I Want Four Weeks
Page 3: "I Want...A Divorce"

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T�a: I need a lawyer.
Nora: T�a Delgado has a legal matter that she can't handle herself?
T�a: I want...a divorce.

Nora: Ah. well I'm amazed the marriage lasted this long, I must say, given the circumstances but I can't handle your divorce.

T�a: Antonio's case was a long time ago.
Nora: I am long over you fulching my client. I just ...I just don't trust you, or Todd for that matter. My goodness I'm all too familiar with Todd and his temperament and I do not want to get in the line of fire again.

Nora: T�a, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound harsh. I just...please don't okay?
T�a: Believe me, I wouldn't if I could help it. Of all the people in the world, and there are lots of them, I don't wanna cry in front of you.

Nora: Well there's the T�a Delgado that I know.
T�a: Really? I don't know who I am. I don't know who I am or how I got trapped in this mess...this maze...this trap I'm in.

Nora: A good lawyer can handle this T�a!
T�a: I'm scared Nora! I'm scared, I am scared! I need to get out of this situation please! You don't need time to be caught up on things!

Nora: T�a, let me ask you something. For someone who is in such a rush to get out of this marriage, why did you stay in it for so long?

I Want Four Weeks, Page 4

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