History and Fame


Wrestling has a fascinating history with deep roots in virtually every major culture on the planet. Evidence found throughout the world indicates that wrestling is without question the oldest sport ever practiced. Cave drawings and carvings located in France dating back fifteen thousand years show evidence of an early form of competitive wrestling.


Wrestling was later popular in Greek and Egyptian culture, and is prevalent in the architecture of many temples and tombs. Match results are recorded in Japan dating back to the year 22 BC. Wrestling was also a common element of Native American culture prior to the arrival of European settlers.


Although even the most accomplished wrestlers receive little if any public notoriety, quite a few famous people began their lifetime of achievement on the wrestling mat. A stroll through the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater Oklahoma offers the surprising discovery that many historical and current day prominent people were once wrestlers. A partial list includes:


U.S. Presidents

George Washington, Zachary Taylor, William Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, and Chester A. Arthur.


Several well-known Congressmen, Senators, and other Statesmen and Military leaders including General Norman Schwarzkoph and Denny Hassert.


Several Scientists including Benjamin Franklin and Nobel prize winner Dr. Norman Borlaug.


Several well known actors including Tom Cruise, Tony Danza, Kirk Douglas and Robin Williams.


And quite a few other prominent people including a long list of CEO’s and presidents of major corporations.


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