
about our future.  A selfless act of kindness for another human being.
Brandon took a whole family under his arm and gave them a gift that will
never be forgotten.
In my eyes Trevor has received a gift that he will always be known for.
He will walk the halls of Lincoln High for the next 4 years and his
legacy of that one wrestling meet will always follow him.  Making this
young man stand out for all of the right reasons instead of the obvious
Brandon is that special kid that you would want your own kids to hang
out with, be-friend and associate with.  It's so easy to become a
calloused person but he is the breath of fresh-air that we need.
I know that this is not much but I wanted to make sure and let you know
that Brandon and his coaches have touched my family and showed just what
being a good person can do.
Thanks again for your continued commitment to our youth and the
commitment of your staff.
Happy Holidays!
Sam Canova
I often hear complaints about the moral decay of our world and the
violence that seems to have become an everyday occurrence. I don't 
believe it's a fair assessment because 1) we are more aware of 
events because we hear about it instantly; 2) there are over 1 trillion 
more people in the world and over 150 million more in the US compared 
to those "good old days".
However, I know for a fact that in the "good old days" a Down's Syndrome
child would never have been allowed to enter a wrestling competition 
(except perhaps in a "freak show") and likely the child was never 
allowed in public at all.
What a wondeful story!



January 27, 2004


Dear Brandon,


By now, I am sure that a lot of the attention from your wrestling match with

Trevor has calmed down.  I just felt the need to inform you that what you did

That day will me a part of my 6th grade lesson on disabilities/Down’s Syndrome

for a very long time.  Coincidentally, your wonderful example was timed

perfectly so that I could incorporate it into my lesson for this year.  It was a

powerful example of compassion and caring and unselfishness, and it made an

impact on our classes.  Your name has even become an action verb as in “Have

you teeled anyone today?” meaning have you exhibited compassion/caring

toward another person.  Or, it’s a noun as in “have you done a teel today?”

You seem like a remarkable young man, and I’m sur you will continue to

Inspire many more people in the course of your life. 


Good luck to you-



Mary Ann Colasacco

Counselor, Dundee Elementary

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