The Assisted Suicide Scenes
Page 4: "Come Home to Me..."

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T�a: WHERE did this paranoia about the Buchanans COME from?
Todd: I'm not paranoid. They're all out to get me.

Todd: They're trying to shut me up!! And they'll ALL do whatever it takes to accomplish that.
T�a: Including your sister?
Todd: Oh, VIKI??? Oh, they bought Viki off al long time ago, now they're trying to buy YOU.
T�a: NO ONE buys me.
Todd: I bought you, five million dollars.
T�a: I don't have to listen to this.

Todd: They finally found the right price, huh? Give you a high profile case, they keep you working for Bo long enough so they can find some other sucker they can pin this rap on.
T�a: Since WHEN did you care about 'POOR SUCKERS' being stuck with a bum rap?
Todd: Aaaahhh, it's all this compassion crap you keep spouting, now it's rubbed off on me!

Todd: Tea, listen. FORGET about 'em...look, just...just walk away from all this, NOW, while you still can. Come home to me...please.
T�a: How many times Todd?

T�a: You threw me the snow...and I came proposed to me on bended knee and then avoided me for WEEKS, and I stuck BY you...

T�a: I wanted a job, you lost your temper---you told me to LEAVE, then you tried to blackmail me into returning...and NOW you want me to BLINDLY trot home can I? How can I and keep any self respect that I have? Look, it may have taken me a while, but I think that I have finally succeeded in learning a lesson...the only person who can MAKE me leave you, YOU... congratulations. Because you've FINALLY succeeded.

Todd: Wait, don't get it, I...Tea, I don't WANT you to go. I love you.
T�a: I can't take any more of your kind of love. It HURTS me. It's abusive.
Todd: I never laid a hand on you.

T�a: Don't I know it. That's the worst kind of abuse. You won't touch me, you won't hold me, you won't make love to me. It makes me feel like a crazed stupid dog looking for a crumb instead of a kick! Well, you did learn from a master, your father.

Todd: HEY! I am NOTHING like my father!
T�a: I can't have this argument. I gotta leave...with whatever SHREDS of dignity I still have left...before I no longer have the strength to leave for Starr's sake. I hope that you learn something from this.

Todd: No, you are not walking out on me---you are NOT walking out on me!!

The Assisted Suicide Scenes, Page 5

TnT Love Story in Pictures
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