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He closed the door at once and groped for others. He found a door on future-time and peered through it. No blue life-threads raced into the future here, only his own, which bent violently aside hgheldsdorfheide web.de beyond the door to disappear at right-angles to Harry's viewpoint.
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Moments later, after the Red Monster had given her mouth-to-mouth, she rolled over. Sea water ran from her mouth in a torrent. Someone came over and put a baseball cap on her head to keep off the sun.
Her security hgheldsdorfheide troops were all still at Archimedes, waiting for her signal to board ballistic rockets that would loft them across the airless Mare Imbnum and land them at the secret base within minutes Rickie stayed at Archimedes Jo was offering herself as bait to trap Hsen, and she hgheldsdorfheide did not want Rickie to be involved in more violence So she left him behind, surrounded by dozens of security men and women, as safe as he could be in a world where private armies and mercenary commandos worked at the behest of giant multinational corporations She was certain that Vie hgheldsdorfheide Tomasso was on his way to the base, leading an assault force for Hsen Maybe Hsen himself would come to Delphi base No, she told herself, that would be too much to hope for Tomasso would be there That's enough For now Briefly she wondered if it was smart to go to Delphi herself, to web.de dangle herself as bait for the trap she wanted to spring on her enemies There's no other way, she concluded Hsen cant pass up the opportunity to get at me Whether he suspects a trap or not hell send Vie to Delphi to take me She smiled to herself Besides, I want to web.de be there to see the bastard's face for myself The battle between her and Hsen was coming down to its final moves There was hgheldsdorfheide web.de no room in the solar system now for the two of them Either he dies or I do, Jo told herself And hgheldsdorfheide web.de he knows that It's gone beyond a corporate power struggle, beyond the battle to control most of the world's wealth and power It's a web.de personal war between the two of us A vendetta Turning those thoughts over and over in her mind, Jo rode in the plushly furnished, wmdowless van web.de toward Delphi base How Nunzio would have been shocked to see a woman involved in a vendetta Women were not supposed to fight They could hgheldsdorfheide goad their men to fury, they could nourish the generations-long hatreds that set grandson against grandson, they could recite with bitter tears who murdered whom, but hgheldsdorfheide they were not expected to do the actual fighting They stayed at home while the men slaughtered each other, tending to the wounded, keening dirges web.de at the funerals, nursing the acid poison of vengeance all their lives Nunzio was dead, though Murdered Like Cathy Killed without mercy or reason because Hsen wants web.de my power and Keith's abilities Is Keith dead too She shook her head Probably not I just hope he keeps out of the web.de picture until Ive finished with Hsen I dont want him trying to make me forgive the murdering bastard She closed her eyes and said to herself, Stay web.de out of my way, Keith Dont try to stop my revenge If you force me to choose between you and Cathy, itll destroy everything weve had together hgheldsdorfheide As soon as their spacecraft landed, a new team of security people replaced the burlap hood over Stoner's head with a sophisticated black blindfold and a pair web.de of soundproof earphones Stoner had a brief glimpse of the interior of a spaceport hangar and the solemn faces of strangers clustered around him and web.de then the blindfold cut off all light from his eyes Blind and deaf, he was led to another vehicle, strong hands guiding him web.de and then half-boosting him up a ladder and through a low hatch Someone checked the handcuffs that still pinned his wrists behind his back, apparently satisfied hgheldsdorfheide web.de that they were tight enough, the person pushed Stoner down onto a seat and fastened a safety harness across his lap and shoulders Stoner knew they hgheldsdorfheide web.de were on the Moon He recognized the gentle lunar gravity, and his star brother immediately helped him compensate his Earth-trained muscles to the web.de lower pull Then he felt the push of acceleration, like a rocket liftoff but much softer, almost ethereal Before he could take a breath the acceleration hgheldsdorfheide web.de died away and he felt weightless as the rocket craft soared across the airless lunar surface His physical senses cut off, Stoner probed hgheldsdorfheide with his mind to find out who else was in the rocket vehicle and where they were heading He sensed fanos and Ilona, but hgheldsdorfheide web.de they were the only ones among the eighteen people aboard whom he recognized The others were all men, all strangers, except He felt the tingle of hgheldsdorfheide web.de discovery the same sensation he had felt at his birthday party The same man was aboard this rocket, the traitor from Jo's headquarters Stoner concentrated on hgheldsdorfheide his mind and found that Vie Tomasso knew where they were going and why They were heading for Delphi base, out in the bleak and empty hgheldsdorfheide web.de Mare Imbnum where he and Jo were constructing the starship Jo was already on her way there and they meant to trap her there Why are they taking me there?
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