I Want Four Weeks
Page 14: "I Want Four Weeks..."

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T�a: Another chance?
Todd: Yeah.
T�a: I gave you another chance, and another, and another...and..
Todd: No, sh..sh..wait. You see, this is why we need some wait and see time. Look, we can't say anything to each other without setting each other off.
T�a (to Nora): Tell him to speak for himself.
Todd: Oh yeah, you know, she's stressed, it's obvious. I'm stressed.

Todd: Yeah, because people keep butting in, or things happen, like I get put away for rape, or there's a reverand to run to everytime there's a little problem instead of discussing things with me!
T�a: You don't discuss things Todd, you throw things!

Todd: Yeah, I yell and I scream, when somebody walks out the door and slams it on me, I yell and I scream! (turns to Sam) She's always putting doors between us, or ministers, or lawyers, look at us, we're communicating through people that we pay by the hour through the nose, now why can't you and I just talk!?!

Sam: STOP IT! Calm down, thank you very much. Now, this is what you pay lawyers for. I will admit that my client may have pressed a few buttons.
Nora: He's an expert at that.
Sam: Yes, well fine. The fact is, is that it is apparent to me that these 2 people care about each other. You don't hurt each other, you CAN'T hurt each other, unless you care. So I suggest that you listen to his proposal.

Todd: I want four weeks. That's all, just four weeks, try and get back to some of the good stuff.
T�a: What good stuff?

Todd: Hey, we had fun. We did that on the weekend, you know? Did that jigsaw puzzle? Okay, so we didn't do the puzzle but we turned all the pieces right side up. And sometimes, ya know I get back from work and we'll have a little Dry Sac, ya know? Discuss the day.

T�a: That was all a pathetic performance.
Todd: Yeah, but I worked hard on that pathetic performance. T�a, you know, we work good together, you helped save my paper, and I appreciate that, and we've always been good with Starr.

Sam: Alright, just hold on, calm down. How 'bout a deal?
Nora: A deal? Alright, I'm listening.
Sam: A deal. Let's let Todd and T�a take some time together and see whether or not their marriage is worth salvaging. If at the end of that time, T�a still wants a divorce, she gets it... uncontested.

Todd: What are you talking about, I never said that!

I Want Four Weeks, Page 15

TnT Love Story in Pictures

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