Miss Fishman's Fourth Grade Classroom
Homework Assignments
Social Studies
Welcome to our exciting Class!
Language Arts
We are doing a lot in...
News in our class:
Email Miss Fishman with questions or concerns!
Bunnicula Mobiles: We finished working in small groups to create mobiles for the book, Bunnicula.  The objects that hang on the mobile have clues written on them to help us answer the question- Is Bunnicula a vampire?  If we think he is a vampire, the clues support why he is one and if we think he is not a vampire, the clues support why he is not a vampire.  Stop in our classroom to see the excellent work we did that is hanging on the ceiling!
No more Letters Home?  When your child has Secular Studies in the morning they make a weekly online newsletter instead! 
Historical Fiction Build a Book Report is due Friday!
Happy Last Week of School!  I have had a wonderful time working with you and your children this year.  I wish you an enjoyable summer.
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