I Want Four Weeks
Page 5: "I'll Try..."

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Sam: Now, I will block this divorce alright? But assuming that you want some semblance of a marriage when this is all over, let's talk about the major obstacle here.
Todd: Yeah, her.
Sam: You.
Todd: Me?
Sam: You.
Todd: Ha!

Sam: You are the one who takes her for granted, you are the one who treats her badly. You, my friend, are the one who's not having sex with her, okay? And you are the one who's making her a very convenient target for all this repressed rage you've got that's got absolutely nothing to do with her or your relationship.
Todd: So what are you now, you my shrink or my lawyer?

Sam: I am your friend, and I've been through a lot with you. Look, when you had enough of that man who called himself your father and decided to take it into your own hands and almost kill him, I got you off. I knew you well enough to understand exactly why you did it and I got you off. I got you through that. And I will get you through this, but its gotta be the same deal pal. You gotta be cool, alright? You gotta trust me, and you gotta play it smart.

Sam: What does she want in the marriage?
Todd: What I couldn't give her. Everything that you just said, only the opposite.

Sam: So can you turn it around? Alright, do you think you can...you can change? Do you think you can give it to her because there's not much sense in blocking this divorce if you can't get her back.
Todd: I'll try.
Sam: Good. You need a shrink.

Todd: No I do not need a shrink!
Sam: You are one angry guy.
Todd: Yeah, I'm an angry guy. I'm very very angry. You know what makes me really angry? When people tell me how angry I am.

Sam: Exactly my point. Well do it. Cuz anger is toxic, it's a poison, and it'll kill ya, or somebody else.

I Want Four Weeks, Page 6

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