The Chipmunk Adventure
80s rock and a balloon race across the globe? We're there!
Probably G or PG rated
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For those of you who don't know, the Chipmunks started as a series of records in the 60s created by changing the pitch of people singing. It was popular enough to spawn a TV show in the 60s and another one in the 80s with a decisedly new style. This is the one I grew up with. It was a very 80s show with lots of rock music and wild antics. This movie centers around a rivalry between the chipmunks and their female counterparts, the Chippetes. Keep in mind if you aren't familliar with the chipmonks that this movie really isn't that furry. The Chipmunks and Chippettes are the only non human characters here. It's quite strange but it won't bother you once you begin watching.
Whoever wrote this movie must have been a fan of around the world in 80 days because this movie is all about a balloon race inspired by the same book, but the race it more than it seems and the 2 rich people holding the race have a hidden agenda. Yes, they will have to fight off strange men who try to halt their race. You'll have to watch the movie to find out why.
They will also have to deal with unrully natives, cobras, crocodiles, and many other dangers and preform an occasional song ranging from current at the time 80s rock to older classics like Wolly Bully. So will either of them win the race and get their $100,000 prize money? Probably not but watch anyway if you manage to get ahold of this strange little gem. But not all songs in the movie seem appropriote. You'll see what I mean when Brittney is singing to those cobras. She's way to young to be singing THAT.
You might find the dotty Miss Miller amusing even if you don't like the rest of the movie.
The Chipmunks:
Alvin: The wild one.
Simon: The smart sensible one
Theodore: The sweet chubby one

The Chippetes:
Brittney: Female equivalent of Alvin
Ginet: Female equivalent of Sion
Eleanore: Female equivalent of Theadore

Dave: Adoptive father of the Chipmunks. He's on a business trip to Europe at the moment.

Clause and Claudia: Just a very rich and bored brother and sister helping some chipmunks settle dispute over who could win a race around the world...or are they?
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