I Love You Téa
Page 1: "I Love You Téa"

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Todd: Well...what a surprise. Well what do you want?
Téa: I want what I'm entitled to. My divorce. And I want it now.

Todd: Because I want you around Téa.
Téa: For what purpose? Sport? Your attitude towards me is at best benign contempt.
Todd: Yeah, but you gotta compare that to how I treat everybody else.

Téa: Todd, for months I've tried to create an opportunity for something real to happen between us but no matter what I did you put up wall after wall. You made it very clear that nothing could ever happen. When I wouldn't accept that, you threw me out.
Todd: Naked...snowstorm...I remember.

Téa: Yeah, yeah it was a nice touch. So what is this huh? Why do you want to hang onto me now?
Todd: Well I don't know you're the one who always has all the answers Téa.

Téa: Lemme see, do you want me around to run interference with Blair so she doesn't wind up with Starr? Well I'm not gonna be there anymore, divorce or no divorce. You got your message across.

Téa: I gave it my best shot...and YOU won! Ahhhh...is that it? You see all this as some kind of game? Are we still playing?

Todd: Delgado...I don't know why you make everything so complicated. Look I want you to stay because I want you to stay, I don't want you to go anywhere...that's all!

Todd: I love you Téa.

Téa (shocked): Oh....no...no...no you don't...no.
Todd: Fine, you know what, I only said that cause I thought that's what you wanted to hear.

Téa: Not now and not like this.
Todd: Well then like how?
Téa (still shocked and confused): It will not work...you will not get me to change my mind. You go to Hell Todd Manning!

TnT Love Story in Pictures
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