Legacy Project

At the end of every school year the Agriculture Education Department puts on an Ag Banquet for the students, faculty, parents, and local community members and FFA supporters. This is a highlighted event for the FFA members who have succeeded in stock shows, LDE and CDE’s, along with a myriad of other accomplishments.  It is an opportunity for the outsiders to have more of an idea of what goes on throughout the program other than stock shows. The banquet gives the students a chance to socialize with supporters along with enjoying each others’ company. 

Every year there is a dinner provided, and in the past the Agriculture Department has purchased placemats for the guests to eat on.  The bought placemats have represented the National FFA and have pictures on them. This year, I decided instead of eating on bought placemats with pictures of student no one knew, I wanted to make placemats with pictures of the students we know so well. 

I chose a variety of pictures that represented the students in and out of the classroom.  I chose pictures of students working in the shop and in the greenhouse, along with officer pictures, stock shows, and official dress activities.  We invited hundreds of guest to attend the event, and needed a large number of mats made for the big night.  I chose over 75 different pictures to use on the different mats, but ordered about 1200 pictures. I needed to make at least 300 placemats for attending guests. I ordered 350 sheets of 9’’x12” dark blue construction paper and 350 sheets of 8 ˝ “x11” golden yellow construction paper.  I chose colors closest to the National FFA colors.  I tacked a white sheet of paper with New Caney FFA and the FFA emblem onto the yellow paper and then the yellow onto the blue.  Once everything was glued, I added a variety of pictures to each placemat.  After everything was in place I laminated all the placemats to make a more durable and longer lasting mat.  They all turned out great, and instead of keeping them around all the students wanted to take them home.

I enjoyed doing this project because it gave me the opportunity to give something back to the school and the people that have done so much for me.  All though this was an unusual Legacy Project chosen, it was something they wanted, and I hope the FFA department will be able to use them for many years to come.


Getting the materials ready


Gluing the construction paper


25 down, only 275 more to go!!         


LOTS & LOTS of pictures!!!            

Finished product!!

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